With My Profound Love, I Offer to the Years

Chapter 19: Shen Nian and Lu Lingrui should always be Together

Chapter 19

"Nian jie, there is a DIY shop on the upstairs floor of this shopping mall. There are many things that can be made inside, such as cups, bottles, bowls and plates. You can also DIY phone cases, money boxes, texture paintings, etc. Anyway there are lots of options! Shall we go take a look?"

"Sure." After all today was meant for going out and having fun.

The fifth floor of the shopping mall did indeed have a particularly large DIY shop. When the two of them went, there were already many customers inside, all busily making their own little crafts.

"Here are some options of things our shop can make, take a look and pick one?" The shop assistant handed a small booklet to Shen Nian.

Shen Nian opened the booklet and seriously flipped through a few pages, then pointed to one and asked the shop assistant: "What is this?"

The shop assistant took a look, and replied: "This is DIY mini clay figurines, which can also be DIY models. The material used is super sticky clay. When it's soft you can pinch it into shapes, and once it dries and hardens over a few days it becomes very sturdy and won't break unless intentionally damaged."

Seeing that Shen Nian was interested in the mini clay figurines, the shop assistant went on: "You can make small ones, a bit smaller than the size of your palm. There will be a wooden stick at the bottom to support it, so you can hold them. Once completed you can take them away immediately."

Jiang Lingling next to them thought it didn't seem bad. She looked towards Shen Nian: "Nian jie, shall we make these then?"

Shen Nian nodded.

After paying, the shop assistant brought them over to some empty seats. On the tables next to them were all kinds of colored clays and decorations.

Following the steps, Shen Nian carefully pinched the clay, first kneading them into little spheres before shaping them according to her desired look. She broke off a small section of toothpick to fix to the bottom, then made small hands and feet.

She worked very meticulously, and soon the basic shape of a super cartoonish figurine emerged.

Shen Nian added on little clothes and shoes, used acrylic paints to lightly sketch facial expressions, then hair...

While Jiang Lingling was still fretting over why she couldn't make something as nice, she glanced over and saw Shen Nian was already working on the hair.

"Nian jie, yours is so beautiful!" Jiang Lingling couldn't help but praise.

Jiang Lingling wasn't exaggerating. What Shen Nian made really was exceptionally exquisite, like those specially handmade for sale. So cute and tiny, Shen Nian even used acrylic paints to add an adorable expression to its little face.

Shen Nian just smiled without replying much, and continued busying herself.

Jiang Lingling looked at her own, then back at Shen Nian's. Feeling a little discouraged she said: "How come mine doesn't look as nice as yours, Nian jie."

"It's nothing much." Shen Nian smiled. "Because I'm an arts student, so I have a bit of an advantage."

"So Nian jie is an arts student! Then your family must be very rich."

It was common knowledge that art supplies were expensive consumables. Without adequate finances it would be hard to pursue arts studies.

"...Shen Nian's motions paused briefly before resuming naturally. She replied: "Perhaps in the past. But my parents passed away in a car crash when I was in 10th grade. I've been living alone ever since."

Actually she didn't even like art that much, it was only because... Lu Lingrui liked it.

Lu Lingrui's wish before she passed away was to be admitted into the art faculty at A University.

"...I'm sorry, that was thoughtless of me." Jiang Lingling fell silent, not having known of this.

"It's nothing." Shen Nian gave a faint smile. "It's been many years, I'm no longer sad over it."

After all she had grown accustomed to being alone all these years.

Jiang Lingling kept silent, as she secretly sized Shen Nian up.

She looked really beautiful when focused.

Jiang Lingling had always known Shen Nian was good-looking, but only realized today that she was much prettier than she had imagined.

From this angle Jiang Lingling could see her side profile. Shen Nian had a small face, an exquisite melon seed shape. Her eyes weren't big or small, just the right size. Her nose bridge wasn't highly prominent, but at an appropriate height for her facial contours. Her thin lips were like peach blossoms blooming in spring, with a faint pink flush.

Today she had light makeup on, not concealing her natural beauty, only adding some colors.

She held a brush in her hand, meticulously outlining the doll's clothes bit by bit.

It was meant to be a beautiful scene, yet Jiang Lingling noticed her shapely eyebrows slightly knitted together. There was some sadness in those gorgeous eyes fixed on the doll she was working on.

Glancing down, Shen Nian was sketching flower petals on the doll's clothes, and using yellow acrylic paints to depict pistils...

When engrossed in tasks Shen Nian would immerse herself in her own world, oblivious of her surroundings as she earnestly focused.

Having completed the final stroke, Shen Nian grasped the bamboo stick of the figurine and gazed at the exquisite chibi doll, finally breaking into a smile.

The clay was still wet, any pressure could leave imprints. Shen Nian merely used her fingertips to lightly poke its little cheek.

Only after finishing did she look to the side.

Jiang Lingling had also made a doll. Though lacking Shen Nian's finesse she had tried hard.

A white dress, high ponytail, then drawing facial expressions on the face.

Not until Jiang Lingling completed did Shen Nian speak. "Is this doll modeled after me?"

Because the doll Jiang Lingling made had the same high ponytail and white dress as her, even the sunflower necklace on the neck was replicated in detail. Practically Shen Nian's epitome.

"Mm." Jiang Lingling nodded a little embarrassed as she smiled bashfully. "But I didn't manage to capture Nian jie's beauty in my rendering."

"It looks great."



Jiang Lingling abruptly felt somewhat coy. Just as Shen Nian was about to ask what's wrong, Jiang Lingling held out her "Little Shen Nian" to her.


"Nian jie, this is a small gift I made for you." Feeling a little shy, Jiang Lingling said: "Ever since I joined the company you've provided me help and guidance. I'm really grateful. I made this hoping you'll like it."

Though it couldn't compare with Nian jie's workmanship, she really did try her best.

Looking at the "Little Shen Nian" in her grasp, the corners of Shen Nian's lips quirked into an increasingly wide smile.

"I really like it." She told Jiang Lingling.

"Truly?" Jiang Lingling's eyes shone brightly.

"Truly." Shen Nian said. "Thank you."

Jiang Lingling felt even more embarrassed now. "I'm glad if you like it."

Having drunk a large cup of fruit tea, then sitting for so long, Jiang Lingling went to the bathroom first while Shen Nian waited at the seats.

As Shen Nian looked at the two dolls in her hands she thought of something. Flipping them over, she selected a colored brush and first wrote a tiny "Nian" character on Little Shen Nian's dress, before inscribing "Rui" on the other doll she had made herself.

Nian and Rui. Shen Nian and Lu Lingrui.

Putting both dolls together in close proximity, now it resembled them snuggling affectionately.

Shen Nian smiled blissfully at this sight.

"Shen Nian and Lu Lingrui will always be together."

[I'm a tad stuck on the storyline. I'll organize my plot outline tomorrow and add another 2,000 words. Update tomorrow thank you!]

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