With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 163 God Of Magic (2)

After stepping through the door, the space around them quickly changed.

Gone was the large hall that they had just been in and it was replaced with a quiet little study…Well to call it little was a bit of an exaggeration.

It was certainly little when it came to the surface area that it took, but when Lin Fan looked up, he found that he couldn't see the roof of this room. The bookshelves on the walls also went right up into the sky and Lin Fan couldn't see the tops of them either.

Sitting in the center of the room was the sloppily dressed man who was currently sitting on a luxurious armchair. In front of him were piles of books, as well as two different chairs.

The sloppily dressed man was currently reading a book and he didn't even notice when the two of them came in, but the way that he was just sitting there made it clear that he wanted them to take a seat in front of him.

Lin Fan looked around himself to make sure that there was nothing dangerous before walking forward to sit down in one of the chairs.

Rokuko was still excited since this was her first time having a private meeting with her creator. She would have already exploded with words if it wasn't for the look that Lin Fan gave her to be quiet.

But still, there was no hiding the excitement that was in her eyes.

After they sat down, the sloppily dressed man finally looked up from his book.

He completely ignored Rokuko as his eyes fell onto Lin Fan.

Without saying a single thing, he just continued staring at Lin Fan in silence. However, Lin Fan felt the pressure that came from his gaze.

It was as if he wanted to see right through Lin Fan with his gaze, as if he wanted to tear him piece by piece to see the very parts of him that made him tick. This feeling was almost as if he was a sample under a microscope that was currently being analyzed.

This pressure made him unable to say a single thing.

This pressure was so strong that even the naive Rokuko knew better than to say anything. But she couldn't help looking at Lin Fan with a concerned look.

After a long period of silence, the sloppily dressed man finally said, "You probably don't know who I am, so let me introduce myself. I am the god of magic, Weiss."

Rokuko revealed a shocked look when she heard this since she didn't know anything about this, but Lin Fan just only slightly knitted his brows.

As he had expected, this sloppily dressed man was indeed a god. After all, as far as he knew, only gods were able to create systems like the dungeon system.

The only thing that he really didn't understand and wanted to know was why…

Why had this god of magic created this dungeon system?

But it wasn't as if he could just directly ask the god of magic this. Not to mention that there was also the mystery of the dungeon master system as well…

But what Lin Fan didn't expect was that Weiss took the initiative to answer this second question.

Weiss continued by saying, "But you probably already knew that I was a god based on your reaction. That isn't strange at all since you have the dungeon master system." His tone suddenly changed as he asked, "So how is this world, otherworlder?"

Lin Fan immediately tightly knitted his brows and was about to pull out his weapon, but before he could, he felt something restricting his arms. He looked down to find that iron clamps had come out of the arms of the chair he was sitting on and had completely trapped his arms in place.

He turned to Rokuko to find that she was in the same situation as him. She had her arms trapped by the chair just like him and she had a look of panic on her face as she turned to him for help.

But Lin Fan couldn't do anything.

No matter how hard he tried to break through the bindings on his hands, he just couldn't break through them.

So he had no choice but to sit there and look at Weiss with a hostile look as he asked, "What do you want?"

Weiss just revealed a careless smile and said with a shrug, "I just want to talk, would you believe that?"

Lin Fan gave a cold laugh at this and said, "Is this really how you invite someone to talk?"

Weiss once again gave a shrug before saying, "It's not as if you were going to believe me. Unless I did something like this, you wouldn't have listened to me in the first place."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then what do you want to talk about?"

Weiss narrowed his eyes to look at Lin Fan before saying, "I'm just curious about what an otherworlder is like. It's not as if I'm planning on doing anything to you since it's not my first time seeing an otherworlder."

This time, Lin Fan couldn't help being surprised as he asked, "You're saying that you've seen other otherworlders before?"

Weiss gave a shrug and said, "Aren't there other dungeon masters before you?"

Lin Fan once again revealed a shocked look when he heard this.

He did indeed know that there were other dungeon masters that had come before him, but he never thought that they would be transmigrators just like him.

Lin Fan couldn't help narrowing his eyes to look at Weiss as he asked, "Did you summon them to this world?"

Weiss gave a shrug again before saying, "I don't even know about your world, how could I summon someone from there? They were just people who received the dungeon master system that I created on a whim by accident. As for how they got it, I have no idea."

Then Weiss revealed an excited look as he said, "But those people were filled with creativity just like you. They took skills that everyone deemed useless and turned them into powerful skills that no one could resist. I really couldn't help admiring all the crazy ideas that they came up with."

As Weiss fell into his memories, Lin Fan also couldn't help falling into his thoughts.

Now that he had learned that there were other otherworlders that came before him, he couldn't take help wondering how they got here.

Could it be that the God of Earth had also sent them here or could it be that there was someone from this world that was summoning them?

If there was someone in this world that was summoning them, just what was their goal?

Weiss was the first one to recover as he pulled himself out of his memories and he looked at Lin Fan to ask, "I want to know, where did you come from? Did you come from Japan just like the previous otherworlders?"

"Japan?" Lin Fan couldn't help repeating.

Weiss once again revealed an excited look as he said, "That's right, Japan! Land of the samurais and the way of the Bushido! The land of Mount Fuji and large castles! The place of magic known as Akihabara!"

Lin Fan couldn't stop three black lines from appearing on his forehead…

But even if he felt this way, he also felt that this made sense.

After all, magic based worlds like this were more common in Japanese isekai novels than Chinese reincarnation novels. So it made more sense that the otherworlders the god of magic met were from Japan.

Faced with Weiss' excited look, Lin Fan slowly said, "I'm not from Japan, I'm from China."

"Chai Nah? What is that?" Weiss asked with a confused look.

So Lin Fan gave a quick and short explanation about the concept of countries on Earth to Weiss.

Weiss gave a nod of understanding at the end and said, "So it's like the different human kingdoms on our continent."

Lin Fan gave a nod in response since this was indeed the best example that could be used to explain this.

Weiss didn't really care that much about it as he asked, "Do you have something called manga in your China?"

,m Lin Fan was once again surprised when he heard this. Instead of answering the question, he couldn't help asking, "How long ago did the last dungeon master come to this world?"

Weiss was confused why Lin Fan was asking this, but he still replied, "It's been around a thousand years or so."

Lin Fan then couldn't help asking, "Then how did they know about manga? Things like manga didn't even exist a thousand years ago on Earth." Then after thinking about it, he realized that there was just more than this that was off about this statement.

Samurais and Mount Fuji did indeed exist in the tenth to eleventh century, but Akihabara definitely didn't exist in that time period!

So how did Weiss know about all of this if the last otherworlder came a thousand years ago?

Weiss just said in a curious voice, "The one that came before told me that he came from Japan during the beginning of the Reiwa Era."

"Reiwa Era…" Lin Fan repeated to himself, feeling that this sounded quite familiar…

That was right, the Reiwa Era should have started in 2019! That was when the new emperor of Japan had just ascended to the throne!

But Lin Fan himself came from Earth in 2022!

Only three years had passed by on Earth, so why had a thousand years passed by in this world?

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