With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 184 Cave Of Madness (5)

After seeing this, Lin Fan turned his head away since he wanted to turn away from the truth.

If it was able to thank him in its last moments, could it have been possible to save it?

Did he just make a mistake deciding that there was nothing else that he could do?

But as these thoughts passed through his mind, Lin Fan shook his head to throw them away. He couldn't let himself think these thoughts right now or he would be weighed down by them.

The only thing that he could do was continue forward on the path that he had already chosen.

Since the creature had been taken care of, Lin Fan turned to leave the cave.

The ice wall that had blocked off the entrance collapsed and he was about to walk out, but then he suddenly heard something.

It was the sound of bones falling to the ground again.

Lin Fan immediately raised his guard and turned in the direction that the sound came from, but he was surprised by what he saw.

Instead of another large creature like the one that he had just faced, there were two smaller creatures that made their way out of the pile.

They looked completely different from the creature from before, but Lin Fan's Appraisal Eyes told him that these two were the same as the creature from before. These two were also chimeras that had been formed when a spirit beast's bloodline was injected into them.

However, that wasn't what shocked and disgusted Lin Fan.

It was when he read the names that were written there that he was completely shocked and disgusted.

Yes, he also recognized these names.

When he had been going through the list, what attracted him to Zhou Wu's name was the fact that it had come in a group. Zhou Wu's entire family had been kidnapped along with him, which had surprised him since normally most of the people that had been kidnapped were people that had gone off alone.

The names that he saw when he used the Appraisal Eyes on these two smaller creatures were the names of Zhou Wu's children that had also been kidnapped…

If he remembered correctly, these two should have only been five and seven years old…

As this thought passed through his mind, Lin Fan couldn't help cursing out, "F*cking pieces of sh*t!"

The actions of the one behind this really pissed him off and disgusted him. After all, these people didn't even spare young children like this and had turned them into chimeras.

He couldn't even begin to imagine what kind of torture they had suffered during the process. Nor could he even begin to imagine how he would be able to save them from this.

After thinking for a bit, he wasn't even sure that he wanted to do so…

After all, when young children experience this kind of traumatic experience, they might never recover from it. Even if they were saved from this by some miracle, it was unlikely that they would ever be able to return to their lives from before.

As more and more of these thoughts passed through his mind, his breathing couldn't help becoming faster and faster. It was as if he was suffering from a panic attack as he lost control of his breathing and his heart beat faster and faster.

But this only lasted a few seconds before there was a calming sensation that came from deep inside of him.

His chaotic thoughts immediately stabilized and his breathing and heartbeat returned to normal. In his eyes, there was a firm look of determination that slowly appeared as he turned to look at the two small creatures.

These two small creatures didn't attack as aggressively as the larger one, but rather, they just cautiously looked at him. However, that wasn't because they didn't have the same aggressive nature as the larger one, but because they were much weaker.

They felt a larger pressure when facing Lin Fan, so even the little bit of intelligence that they had allowed them to understand that they couldn't face him no matter what.

They understood that the only thing that they could do now was run, but would they be able to run?

After his mind calmed and he had made his decision, Lin Fan started moving forward towards those two little creatures that had made their way down from the pile of bones and had been cautiously making their way around him towards the entrance. However, when these two little creatures saw him coming towards them, they immediately started moving back.

One side moving forward and one side moving back until there was no room for them to move any further.

The two creatures continued to back away from Lin Fan until they were trapped up against the wall. They just looked up at him with threatening looks, but there wasn't anything that they could do against him.

Lin Fan raised his hand to create another ice sword covered in flames.

He looked down at the two creatures that didn't even reach his waist and said, "I'm sorry."

With one flick of his hand, the sword of ice flew out and in one swift slash, it cut through the necks of both of these little creatures.

As he had expected, right before they took their last breaths, they looked up at him and mouthed, "Thank you."

Lin Fan closed his eyes when he saw this as he couldn't look at them any longer.

He didn't know why, but for some reason, he had felt that he had failed these people…

After a moment of silence, Lin Fan suddenly stomped his foot, creating a large hole in the ground. But even then, he didn't stop as he continued stomping the ground, making the hole bigger while he cursed out, "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Sons of b*tches!"

Since coming to this world, this was his first time feeling this much disgust and anger, but he didn't know where to vent it. All he could do was continue stomping the ground and cursing out at an unknown enemy, trying to do all he could to get rid of this stuffy feeling in his heart.

After stomping his foot for several minutes and creating several holes in this cave, he finally came to a stop. Lin Fan just stood there panting as he tried to catch his breath from all the venting that he had just done.

After taking one final deep breath, Lin Fan turned back to the two little creatures and closed their eyes for them before walking out of the cave.

The moment that he came out, Xiao Huo and the others quickly came over to see how he was.

When they saw that his clothes were covered in blood, they couldn't help revealing shocked looks and they quickly started going around him trying to see what was wrong.

Normally Lin Fan would shake his head and laugh at this, but he really wasn't in the mood, so he said in a low voice, "I'm fine, it's not my blood."

"Not your blood?" The three of them repeated as they looked at him with surprised looks before letting out sighs of relief.

But after they calmed down, they couldn't help realizing that something was off. So Xiao Huo asked, "Big brother Lin, what happened in there?"

Lin Fan didn't say anything in response. Instead, he turned around to head back into the cave and waved his hand for them to follow.

The three kids looked at each other with confused looks, but they still chose to follow Lin Fan in the end.

However, the moment that they actually entered the cave, they couldn't help stumbling back as they covered their noses. The stench of blood and rotten flesh in the air was just too strong that it even made them want to throw up.

Lin Fan realized that he had forgotten about this. He had been in the cave so long that he had adapted to the stench that was here and with everything that had happened, he had completely forgotten that the stench was even there.

So all he could do was slowly wait for the kids to adapt to the stench before moving forward.

Of course, it didn't take long since they had experience as mercenaries with this kind of stuff. They quickly took out some clothes and poured some water on them before covering their faces with them.

When they came to the main part of the cave, they couldn't help being shocked by the sheer number of corpses that were here. If they had to guess, there would probably be enough to found an entire village here.

But Lin Fan directed them away from the human corpses and brought them to the corpses of the three creatures.

The kids couldn't help being surprised once again when they saw the creatures.

Xiao Huo turned to Lin Fan and hesitantly asked, "Big brother Lin, is this the target?"

Lin Fan nodded before saying, "Look at it closely and tell me what you see?"

All three of them once again looked at each other with confused looks, but they still listened to Lin Fan and took a closer look at the corpses of the creatures.

They couldn't see anything at first, but when they looked more closely, they found…

These corpses were strangely like human corpses, only with a few spirit beast parts.

As they looked at them longer and longer, they couldn't stop the slow look of realization from appearing on their faces. At the same time, their eyes filled with disgust, horror, and anger.

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