With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 200 Clear Water Pond

When Lin Fan opened his eyes, he couldn't help coughing up a large mouthful of blood.

After coughing up the mouthful of blood, he couldn't help letting out a long sigh of relief.

The confrontation just now had been too close and he had almost died…If he didn't have the system, he might have really died.

Well, he actually did die for a few seconds there, but the item that he bought was able to bring him back to life before he permanently died. And more accurately speaking, it wasn't his system that had saved him, but rather the Dungeon Master System.

At the very last second, Lin Fan had spent most of their remaining DP on a special item that he had found a while ago. This was a pill that would heal all of his fatal wounds after a delay.

Of course, there were pills that would be able to heal his fatal wounds right away, but…they were too expensive for him with his current supply of DP…

He could only afford this pill that had this delayed effect since this flaw decreased the amount of DP that it cost.

Still, the delay of the effects also helped him with hiding the fact that he was alive. Because he had been dead for that short period, the Foundation Realm guard had judged that he was dead and didn't chase after him.

Otherwise, he would have really been in trouble.

After taking a few moments to take stock of his current situation, Lin Fan turned his attention to the bunch of messages that had been bothering him in the corner of his eyes.

Since Lin Fan had registered for the dungeon core forum, he was able to contact Rokuko with it even if they were far away from each other.

So when she saw that a lot of their DP suddenly went missing, she was naturally worried. As soon as she saw the DPs disappearing, she remembered something that Lin Fan had mentioned before, she couldn't help messaging him.

After all, the item that Lin Fan had mentioned before was an item that would be used to save his life when it was in danger.

The fact that all these DPs suddenly disappeared must mean that…

Lin Fan opened up the messages and seeing how they became more and more illiterate, he couldn't help feeling a warm feeling in his heart. After all, the fact that these messages were getting worse and worse was clearly because Rokuko had become more and more distressed.

She was getting so worried that she couldn't even type properly anymore.

Lin Fan quickly sent her a message telling her that he was fine, but that he wasn't in a position to talk right now before turning back to his current situation.

His current situation was that although it wasn't hard for him to leave this place with the moles, he wasn't sure that he would be able to leave this place undetected. He wasn't certain where Master Feng and the Foundation Realm guard was, so if he were to leave this place, it was very likely that he would bump into them as they left.

If he was caught then, there was no chance for him to survive.

So the only thing that he could do now was look around his surroundings and find a place to hide out until he was sure it was safe to leave.

The surviving part wasn't a real problem since he had the Pet Storage Space and his Storage Ring which were filled with supplies. But to be fair, only he would be like this since most people wouldn't stuff their Storage Rings with survival items, but rather their most precious items.

The only thing that he had to worry about was if there were dangerous beasts around him.

So the first thing that he had to do was scout out the surrounding area.

But before he could do that, Lin Fan suddenly sensed something that caught him off guard.

Looking around himself, Lin Fan muttered under his breath, "What is this strange feeling?"

He thought about ignoring it, but for some reason, he wasn't able to ignore it. So he closed his eyes and released his spiritual senses to check the area around him.

After a few seconds, he suddenly opened his eyes which were filled with shock.

He could tell that there was an abundance of spiritual energy in the air and this spiritual energy had a strange flow to it. It was almost as if there was something gathering it at a certain point…

But what that thing was that was gathering it, he didn't know.

So following the flow of the spiritual energy, he released Greeny's puppets and started searching the area for the source of this strange flow of spiritual energy. However, as the puppets searched the area, they found something even stranger.

There wasn't a single living being in this area at all.

It wasn't just that there were no beasts here, but rather there were no insects or other small creatures that lived in the ground. It was almost as if there was something in this area that completely kept out all living beings…

But if that was the case, why was Lin Fan able to fall down here?

Why didn't whatever stopped other living beings stop him from falling down here?

With this thought in mind, Lin Fan followed the flow of spiritual energy until he came to an open space.

There was nothing in this space at all other than a single pool that was right in the center of the space.

Lin Fan looked around, but he wasn't able to find a single thing off with this space. It was almost as if it had been completely scrubbed clean of anything that would give him a sign as to what this space was.

So with no other choice, Lin Fan turned to the pool in the center.

When he looked closely at the pond, he found that there was indeed something strange about it. It was the source of the strange spiritual energy flow that he felt in the air.

It was as if there was something in the pond that was drawing in a large amount of spiritual energy from the surrounding area. As it drew the spiritual energy in, it forced the spiritual energy to flow in a spiral manner until it reached the center of the pool and dropped to the bottom.

Lin Fan couldn't see through the water clearly, but he could tell that there was something powerful at the bottom.

But before that, he used his Appraisal Eyes to see if he could see anything.

Clear Water Pond:

A special pond that was created with the power of the Clear Water Bead. It contains a large amount of spiritual energy.

For a pond that was called the Clear Water Pond, the water of that pond wasn't actually that clear. There was a sort of milky substance that floated inside of the pond that obscured Lin Fan's view of the bottom.

However, he didn't care since the longer he looked at the pond, the more he understood just what this milky substance was.

It was condensed spiritual energy!

It wasn't just normal spiritual energy, it was spiritual energy that had been condensed to the point that it took the form of a substance!

It had to be known that even the condensed spiritual energy of high grade cultivators wouldn't take form like this. Only super condensed spiritual energy would do something like this.

Lin Fan couldn't even begin to imagine just how much spiritual energy was contained in this pond for this phenomenon to happen…

However, this was just what he needed right now.

He raised his hand and there was a pill that appeared in it.

This was a Foundation Building Pill that he had received from Mu Bao Bao when he had reached the Ninth Qi Gathering Realm.

As the name of the pill implied, this was a pill that would help a cultivator break through to the Foundation Realm. But of course, there was a downside to this pill.

It required a large amount of spiritual energy for the person that used it to break through.

That was because when using the pill to break through, one didn't have the same epiphany that one would normally have when they broke through with their own understanding. That meant that there wasn't the burst of spiritual energy that came with making this epiphany.

In a sense, using the pill to break through was like using a shortcut, so one had to provide their own energy to make this shortcut work.

If they couldn't provide enough energy, then the breakthrough would fail and there would be a backlash like any normal failed breakthrough attempt. That was why Lin Fan hadn't used this pill up to this point.

However, now that he had the large amount of spiritual energy from this Clear Water Pond, it was a completely different story.

This would be his chance to break through to the Foundation Realm.

But as he thought about this, he couldn't help revealing a bitter smile.

It was his bad luck at work once again…

Every time he encountered something like this, it was all because of his bad luck.

This time, the price had almost been his life. If it wasn't for the system that saved his life, even if he had found this place, he would have been a corpse that wouldn't have been able to reap the benefits.

But almost exchanging his life just for the chance to break through…He just didn't feel that it was worth it!

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