With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 224 A Rift

A few days passed after the incident and Brilliant Light City's government had been completely reorganized.

At the top of that new government was the He and Yin Families.

One would think that they would fight over the position of the City Lord, but in the end, they allowed one of their shared relatives to take that position.

There was a marriage alliance between the two families and there were many generations of relationships between them, so it would take more than just the City Lord position to break up the bond between these two families.

The central government naturally also sent an inquisitor to investigate the situation, but after revealing the experiments that the Yong Family and the Mercenary Guild had performed, this matter was quickly suppressed.

It was announced that the Yong Family had been fermenting insurrection and that the He and Yin Families were heroes that put down this rebellion.

As their reward, they were granted control over Brilliant Light City and their ranks would be raised.

Of course, they weren't raised to the rank of duke since that was only reserved for families that had served the Mu Empire since it had come into formation. Both of the family heads were raised to the second highest level of marquis just under duke for their contributions.

From that day forth, the five dukes of the Mu Empire had become the four dukes.

But what no one knew was that behind all of this…was Xiahou Dun.

Or as Lin Fan knew him, the owner of the bar and the leader of the Flying Feather Organization.

He was the one that had supplied the He and Yin Families with the information that had allowed them to take down the Yong Family.

He had also worked with the He and Yin Families to supply them with much of the information during their fight that allowed them to gain the advantage in the fight.

To reward him for this, they had placed members of the Flying Feather Organization in high ranking positions in Brilliant Light City, as well as giving Xiahou Dun an honorary position that didn't have many responsibilities in the government.

It could be said that the Flying Feather Organization had greatly moved up in the world, no longer just being a free information organization, but one that had ties with the government that opened plenty of routes for them.

Of course, Lin Fan didn't know any of this.

When he had learned about this later on, he couldn't help feeling betrayed by the owner of the bar.

It was clear that the owner of the bar had used him to take down the Yong Family and Ming Ze, using him to raise his own position and putting in people that he could control into the place that the Yong Family had once been in.

When Lin Fan questioned the owner of the bar, the owner of the bar replied, "If you depose the tyrant, who will take the empty throne?"

Lin Fan just narrowed his eyes to look at the owner of the bar without saying anything.

The owner of the bar met his gaze for a few seconds before saying with a sigh, "If we place someone that we can control in the empty seat, at least we can control what happens. But if we leave the throne empty, then it will create even more chaos. You can understand that at least, right?"

Lin Fan said in a calm voice, "We control? Or you control?"

The owner of the bar revealed an awkward look when he heard this, but he didn't explain himself as he said, "I still consider you a friend."

Lin Fan gave a nod before turning to leave without saying a thing.

The owner of the bar just gave a sigh, but he didn't chase after him or say anything else.

Even if his feelings had been sincere, it was clear that there was a rift that had been created in their relationship. It was impossible for this rift to ever be fixed and they would never go back to the same relationship they had before.

At the very least, their relationship hadn't turned sour yet which was enough for the owner of the bar.

He had already expected this when he had contacted the He and Yin Families, so this was already good enough for him.

After Lin Fan left the bar, he headed to the Mercenary Guild.

Tian Xue had reported the misdeeds of Ming Ze to the Mercenary Guild and the Mercenary Guild had worked with the Mu Empire's government to cover up Ming Ze's involvement in this.

As far as the public was concerned, the Mercenary Guild was never involved in the human experimentation matter.

All of the facilities had been quickly destroyed and all evidence had been seized by the Mu Empire's government. However, before reporting them in, Lin Fan and Tian Xue had also made sure to sneak into the research facility to take some of the material for themselves.

While he had been disgusted with their human experimentation, there were things that he was interested in.

For example, their technology.

It was clear that they had technology that far surpassed the current level of technology in this cultivation realm, so he wanted to find the source of this.

He had grabbed all the information that he could before leaving that research facility.

To his surprise though, Tian Xue didn't take any of that information for the Mercenary Guild. She just gave it all to him and acted like she didn't see him take anything.

To be fair though, Tian Xue had been acting differently in general after that fight.

It was hard to describe it, but it was as if she was much more gentle and affectionate compared to before. She wasn't as rough as when Lin Fan had first met her…

At the same time, Lin Fan had also seen notifications that her affection had increased.

It was almost at the level where he could tame her…

There was too much for him to read now and he wanted to head back to the dungeon town, so Lin Fan put most of the research material into his Pet Storage Space. He would read it once he was back at the dungeon town.

The other thing that Lin Fan had to take care of was the promise that he had made to the fragment of Ming Ze's soul.

Since Tian Xue was from the Mercenary Guild, it was easier for her to handle it and Lin Fan asked her for this favour.

While Tian Xue was confused why Lin Fan wanted to help Ming Ze's little sister, she still helped him get her away.

After all, Ming Ze was one of the main instigators of the incident, so of course his little sister wouldn't escape scrutiny. However, Tian Xue had used her authority and influence to take Ming Ze's little sister away.

At the same time, she also used her influence to shield Ming Ze's little sister so no one would cause any trouble with her.

After her part in the incident, her position in the Mercenary Guild had risen by quite a bit, so no one dared to go against her over this small matter.

When Lin Fan met Ming Ze's little sister, he was surprised by how mature she was.

He didn't even need to say anything before she said, "My brother is dead, isn't he?"

Lin Fan was in a daze for a few seconds before giving a nod.

He could hear the way that she had said this. Even if he were to hide this fact, she would still know in her heart.

The best thing he could do was tell her so that she could move on.

Ming Ze's little sister gave a nod in response before asking, "So are you my brother's enemy or my brother's friend?"

Lin Fan was once again taken aback when he heard this.

After all, one wouldn't normally assume that the person that saved them would be their enemy.

Lin Fan however still answered truthfully by saying, "Your brother's enemy."

Ming Ze's little sister looked at him with her deep eyes for a long time before saying, "So you killed him, but you received something from my brother before he died and now you want to repay that favour through me? Is that about right?"

Lin Fan couldn't help feeling even more surprised when he heard this.

He had thought that he had seen how smart this little girl was, but it seemed like he had underestimated her intelligence.

With just a few clues, she had been able to see through everything.

So all he could do was give a nod after being dazed for a few seconds.

Ming Ze's little sister finally revealed a smile on her emotionless face as she looked at Lin Fan and said with a nod, "Alright, I finally understand what the situation is." Then she said with the same emotionless expression, "Tell me, why should I go with you?"

Lin Fan trembled when he heard this.

He knew that she wasn't unaware of her body's own condition since she could feel it. She should know that if she didn't go with him, the only ending left for her was…death.

But the way that she had asked him for a reason, it was so calm…

It was almost as if she had already accepted her own death…

Lin Fan still couldn't help saying, "You'll die if you don't."

Ming Ze's little sister just gave a shrug and said, "All people die. If I die, it'll just be my time. Nothing more, nothing less."

Lin Fan couldn't help being shocked once again by her.

The way that she said these words, it was as if she really believed this.

He couldn't believe that such a young girl had already accepted death this easily.

Based on the records that he had received from Tian Xue, this was a girl who was just thirteen years old. Yet this girl who was only thirteen was already prepared to die if she didn't receive a reason to live.

Just what kind of experiences did she have before this that prepared her for this?

Lin Fan was silent for a few minutes before finally asking, "What do you want?"

Ming Ze's little sister revealed a smile again as she said, "It seems like you understand what I mean. That makes this much easier."

She had been sitting in bed, but after saying this, she struggled to bring herself out of bed and moved her face in front of Lin Fan's.

Lin Fan reached his hand out to help her, but she ignored all of that as she brought herself right in front of him.

With that same smile, she said, "Make me your woman."

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