With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 228 Senior Brother

The next morning, all of the girls came down with sore waists, but Lin Fan had a refreshed look on his face.

Ming Xin glared at Lin Fan across the table and pouted her lips.

She tried talking to Duanmu Yi who she felt was her only ally here, but unfortunately Duanmu Yi ignored her since she felt that Ming Xin was a threat.

Duanmu Ming Yue just brought everyone's breakfast with a smile as if nothing was wrong.

Though when she had heard all the moans, it had been a bit hard for her.

So she had taken the chance to head to Duanmu Yi's room to teach her a few things about how to serve Lin Fan in the future…

Lin Fan didn't mind all of this because he didn't stay long. He had some work in the dungeon today, so he rushed off as soon as he finished off his breakfast.

He had just started some renovations in the dungeon, but they were just beginning and they needed him there to supervise. So he would be busy for the entire day even though he had just come back.

But when he came out for lunch, he found that Yue Lan had something for him.

During lunch, Yue Lan, to Lin Fan's surprise, came back to the manor to eat.

Normally she would be so busy with her duties that she wouldn't have time to come back to eat. She was so busy that she wouldn't even have time to come back to sleep if she didn't insist on coming back to sleep here.

While they were eating, Yue Lan called Lin Fan to talk alone in his study which surprised him even more. Of course, he had no reason not to talk to her since he knew that she wouldn't call him unless it was something important.

As it turned out, it was indeed something important.

"This is a report from my subordinates in Fair White City." Yue Lan opened up with this.

Lin Fan was confused why she would show him this report, but he immediately understood as soon as he read it.

This report wasn't about the branch store in Fair White City, but rather about a rumour that they had heard in the city.

The rumour was about the Love Sect.

Ever since Lin Fan became Mu Bao Bao's disciple and a part of the Love Sect, he had asked Yue Lan to keep an ear open about the Love Sect in the various cities that they started branch stores in.

Mu Bao Bao had been able to survive and while she didn't know if anyone else had survived, that didn't mean that there were no survivors.

There could have been others that had survived the sect being destroyed just like her, so he decided to look just in case.

He felt that this was the right thing for him to do as part of the Love Sect and what he should do for Mu Bao Bao.

Of course, he had kept this a secret just in case it didn't bring up any clues since he didn't want to disappoint Mu Bao Bao after everything that she had experienced. Even now, he didn't plan on bringing this up to Mu Bao Bao just in case it turned out to be nothing.

Before he told Mu Bao Bao about this, he wanted to investigate these rumours to ensure that they were true.

So after reading through the report, Lin Fan said, "Have someone check out the area where these rumours are coming from and see if you can find the person claiming to be from the Love Sect. If you can, then try to get as much information as you can from them and then keep them there. I'll confirm it with master and then we'll go down and see if it is someone from the Love Sect."

Yue Lan gave a nod in response to this and headed off to send off the orders.

Lin Fan read over the report again before giving a sigh.

He didn't know why, but he couldn't help feeling a bad premonition when he read through this report.

It took another week for Yue Lan to come back with another report from Fair White City.

This time, there were plenty of details about the rumours because they had been able to find the person that the rumours were about.

This person was going around the underbelly of Fair White City and had been asking about the Love Sect with the various information dealers. Of course, since the sect had been destroyed, the information dealers hadn't been able to give him any information.

At the same time, there were many of them that could already guess that this person was related to the Love Sect, which was why he was asking about it. So they had been planning on selling this information to people who would be interested in this information.

But Yue Lan's subordinates had picked up on this and had taken care of this matter.

It was a good thing that the survivor from the Love Sect had only been going to small information dealers, so it was easy for Yue Lan's subordinates to take care of them. They made sure that these information dealers wouldn't be able to sell any information to anyone by using a borrowed blade to cut them down.

As for the survivor, they had also gotten his information.

This survivor's name was Han Fu Rong and they knew exactly where he lived.

Yue Lan's subordinates were also watching over his residence just in case he decided to leave Fair White City.

Now the only thing that Lin Fan needed to do was decide how to handle this person.

After thinking about it, Lin Fan decided to talk to Mu Bao Bao about this.

This wasn't a false hope, but actually someone from the Love Sect, so he was sure that she would be happy.

But when she saw who it was, she couldn't help revealing a difficult look.

Lin Fan felt that something was off, so he asked, "What's wrong? Is this person not from the Love Sect?"

Mu Bao Bao shook her head and said, "No, it's not that he's not from the Love Sect, it's just that this person…has a bad reputation. He was someone that my master, uncle masters, and senior brothers didn't allow me to socialize with, so I don't really know that much about him."

Lin Fan couldn't help knitting his brows when he heard this as he started regretting telling Mu Bao Bao about this.

She could see the look on his face, so she said, "Even if he isn't a good person, he is someone that knows what happened when the Love Sect was destroyed…Perhaps he will know what happened to the other disciples of the Love Sect…"

Lin Fan didn't give a nod in response to this, all he did was look at her with a concerned look.

Mu Bao Bao understood where his concern was coming from, but she said, "It'll be fine, this senior brother Han has a low cultivation."

Lin Fan revealed a confused look as he asked, "Why does he have a low cultivation? Wasn't he a part of the Love Sect?"

Mu Bao Bao revealed an awkward look as she wondered if she should tell him. But after struggling for a bit, she still said, "This senior brother Han was only able to enter the sect because of a life saving favour that one of the elders owed his parents. So while senior brother Han was a part of the Love Sect, he was someone that didn't focus on his cultivation. He wasn't even able to reach the Foundation Realm even though he was the disciple of an elder. This was a very well known fact in the Love Sect."

Lin Fan couldn't help knitting his brows as he asked, "He didn't even reach the Foundation Realm and he was able to escape? Doesn't this seem too unlikely?"

Mu Bao Bao nodded before shaking her head, "No matter what it seems like, I still want to talk to him since he might know where the others went."

Lin Fan looked at the determined look in her eyes and after hesitating for a while, he gave a nod in the end. But then he added, "Before we meet him, I want to check out Fair White City first to make sure that this isn't a trap. After all, it could just be someone using his identity to draw in the remainder of the Love Sect."

Mu Bao Bao bit her lip, but she nodded in agreement in the end.

Lin Fan was the one who had even found her senior brother Han in the first place, so it only made sense that she trusted him. After all, they were master and disciple, which was a much closer bond than just a senior brother and a junior sister. Let alone a senior brother that she never had contact with before.

As well, there was the fact that they had already slept together…

In her heart, Mu Bao Bao was already thinking of herself as Lin Fan's woman without even knowing it…

Lin Fan nodded in response before saying, "We'll head to Fair White City in a few days, so you should get ready."

Mu Bao Bao revealed a surprised look when she heard this and she couldn't help asking, "Really?"

Lin Fan waved a finger and said, "Don't get too excited just yet. I want to go there to investigate this uncle master Han first. There are some things that we just can't do here, so we need to go personally and see him."

Mu Bao Bao just nodded along with his plan since she was already happy that he decided to bring her there.

With this, it was decided that they would head to Fair White City.

As for why they were going in a few days, that was because Lin Fan had to take care of a few things with the dungeon town before he left.

Even if the town was completely run by Yue Lan, there were still some things that he had to take care of.

These things had been overdue since he had taken that trip to Brilliant Light City, so this time he had to finish them before he could leave.

As well, there were some things with the dungeon that he had to take care of before he left since he had to make sure that the dungeon developed properly.

The dungeon was the core of this town and if it wasn't a proper dungeon, this town would fall apart very quickly.

So he had to make sure that everything was set before he could leave.

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