With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 248 Strange Token (2)

The minute that they heard this explosion, all of them drew their swords and raised their guards.

However, Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao quickly came out of the carriage and stopped them.

If a bunch of Qi Condensing Realm Cultivators like them were to go wild in his town, it was hard to imagine what kind of consequences would happen.

Lin Fan had stayed inside the entire time because he was dreading what was going to happen, but since it had already happened, he had no choice but to face it. However, it was much worse than he had expected it to be…

There were more than three times the number of people that had come out this time…

The moment that Lin Fan and Mu Bao Bao came out, they immediately started to cheer.

It was at that moment that the Qi Condensation Realm Cultivators realized that the explosion that they heard earlier was just firecrackers. All along the road were firecrackers that were being thrown and soon there were even fireworks lighting up the sky.

Though since it was daytime, all they could really see was the plumes of smoke that appeared in the air.

Lin Fan really wanted to dive into the ground when he saw all of this.

He had told Yue Lan not to prepare stuff like this…but it seemed like she clearly hadn't listened to him.

So the only thing that he could do was get this over with as quickly as possible…

Of course, it wasn't as if he could just speed through the town with Hi.

First off, it would be dangerous doing something like this. Second, it would hurt the reputation and morale of this town.

These people were doing this not only to have fun, but because they admired him. So if he were to ignore them because of his own embarrassment, that was equal to looking down on them and disrespecting them.

That would only hurt the development prospects of his town.

As the mayor of this town, this was definitely not something that he could do.

So the only thing he could do was bottle up this aggrievement for now and settle it with Yue Lan later…The best way was naturally to settle it at night when they were in bed!

But he soon realized that this scene was just the beginning of his embarrassment.

As he had Hi slowly move forward through the crowd, he noticed that there were several other people that also appeared beside his carriage.

These were Yue Lan's subordinates.

But not only that, each and every one of them was a beauty.

It was well known that all of the people working under Yue Lan were female and beautiful, but not a single person had ever succeeded in wooing any of them. They were all fiercely loyal to their jobs, to Yue Lan, and most importantly…to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was the only one that was unaware of this and thought that they were just loyal to Yue Lan.

With the appearance of these beauties walking along the carriage, the mood became even more festive.

Soon there were other things like dancing lions, floats, and all other kinds of things that would be seen in a parade that came up behind Lin Fan.

In fact, it was more appropriate to call this a parade than to call it a simple return home.

When Lin Fan saw all of this, he really wanted to dig a ten feet deep hole and bury himself in his shame…

He never thought that things would become this complicated whenever he returned…

If he were to ever go out in the future, would it eventually evolve to the point where it would become like a national holiday? Would it become as big as the once a year parade in China back on Earth?

He would want to dig himself to the center of the planet and burn away at the core if that really were to happen…

Luckily for him, it wasn't a long journey to go from the gate to his manor at the center of the town.

When he arrived, the crowd finally dispersed and Lin Fan was able to get some private time.

As they were heading in, all of the Love Sect Disciples couldn't help teasing Lin Fan about the parade back there. However, they were also filled with admiration towards Lin Fan since it was rare to see a town that loved its mayor so much that they celebrated when he returned.

When they entered the manor, all of the girls were already waiting there for him.

Without any hesitation, they ran over and jumped into his embrace.

Lin Fan felt a little embarrassed doing this in front of the others, but he couldn't just not accept their affection. So even if he was embarrassed, he took each one of them in his arms and gave them all kisses.

When the Love Sect disciples saw this, they couldn't help being shocked.

But what shocked them even more was that Mu Bao Bao didn't say anything about this and even seemed like she accepted this. They were shocked by just how well Mu Bao Bao got along with these girls.

Senior brother Ying and junior brother Fan couldn't help giving Lin Fan a thumbs up when they saw this which caused him to reveal a bitter smile.

After getting caught up in his emotions, they finally calmed down and realized that Lin Fan had also brought guests. This made them a bit embarrassed, but they quickly calmed down since they didn't feel like there was anything really embarrassing about showing their love for their man.

Lin Fan quickly introduced all of the Love Sect disciples.

During this time, Yue Lan and the other girls couldn't help asking Mu Bao Bao, "Are these two our new sisters?"

Mu Bao Bao shook her head and said, "Senior sister Yu is interested in senior brother Ying, but senior brother Ying is interested in senior sister Xi."

When they heard this, they couldn't help looking at the three of them with interested looks.

But it was funny that even Mu Bao Bao was able to recognize this even though senior brother Ying couldn't.

Even Lin Fan had recognized the crush that junior sister Yu had on senior brother Ying.

It was just too bad that senior brother Ying was just too…dense!

He was denser than a brick!

As for junior brother Fan, he knew that he was the last person that anyone was paying attention to, so he couldn't help revealing a bitter smile. But he knew that compared to the rest, he was considered a normal person, so it was normal for him to be treated this way.

But what surprised him was Ming Xin staring right at him.

His heart couldn't help skipping a beat when he saw this as he thought to himself, "Could it be that my popular phase is about to come?"

However, that was shattered instantly by her next words.

Ming Xin asked Lin Fan, "Are you sure that he's with them? Doesn't he seem a bit too average compared to the rest?"

Ming Xin was smart, but sometimes she was too smart for her own good.

She had thought that junior brother Fan was a spy that had been sent to infiltrate the Love Sect, which was why she started questioning him. After all, there were just too many things that were different about him compared to the other Love Sect disciples.

Lin Fan quickly shut her mouth and apologized to junior brother Fan, but junior brother Fan said, "It's fine, it's fine."

Of course, it wasn't fine as his heart had been battered to pieces.

After everyone got to know each other, Lin Fan left the Love Sect disciples to settle in as he pulled Yue Lan into a separate room alone.

Yue Lan was surprised to see Lin Fan being this direct, but she still followed him with a blush on her face.

When they entered his study, the first thing that she did was…start to take off her clothes.

Lin Fan who had just sat down revealed a look of shock as he asked, "What are you doing?"

When she heard this, Yue Lan's hands that had been undoing the buttons to her shirt couldn't help freezing and trembling. She looked up at Lin Fan with a confused look and said, "Didn't you call me in here because…"

She didn't finish her sentence, but where she left off made it very clear what she was thinking.

Lin Fan's chin dropped for a few seconds, but he quickly recovered and calmed himself with a cough before saying, "Eh, I wasn't thinking about that this time…I have something that I wanted to discuss with you alone."

Hearing this, Yue Lan couldn't help revealing a disappointed look.

She had been very happy that Lin Fan had decided to call her alone first. She had thought that it meant that her place in his heart was very special…But it turned out that it wasn't that way.

It turned out that it was just because of some business that he needed to take care of.

Seeing this disappointed look on her face, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling a hint of pain in his heart.

He had seen how much work Yue Lan put into the Royal Style business and he knew how much she had done for him. He couldn't be filled with more gratitude and love for her, so seeing her sad like this was the last thing that he wanted to see.

So without hesitation, he stood up and took her in his arms before saying, "I'll make it up to you tonight."

Yue Lan looked up at him and seeing his serious eyes, she gave a happy nod in agreement.

After staying like this for a few seconds, Lin Fan let her go and sat back down at the desk. At the same time, he gestured for her to sit down in front of him as well since he had something that he wanted to talk to her about.

Having her stand in front of him while he sat was not something that he was comfortable with.

After Yue Lan sat down, Lin Fan took out something and placed it on the table as he said, "I want you to use the full power of our network and investigate this for me."

Yue Lan was surprised since she had never heard this kind of request from Lin Fan before. Even if he wanted to search for something, it would normally be in a certain area and about something specific.

He had never used the full power of their network before.

Yue Lan couldn't help being curious about what would make Lin Fan do something like this.

She looked down at the item that Lin Fan had put on the table and saw that it was a jade token with a dragon carved on it.

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