With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 253 Information On The Token

After hearing the report from Rokuko, Lin Fan gave a nod and said, "It's taken care of."

Mu Bao Bao and the elders were surprised since it had been less than half an hour since Yong He had left this hall. They didn't even think that he would have enough time to leave the town yet.

So if Lin Fan had taken care of Yong He while he was still in town…

Lin Fan could see what they were thinking and explained, "He rushed out of the town and already left its vicinity before I took care of him."

Mu Bao Bao and the elders looked at each other before turning back and nodding in response. Without asking a thing, they all headed off to take care of their own business.

Mu Bao Bao stayed with Lin Fan, but she just stood there in silence since she had total faith in him.

As for how Lin Fan had taken care of Yong He, he had used the power of his dungeon.

In preparation for his other main mission, Lin Fan had been slowly expanding the dungeon to the land around the town. After all, he had been slowly subduing the villages around the town in preparation to turn this town into a dungeon city, so he had slowly gained more and more territory to expand into.

So even if Yong He had left the vicinity of the town, he was still in the range of the dungeon.

Lin Fan had quickly had Rokuko create a tunnel under Yong He that brought him all the way back to the town, bringing him to the main dungeon. Then he trapped him in one of the DP generating prisons.

Killing him was much too easy, so he was planning on making him suffer before he died.

After all, he had insulted Mu Bao Bao with his eyes, which touched his bottom line. If he couldn't protect his women, then he didn't deserve to be a man.

So Lin Fan would make sure to keep him alive as long as he could…

Lin Fan could guess why Mu Bao Bao had stayed with him, but he actually didn't have time to stay with her today. So he just patted her on the head and said, "Sorry, not today. How about tonight instead?"

Mu Bao Bao revealed a disappointed look, but she gave an understanding nod in the end.

That was because she knew where he was going after this.

Back in Fair White City, he had taken Xiao Ming as a disciple.

He had left her there with his people who had taken care of her problem with the gang asking for protection money.

It was actually very simple for them since they had quite the influence with the City Lord already. All it took was a well placed bribe for the City Lord to send a group of guards to capture these gangsters.

At the same time, he also took out the money to pay off Xiao Ming's debts. To his surprise, the amount wasn't as much as he thought. It was actually only a few dozen gold coins.

But that was only to a cultivator like him.

He had never actually spent any time as a mortal in this world, so he didn't really have an understanding of a mortal's sense of money. For a mortal, let alone one that was an orphan, gold coins were things that they would almost never see.

So that was why Xiao Ming had stayed with Lin Fan in the first place when he had offered her gold coins.

​ Problems that could be solved with money were always the best problems.

So after taking care of Xiao Ming's problems, he had his subordinates bring her and her brothers and sisters over to the dungeon town.

They had arrived yesterday and they had settled in today, so it was Lin Fan's turn to act like a master.

He was planning on bringing Xiao Ming out to the practice field to see how far she had gotten with her cultivation. At the same time, he wanted to test the abilities of her brothers and sisters to see if they had talent for cultivating.

Even if they didn't, he would still find something for them to do if they couldn't become a member of the Love Sect.

This was the least that he could do as Xiao Ming's master.

When he arrived at the practice field, he found that there was someone that he didn't expect waiting there for him.

Yue Lan was currently standing there with the kids, playing with the ones that surrounded her. To the side, there were a group of young boys that were currently being scolded by Xiao Ming.

Judging by the way that they held their heads, it was quite clear what kind of naughty things they had tried to do, but they had been caught.

Of course, this was just the playful nature of these little boys, so Lin Fan didn't take it to heart. He even gave a nod to Xiao Ming seeing her take responsibility and scold them on his behalf.

It seemed like he had picked up quite the responsible disciple.

What he didn't know was that it was Yue Lan who had smacked all the boys on the head when they had tried to do something to her.

Xiao Ming was actually just warning them not to try anything like this in the future since she had seen how terrifying Yue Lan's smile was.

The past Yue Lan might not have been able to do something like this, but after everything that Lin Fan gave her and the situation with her father, she had regained her confidence. She was now quite the terrifying person if she was ever provoked…

Not to mention all the plans that she had for Lin Fan when it came to the girls who worked for her business.

At this point, the Royal Style Store had spread to several dozen cities and each city had close to a hundred staff members who were all beautiful girls…

She had found it hard to satisfy Lin Fan before, but now…she had plenty of help…

It was just too bad for Lin Fan that he didn't know any of this.

After watching for a bit, Lin Fan still came over and asked Yue Lan, "What are you doing here? Did you finally get a day off?"

Yue Lan revealed a bitter smile and said, "How could I get a day off with all the work that I have?"

Lin Fan's smile turned awkward when he heard this because he knew that he was the reason why she had so much work. He was the ideas person and he left all of the groundwork to Yue Lan…so he was the one that was causing her to work so hard.

So he immediately lowered his head, but Yue Lan stopped him by saying, "I'm not blaming you. I enjoy doing all of this, which is why I do it. I just like complaining from time to time."

Lin Fan thought about a well known fact in his past life.

Sometimes, girls just wanted to complain and all he had to do was listen. If he tried to help, he would just make it worse.

So he quickly gave a nod and waited for her to keep speaking.

Yue Lan smiled when she saw this.

As far as she knew, this was something that was rarely seen. After all, this was a male dominated society, so men normally suppressed women and didn't allow them to complain.

They would just tell women to do their jobs and stop complaining and the women just had to take it.

Someone who actually listened and sympathized with her like Lin Fan did really was rare, so she was happy that the one that she met was him.

Yue Lan then said, "I actually came here on some business. Can we talk on the side?"

Lin Fan was surprised, but he quickly gave a nod since he knew that anything that required Yue Lan to personally take action had to be something important.

He had the kids play around on the practice field and left Xiao Ming to take care of them before heading off to the building on the side.

This was the management office of the practice field and currently it was empty because Lin Fan had booked this entire field.

When they came in, both of them sat down first before Yue Lan took out a report for Lin Fan. Lin Fan looked at her with a raised brow of confusion, but seeing that she didn't say a single thing, he took the report and started reading.

As he read through the report, his brows knit more and more.

Finally, when he finished, he looked up at Yue Lan with a serious look and asked, "Is this correct? Are you certain that this is true?"

Yue Lan gave a nod before pulling out something else that she put on the table. Lin Fan looked down and saw that it was a drawing of something.

As for what the drawing was, it was several pillars that were sticking outside of the ground. These pillars seemed to be in the middle of nowhere and were surrounded by many trees.

But the pillars weren't the important thing here. The important thing about these drawings was the symbol that had been carved into the pillar.

It was a dragon mark that was just like the mark that was on the token that Lin Fan asked Yue Lan to investigate.

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