With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 310 New Request

"What did you do with them in the end? Did you kill them?"

Lin Fan shook his head to this question and said, "We trapped them temporarily and will starve them to death. We'll be able to get as much DP out of them as possible that way."

When they heard this, the girls couldn't help revealing complicated looks.

While they knew that it was necessary to kill all of these people, they couldn't help feeling a bit sympathetic when hearing how they were being killed.

Of course, those feelings only lasted an instant before disappearing since these people were the enemy.

They didn't deserve their pity for how they treated this town.

However, they also couldn't help being surprised by how Lin Fan had managed to capture all the people who came. Especially after they heard about the fortress in the middle of the forest.

They never would have imagined that the crown prince would have a place like this prepared.

The method that Lin Fan used was very simple.

He had used DP to expand the dungeon in the direction that the two groups had gone and used the moles to dig underneath them the whole time, so that they would have a tunnel connected to where they were.

Once they had settled, he used the moles to create holes and bring them underground to the dungeon that had already been prepared for them. He then made them go through the looped dungeon that he created and used traps to capture them all.

The rest was like he said, he put them away in the special containment units and milked them for DP as he starved them to death.

The result from this was a state of chaos from all the princes.

There were spies that had been placed in the dungeon town on behalf of the princes because of this matter, but they all disappeared in a single day.

It wasn't that Lin Fan dealt with all of them, but rather they were pulled back by their respective superiors.

They had their own intelligence network set up and anything that had to do with the other princes would immediately be known. So they immediately learned about the disappearance of the crown and second prince's subordinates.

They also knew that it had happened because they both visited this city at the same time.

So they knew that it had to be related to this city in some way.

But not a single one of them suspected Lin Fan since not a single one of them thought that this new city lord had the ability to do something like this.

After all, it was making an elite group sent by them disappear without a trace. How could someone who was only lucky enough to become a city lord possibly have this kind of ability?

During this time, the crown and second prince completely locked down their subordinates and sent people to investigate this matter.

They didn't know who did this or how they had done it, but they didn't believe that it was a one time thing. They believed that it had to be a part of a bigger plan, which made them even more paranoid.

So they completely left Lin Fan alone.

They didn't even bother sending someone to ask for information just in case the enemy was still watching the city.

So Lin Fan had achieved what he had wanted to achieve with this.

But before they could celebrate, there was another matter that came up.

The fourth prince had secretly sent a messenger to their city with a request for them.

This was a request that they never would have expected to receive.

The fourth prince wanted Lin Fan to go to a certain place to find something for him.

As for what it was, Lin Fan wasn't clear since he had never heard of this item before. However, when Ming Xin saw what it was, she couldn't help knitting her brows.

"It's a type of poison." Ming Xin explained in a calm voice.

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a surprised look as he repeated, "Poison?"

Ming Xin nodded to confirm even though she had just said what it was.

Lin Fan couldn't help looking down at the message that the fourth prince had secretly sent through the Mercenary Guild once more.

The fourth prince was someone who had good character, so he wasn't someone that would resort to poison. So why was he requesting Lin Fan to travel to this Night Fang City to find this poison for him?

This didn't make sense at all.

Could it be that the fourth prince was testing his loyalty with this task?

Or could it be that the fourth prince really did have a need for this poison?

There were many thoughts that filled his mind as he tried to figure out why the fourth prince sent this request to him, but in the end, he just couldn't figure out what the fourth prince was thinking.

After all, the things that the princes had to consider were numerous and he didn't have any idea what they were thinking.

So instead of wasting time thinking about this, it was better to decide what to do with this request.

This request was different from the "request" that the envoy had given him before.please visit

This was an actual request and Lin Fan had the right to reject it, but there was a price for rejecting it.

This was clearly some kind of test from the fourth prince, so if they were to reject it, it would breed bad feelings between their side and the fourth prince's side.

However, there were also risks that came with accepting it.

Not mentioning anything, Night Fang City was a very dangerous place.

As the name would suggest, it was a city where public security was quite lax, so there were many illegal activities that happened in this place. It was a city where the dark organizations of the empire gathered to do their business without being scrutinized by the empire.

The empire knew that it was impossible to control all of the underground, so they decided to concentrate it in one place that they controlled partially. That way, they could utilize these dark forces for their own benefit.

As for the dark forces, they naturally accepted this since working with the empire was much safer than working against the empire.

A place like this was where all kinds dangerous things passed through, such as the

poison that the fourth prince was requesting.

So it would be very dangerous just to go to Night Fang City.

Not to mention, the fourth prince didn't know where to find this poison in the first place. That would mean that Lin Fan would have to search Night Fang City by himself to find this poison.

It wouldn't be bad if he knew where to search so he could easily find the item requested, but without guidance, he would have to search Night Fang City by himself. That increased the chances of running into danger since he would have to interact with the locals to find the item he wanted.

So there were many different things to consider.

As they sat around the table in the hidden room, Lin Fan couldn't help taking a peek at everyone's expressions.

There were a few that seemed relaxed and there were a few that seemed tense.

As for himself, he didn't really mind going to this Night Fang City to find this poison for the fourth prince.

Now that he had been dragged into the politics of the empire, he had already made up his mind to do what he could to protect his people. So that involved preparing many things in preparation for all kinds of scenarios.

One of those things that he needed to prepare was in Night Fang City.

So if he went to Night Fang City for the fourth prince, it would be the perfect excuse for him.

But he couldn't ignore the feelings of the girls, so he waited for them to come to a united decision.

After a long period of silence, Yue Lan was the one that broke it by asking, "Are you going to Night Fang City?"

Lin Fan was surprised she asked him this directly, but seeing the look in her eyes, he could guess that she already had her plans. Since that was the case, then he wouldn't mind playing along with her.

So with a pause, he gave a nod in response to this and said nothing else.

Yue Lan was about to say something, but before she could, Mu Bao Bao was the one that cut in with a firm voice, "You can't."

Everyone looked at Mu Bao Bao with a surprised look as they never expected such a strong statement from her. She was someone that was normally very relaxed and didn't say much at their meetings, so it must be something important if she made such a strong statement.

Lin Fan looked at her and asked, "Why not?"

Mu Bao Bao immediately said, "Night Fang City isn't a place that you can look down on. It's a place that even my master warned me about. There are many experts hidden there, so it's a very dangerous place."

Lin Fan knitted his brows when he heard this since he had never heard of this, but if the previous sect master of the Love Sect said this, then…it was something that had to be heeded.

The previous sect master, not Mu Bao Bao, but rather her master was an expert in the Soul Formation Realm. He was an expert that could freely move through the empire and there would be few who would be able to stop him.

However, even someone like that warned Mu Bao Bao against this Night Fang City.

So this was a warning that couldn't be ignored.

But in the end, Lin Fan still decided, "I'm still going."

Mu Bao Bao knitted her brows even more and was about to say something, but Lin Fan said first, "I'll be careful and you should know that I have many strange abilities. I'll be able to keep myself safe."

Seeing that her expression didn't relax, Lin Fan added, "I'll keep a low head and make sure that I don't attract attention." Then his eyes turned firm as he said, "You know that we have to do this."

Since he said all of this, the only thing that Mu Bao Bao could do was nod in response.

After the room fell silent again, Ming Xin added, "You should be able to link up with the Royal Style Store there, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Lin Fan shook his head when he heard this and said, "No, it's better if I don't link up with them."

Everyone was confused when they heard this.

He then explained, "It's better if I go undercover just in case."

He didn't explain any further, but they could understand what he meant by that.

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