Withdraw one billion at the beginning

Chapter 1 2th Birthday

In Rose Western Restaurant, a young man walked in with a delicate packing box, with a happy smile on his face.

The young man's full name is Zhang Xiaofan, and today is the 20th birthday of his goddess Mai Jiaojiao.

Zhang Xiaofan is holding the exquisite packing box, which contains a fruit phone, which is the result of half a year of starvation.

"Jiaojiao has always wanted a fruit phone. As long as I give this phone to her, she will be very happy."

Zhang Xiaofan walked forward quickly holding the delicate packing box.

When Zhang Xiaofan walked into a box, the packing box in his hand fell to the ground.

Because in the box, a woman with heavy make-up was clinging tightly to a fat middle-aged man with big ears.

The woman's face was full of smiles, but it made Zhang Xiaofan's anger rise all of a sudden.

Because that woman is none other than Mai Jiaojiao, the former goddess in his heart.

As for the middle-aged man with fat head and big ears, he is his boss, Lai Fuliang, the manager of this rose western restaurant.

"Mai Jiaojiao, you..."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Mai Jiaojiao and roared loudly.

As Zhang Xiaofan roared, Lai Fuliang stood up from the sofa, took out a cigarette casually, took a puff with pleasure, looked at Zhang Xiaofan with disdainful eyes and said.

"Zhang Xiaofan, you look handsome, it's just a pity that you are a poor ghost, you are not qualified to be with Jiaojiao."

When Lai Fuliang said this, he deliberately blew a puff of smoke ring onto Zhang Xiaofan's face.

For Lai Fuliang's insult, Zhang Xiaofan's veins bulged, he looked at Mai Jiaojiao with angry eyes and said loudly.


When Mai Jiaojiao heard Zhang Xiaofan's roar, her body trembled first, but she quickly regained her composure and said.

"Why? A sock on Manager Lai's foot is worth more than your whole body. Why do you say that is?"

"A poor ghost like you, do you deserve to be with me? I have been with you for so long before, but I have never even held hands."

"I'm looking for you, just looking for a long-term meal ticket.

It's a pity, you are so poor, can you afford me? "

At the end of Mai Jiaojiao's speech, her hands were tightly pressed against Lai Fuliang's waist, with a charming look.

Seeing such a scene, Zhang Xiaofan felt dizzy, but he never thought that all his sincere efforts would be exchanged for ruthless betrayal.

The moment Zhang Xiaofan fell to the ground, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding, the host's anger value meets the trigger conditions, and the god-level experience system is activated."

"You can receive a novice gift package."

Zhang Xiaofan raised his head in surprise, a transparent screen came into his eyes.

Name: Zhang Xiaofan Age: Twenty Skills: Elementary cleaning, elementary driving, elementary swimming.

Assets: bank card balance 88.88, Weizhixin balance 50, Alipay balance 50 (one standard poor person).

Acceptable tasks: primary experience occupation, click on the entry-level occupation page, there are many professional experience there: courier, restaurant waiter, hotel cleaner, sanitation worker... "What's in the novice gift package?"

Zhang Xiaofan asked in his mind, as soon as his words came out, that mechanical voice sounded again.

"Returning to the master, there is a [-]-fold quest reduction card and a quest reward option in the novice gift package. Do you want to use it?"

Hearing the system's voice, Zhang Xiaofan replied without hesitation.


"Congratulations to the host for successfully using the gift package, activate the task to experience the restaurant waiter for 30 seconds."

"Optional task rewards, one, 500 million rewards."

"Second, a BMW Seven Series worth 500 million."

"Three, become the new owner of Rose Western Restaurant."

Hearing that mechanical voice, Zhang Xiaofan couldn't help being overjoyed, he himself is a waiter in Rose Western Restaurant, this task is naturally the easiest.

Once he becomes the owner of Rose Western Restaurant, what will Lai Fuliang look like.

And that gold digger, what will happen to her?Seeing Zhang Xiaofan still staying in the box, Lai Fuliang scolded loudly.

"Zhang Xiaofan, hurry up and get out, from this moment on, you will be fired."

"The reason is to grab a woman from me."


When Lai Fuliang said this, his hands were still on Mai Jiaojiao.

Zhang Xiaofan heard Lai Fuliang's words, he walked to the front of the dining table and started to clean up the leftovers.

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan's actions, Lai Fuliang smiled even more, he pointed to Zhang Xiaofan and said.

"Jiaojiao, did you see that he still thinks I won't fire him, and is still cleaning up in front of me?"

In Lai Fuliang's mind, insulting Zhang Xiaofan to his heart's content is one of the great pleasures in life.

Mai Jiaojiao blinked her eyes, then put her arms around Lai Fuliang and said.

"Manager Lai, I think he is very pitiful, or let him clean the toilet, I believe he will be grateful to you."

Lai Fuliang patted Mai Jiaojiao's butt lightly with his hand, and then said.

"Yes, it's definitely a very good idea to let him wash the men's room."

Just when Lai Fuliang and Mai Jiaojiao laughed at Zhang Xiaofan, Zhang Xiaofan had already packed up the dishes.

At this moment, that mechanical voice sounded again.

"Congratulations to the master for completing the task, experience the success of the server, please choose your task reward."

Hearing that mechanical voice, Zhang Xiaofan replied without hesitation.

"I choose to be the new owner of Rose Western Restaurant."

Following Zhang Xiaofan's response, that mechanical voice responded quickly.

"Congratulations to the host for becoming the new owner of Rose Western Restaurant, and the rewards are being distributed."

Not far away, Lai Fuliang saw Zhang Xiaofan stop moving, he walked over, and said with a smile.

"Zhang Xiaofan, why don't you stop, come over and kneel to me, I'll let you clean the toilet, and it's a men's toilet."

For Lai Fuliang's words, Zhang Xiaofan did not answer, he just waited quietly.

In Zhang Xiaofan's mind, he doesn't know if the god-level experience system really exists.

Or, could all of this be just his hallucinations.

Just when Lai Fuliang was about to insult Zhang Xiaofan again, a beautiful woman in office uniform walked in from outside.

The beauty was tall and tall, with a pair of beautiful legs surrounded by black stockings, which made people feel even more like a nosebleed.

When Lai Fuliang saw that beautiful woman appear, he quickly erected Li Yuexiong's chest, then bent down and shouted loudly.

"Hello, General Manager..."

The beauty who appeared in the private room was none other than Xuan Yujing, the general manager of Rose Western Restaurant.

When Xuan Yujing heard Lai Fuliang's words, she nodded slightly in response.

Seeing this, Lai Fuliang quickly said, "General manager, I have something to report to you."

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