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Chapter 500 Dragon Leap Sword Technique

And it's smoother when using Longyue Sword!This should be the effect of this exercise. At this time, he opened the second page of this book!The second page is completely different from the first page. If the first page is practice, the second page is some introduction.

"The Longyue sword technique can only be fully effective if equipped with the Longyue sword, while ordinary swords can only be used two to three times out of ten. There is only one Longyue sword in the world."

"Longyue swordsmanship is divided into four styles! And one entry! The four styles are: Taishi, Shenyan, Longshui, and Longyue four styles. Each style is completely different. If you don't learn the entry style, you can't use the following ones. Swordsmanship."

"Because the sword technique is weird, if you fail to practice, you can practice the following sword technique."

There are only six pages in this book made of parchment, and the remaining 30 pages are actually another sword technique!Although this sword technique is very difficult, but Zhang Xiaofan still wants to try this sword technique!I can't allow myself to give up without trying.

Although the contents of this sword art book are very strange, but can Zhang Xiaofan be overcome by mere difficulties?Obviously, he already knew that Long Yue's sword was so powerful, so would Long Yue's swordsmanship still be the usual swordsmanship?Although there are only a few pages, Zhang Xiaofan believes that this sword technique is definitely not something simple, he immediately turned to the next page, the words on the latter page are very simple: Longyue sword technique first style: Taishi style.

As the name suggests, Taishi is the beginning of everything, but the words on this page are not as many as Zhang Xiaofan imagined, but only record some very essence things.

It is not a small difficulty to learn this style, Zhang Xiaofan can see from the lines, the Taishi style, first of all must be approved by Long Yuejian's Taishi!And the specific method of that style is inside Long Yuejian!No wonder the book Longyue Sword Technique is full of other sword techniques!This book is just a guide!Zhang Xiaofan looked at the picture on the book and used a special method to slowly inject his own energy into Longyue Sword. The original brilliance of Longyuejian suddenly disappeared, and a feeling of nothingness came from Longyuejian and his body. Pass it out.

Zhang Xiaofan seemed to see something extraordinary in his eyes!He seems to have seen the picture before the birth of the universe!Everything is Taishi!That is something more void than void!Taishi slowly changed, and then turned into the whole universe, Zhang Xiaofan didn't know how long it had passed, in his eyes, time seemed to have passed hundreds of millions of years!His heart was also tempered during this time.

When the picture ended, Zhang Xiaofan opened his eyes. He thought that tens of millions of years had passed, but in fact, only a few seconds had passed. Right after this incident, Zhang Xiaofan felt his head suddenly heat up!Something suddenly appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's head.

These things are how to use some swordsmanship!Zhang Xiaofan immediately memorized these things again, and then picked up the Long Yue Sword in his hand.

Sequences of images appeared in Zhang Xiaofan's mind, Zhang Xiaofan who picked up the Longyue Sword stabbed towards his left, with the energy continuously flowing in the Longyue Sword, the stabbing speed was very fast.

The sound of breaking wind came from the beast immediately, he was a little surprised, was this really a simple stab by himself?According to the energy operation method in the memory, Zhang Xiaofan continuously instilled energy into Long Yuejian, and the Long Yue sword in his hand also slashed towards the rockery in front of him at this time.

"Boom!" The rockery suddenly shattered, some small stones kept falling from the sky, relying on the superhuman speed, Zhang Xiaofan swung Longyue Sword again, in the rain made of stones, Long Yuejian kept chopping the stones that were about to fall.

This style is only a few movements!Chop, chop, stab, pull!These four movements, but I don't know why although they are so simple, they appear noble in the first form of Longyue swordsmanship. Can ordinary movements be so noble?Zhang Xiaofan pierced the last falling stone with one stab, Zhang Xiaofan who was calm after the stone was smashed suddenly stuck the Long Yue Sword in the ground and panted heavily.

"This swordsmanship is really a godsend! But isn't it too expensive?" Zhang Xiaofan said to himself, even Zhang Xiaofan, who is now at the fortieth level, can't afford the consumption of swordsmanship, let alone studying for the first time. Second style.

But Zhang Xiaofan also figured out something from this sword technique, although the first move only has four moves, but if you combine it with your own moves, wouldn't it become tens of thousands of moves?It seems to be so!Taishi, as the name suggests, is the beginning of everything!Isn't this the same as the first formula?Aren't those four movements the beginning of all swordsmanship?Zhang Xiaofan suddenly realized!This book of swordsmanship now has a very good place in his heart.

After practicing this sword technique a few more times in this place, Zhang Xiaofan just took out another book in his space necklace, this book is a book of his own method that Zhang Xiaofan got in the ruins, the price of this book of his own It's not cheap, and it should be something very good!Now Zhang Xiaofan has a lot of good things for you.

To be precise, this book is not a book, but something like a scroll, Zhang Xiaofan directly opened this scroll slowly, and all the things inside appeared in his eyes.

There are a few pictures and many, many introductions on it, which are different from Zhang Xiaofan's Long Yue sword technique!Because there are too many introductions in this method, and the number of meridians to be opened up is not a small number.

However, those meridians are not the extremely fine meridians of Zhang Xiaofan's Dragon Leap Sword Technique, on the contrary they are relatively large meridians, Zhang Xiaofan's energy directly goes to the meridians, because Zhang Xiaofan has already adapted to opening up that small meridian just now The meridian is gone.

So this time, the meridian was opened without any effort, according to what was written above, the energy in Jiang's body was continuously running in the meridian written above, Zhang Xiaofan's body emitted a very faint green light.

He stood up, and then ran a few steps. His speed was also very fast before, but with the addition of his body skills, he was actually much faster!This is a good thing, Zhang Xiaofan stopped with a smile, this exercise doesn't need too much connection, Zhang Xiaofan soon practiced this technique to a subtle level.

The name of this method is the same as his effect!Blast body technique!There are three stages in total, nuanced, advanced, and great.

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