Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 105 - Vertelli

Tuk Tuk.

After bathing, Will put on a wizard apprentice’s robe and knocked on Monte’s dormitory door.


The door opened, Monte with a helpless expression.

“It’s less than ten minutes.” Monte said silently.

“Hey, I’m not a little too excited, would you like to see the instructor sooner.” Will smirked, touching his head.

Monte understands Will’s mood and is not to blame.

“Have you brought the test meter?” Monte asked behind closed doors.

“Bring it.”

Under Monte’s leadership, Will stood in front of a bronze gate.

“This is the office room of Lord Wirtley, you must be careful.” Monte feared the formal wizard from the heart.

The power and longevity of the formal wizard is completely above the ordinary people.

The so-called formal wizard is just a human being, but it is already a powerful creature that surpasses human beings.

Will stood alone at the bronze door nervously, and Monte stared at Will from afar.


After taking a deep breath, Will pulled up the iron ring and gently knocked on the door.

哐 ——

The voice was so low and deep that Will’s heart trembled with it.

After the sound disappeared, there was silence for a long time.

When Will thought about knocking on the door again, he was surprised to find that the iron ring in his right hand seemed to have life.

The iron ring in his hand slipped into a thin black snake that bound Will’s right arm in a circle.


Will was startled in his heart and was about to kill the black snake.

Suddenly, Will remembered Monte ’s words, “Do n’t panic if anything goes wrong.”

“This is the Gerald Potion Academy, and it’s the doorway of Lord Wirtley’s room. What am I afraid of?” With this in mind, Will’s heart calmed down a lot.

Just feeling the cool feeling on his arm, I was still a little scared in my heart.

The black snake took a light bite on Will’s arm and then turned it back into an iron ring, thinking nothing had happened.

“Come in.”

A beautiful female voice sounded in Will’s mind.


The bronze gate opens inward.

Will hesitated and stepped in.

Inside the door, it is unusually vast.

At a glance, stands a dozen meters high shelves with various bottles, jars and medicinal ore.

Some of them are known by Will, and more are unheard of.

In the ear, wonderful music sounded.

Suddenly, there was a sense of understanding in Will’s heart.

“Is this the wizard’s power?”

Will walked along the direction of the music, twists and turns all the way, strangely Will did not get lost.

After walking for about five minutes, the surrounding shelves became shorter and smaller.

The shelves are no longer medicinal materials, but a book.

After glancing at the cover of the book, Will was surprised to find that the words on the cover of the book, except for a few parts written in Holy Empire, were mostly strange-shaped text.


Along the way, there are dozens of them.

“Wizard, do you need to know so many words?”

In order to take classes normally at the Gerald Potion Academy, the Holy Empire language is necessary, because the people in the Academy all speak Holy Empire language, and the books are written in Holy Empire scripture.

But if you want to go further, you need to know more words.

Longwen, Haiwen, Baiwen, Elven … In the long history of this world, there are too many types of characters.

In addition to some being created by humans, there are also various races.

Many of those races are older and stronger than human history.

Although they have all disappeared in the long river of history, humans have benefited greatly from their written knowledge.

“You came.”

A sweet voice awakened Will from surprise.

The sound came from a desk, which was filled with various materials. A woman dressed in a black wizard gown, with a pointed wizard hat, and a woman dressed as a witch in a fairy tale sat behind the desk.

Wizard Witley, looks like a mature woman of twenty-five to six years old, with fair skin and two pointed ears sticking out of her green hair.

It looks like a fairy in a fairy tale, as beautiful as a dream.

Vertley’s mentor reached Will’s hand, and the test meter in Will’s hand floated into her hand.

“The magic seed is the real eye? The bloodline after purification? Isn’t it the pure monster blood?” Vertley looked up at Will, “You have chosen a dangerous path.”

“The body has fully received the radiation of the magic species, reaching the standard of the first-level wizard apprentice, and has a good mental talent. It actually reached the peak of the second-level wizard apprentice.

Ok? Is mental perception a bit low? Just second class? Spiritual strength is so strong, generally speaking, should it be above the fifth grade? “Virtli put down the test form.

“Your specific information, I already know almost, from now on, I will be your mentor.”

A badge floated from the desk and fell into Will’s hand.

“This is your badge. When something happens, I will notify you through the badge. If you find me something, you can also contact me through the badge. I will respond.”

With that, Vertelle’s hand was wiped on the table.

Three books appeared on the desktop.

“In the college, to learn any course, you need to pay the corresponding magic stone. Every student can get three free courses from the tutor.”

Vertley pointed to the three books on the desktop, “” Spiritual Analysis “,” Potion of Potion “,” Collection and Storage of Drugs “, you can choose the same among the three courses, remember only one chance.

This selection is related to your intermediate free courses and advanced free courses in the future and cannot be changed. “

“I chose” Spiritual Analysis “. Will made the decision all at once.

Although “Battle of Potion” and “Collection and Storage of Drugs” are also good, Will is still more interested in mental power.

Wiltley handed the book “Analysis of Spiritual Power” to Will.

“Tomorrow is the first lesson of this mental analysis. Remember not to be late.”

Vertley’s eyes flicked, and a book floated into the side of the bookshelf and fell into Will’s hands.

“You were accidentally acquired by the baron family. This” The History of Wizardry “can just make up for your understanding of the wizarding world, which is my meeting ceremony. On the desk.

“Thank you tutor.”

Vertley’s mentor ignored Will, and after a bow, Will exited the room.


Closing the bronze gate, Will exhaled heavily.

Pressing his hand on his chest, his heart thumped quickly, and there was a cold sweat behind him.

“Too heavy and too depressed.”

Since the meeting, Vertley’s mentor has given Will a very good feeling, like an intimate big sister.

Just when he thought that the other party was a formal wizard, and he could kill him in his breath, Will couldn’t help getting nervous and didn’t even dare to breathe loudly.

“Haha, how does it feel to see Master Wizard?” Monte hugged Will’s shoulders. “In the future, you can often see the beautiful and powerful Wizard Lord Wirtley. You can still talk and envy me.”

“Don’t make fun of me.”


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