Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 137 - Street address

Inside the carriage were four people, Will, Tucci, Commander-in-Chief, and General Hard.

Commander Karin kept introducing the situation in Kawa to Will and Tucci.

Although the intelligence of Kawa City has been investigated before, and a lot of information has been read, after all, no party has made it clear.

In the city of Kawa, there are 30,000 troops.

Divided into three armies, one army per 10,000 people, each army has a commander, above the commander, there is also a general.

Although the city of Kawa is a military fortress, it is not just soldiers.

There are military families, aborigines, adventurers, etc., the total number of people is 100,000.

Sure enough, along the way, Will saw many shops and men and women who were obviously not soldiers.

Many people noticed that the carriages they made were stopped at the military salute, showing a respectful expression.

As the carriage continued to advance, the flow of people gradually decreased.

The outpost gradually increased, and a group of patrols began to appear.

Every time the carriage went a few steps, it had to stop to be inspected by the patrols, resulting in a distance of less than an hour, and it took a few hours.

When it came to its destination, it was already dark.

Outside the carriage.

“Two Kingdom Special Envoys, welcome you, I am the commander of the city of Kawa, you can call me Telly.” A sturdy old man who looked kind and approached.

“Commander Terry, hello, this is Will.” Will greeted.

“Hello, this is Tuqi.” Tuqi said.

“This is Vic, the commander of the First Army and our chief of staff.”

A thin man with a mustache nodded slightly towards Will

“This is Lid, the commander of the Second Army, and the strongest man in our city.”

A middle-aged man in black gold tight-fitting leather armor, dark skin, firm eyes, a Chinese face, and his early forties, snorted at Will and answered.

“This is the most beautiful rose in our army, Commander Kailin, I suppose you already know.”

Karin stood beside Telly, bowing her head, showing nothing.

“The banquet has been prepared for you, please please inside.” Under the leadership of coach Terry, a group of people walked into the room.

In the room, a banquet table has been placed.

Seven people, Will, Tucci, Tyrley, Harder, Vick, Lid and Karin, sat down.

Next to each other, well-equipped soldiers stood.

“Come here, dance.”

Tally clapped his hands, and a thick drum sounded.

More than a dozen soldiers arranged beforehand entered the hall and danced sword dance.

Although it was men who danced, and they all wore armor, but with the sound of drums, and the movements of opening and closing, there is no flavor.

“Tonight we are not talking about business, just for drinking.” Terry lifted his glass. “Two envoys, I respect you!”

The time arrived late at night.

Three rounds of meniscus hang high above the sky, exuding a cold light.

The banquet dispersed.

Kaelin brought Will and Tucci, who had red cheeks, to the residence.

The house is on a hillside.

Going all the way up, every other road, there will be a house.

In the darkness, villas stood.

Around, there are towers.

The soldiers were guarding around the villa, and no one was allowed to approach.

Came to the mountainside.

“These two are the best houses here, and you can clearly see the Haine River outside the city walls from the windows.” Kailin introduced.

Tuqi first chose a villa and walked in.

After that, Will walked to the remaining building.

auzw.com Outside the door, a dozen people stood waiting.

“This is the chief of the Rock Guards, this is the head maid of Ava, they are responsible for taking care of your life, if you have any needs, you can directly tell them.” Kailin introduced.

Will carefully looked at the servant in front of him.

There are fifteen people, ten men and five women.

The Rock Guards have the knight strength, and the remaining nine guards also have the quasi-knight strength.

The maid of Ava, the strength is a quasi-knight level, and the strength of the other four maids should be in the stage of preparing knights.

Each of the ten bodyguards has a hard-eyed look and has gone through battles.

Each of the five maids has wheat-colored healthy skin. Although they may look beautiful, they are all extremely attractive types.

“What about my stuff?” Will asked.

“Your luggage, we will deliver it later, please rest assured.” Karin said.

Karin kept looking at Will with a watchful eye, and kept paying attention to distance from Will, looking like he could leave quickly.

At the beginning, Willing was a bit strange about Karin’s aversion to him.

They are the special envoys of the kingdom. They came here to help Kawa City fight against the green spirit. For their arrival, Kailin should be very happy, right?

What happened to that blatant disgust?

Not only Karin, many people who met along the way, looking at Will and Tucci, all contained fear, disgust, and anger.

Later, Will used far more than ordinary people’s hearing, after hearing some people whispering behind his back.

Finally understood.

“It seems that the former Kingdom Special Envoys are not very good.” Will sighed in his heart.

The apprentices who were sent to the station had strong resistance in their hearts.

It’s good to have a small number of people doing things well.

More is to enjoy indulgence.

The reputation of the apprentices in the station has been bad.

But the station needs the power of an apprentice.

“If you have nothing else, I’ll say goodbye first.” Karin said goodbye to Will. “Something can let Eva notify me of something.”

It was discovered that Will did not answer for a long time.

Karin turned to leave.

“Wait,” Will said suddenly.

Karin shuddered and turned around and asked, “Anything else?”

“Can these things be brought to me?” Will handed Karin a piece of paper.

On the paper, densely packed with various materials.

“this is?”

Karin looked suspiciously.

Looking at it, Karin’s expression gradually became richer.


Karin’s eyes moved away from the paper, staring straight at Will.

“Are you a pharmacist?” Karin breathed quickly.

“Obviously? Otherwise, what do I want so much?” Will said.

“What kind of potion would you make?” Karin approached Will with a strong momentum, and her hot breath directly sprayed on Will’s face.

“Hemostatic ointment, antidote, Bingliang pills … In short, I will refining the medicines you commonly use.” Will said.

“Apart from these? There are those, amazing, those who hear that only you can refine …” Karin stared at Will nervously.

“You mean potion?” Will asked.

“Uh huh.” Karin nodded quickly.

“If it is a potion, I will refining it, like continued body cream, high-level recovery potion, high-level breath potion … These low-level potions are not difficult to refine,” Will said.

“Really!” Karin said excitedly.

“Why am I lying to you? But the material of the potion is quite rare. Do you have it?” Will asked.

“The most important thing in the Musa Rainforest is medicinal herbs.” Karin nodded confidently. “Those who are too advanced may not have them, but there are still a lot of potions like the potions you said.”


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