Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 164 - Seven Princesses

“There are many things that can be improved in the acceleration mode. Go back and think about it.”

The activity is too loud, it is not appropriate to stay here for long.


Will, who was about to leave, suddenly discovered that Cook was still not dead.

Cook’s body was embedded in the trunk, covered with blood, and his bones were broken.

Looking at the fainting Cook, Will sighed: “Hundreds of punches have been punched? Didn’t you die?”

What he lamented was not how tenacious Cook’s vitality was.


“Although the acceleration mode greatly accelerates the speed, it also weakens the strength and defense.”

In the acceleration mode, it will cause a huge load on the body, far exceeding the burst mode.

In this case, the vascular muscles are already overloaded and can no longer tighten the muscles.

When a person exerts force, the muscles will tighten and bulge.

When the physically strong man swelled up the eight abdominal muscles, the ordinary person thumped the abdominal muscles with full force, and nothing happened.

And when you relax your body without bulging your abdominal muscles, you will vomit blood with one punch.

In acceleration mode, Will is unable to tighten his muscles.

The power and defense will naturally drop.

“The speed of the acceleration mode is fast, but it is not lasting. The strength and defense have also been greatly weakened. It looks far worse than the burst mode. The problem is that the acceleration mode is compatible with knight martial arts!

In the acceleration mode, the speed is so much faster, after using the knight martial arts, the attack and defense are also far above the burst mode.

Although the duration is short, it is okay to play him with three burst modes.

Will picked up the sword and stabbed at Cook’s heart.

Cook’s faint breath disappeared.

“Soros, I won’t let you go.” Will clenched his fists, gazing at the direction of the college and swearing.

“Three third-class apprentices, just die.”

If it were not for Soros to lure them with power and wealth, they might become a good person and make greater contributions to mankind.

Will buried his hatred for Soros in his heart.

Because he knows that with his current strength, it is impossible to avenge.

His fighting power may be above Soros.

But there is someone behind Soros!

Will can’t do this stupid thing in vain.

After burying the three Cooks, Will, with his back fainted, returned to Kawa City.

After telling Rove about the betrayal, he told coach Terry.

Chief Terry was furious.

Knelt down to Will to apologize personally, and offered to give Rove to Will, to be disposed of by Will.

Will refused.

He has no interest in punishing Rover.

Rove’s reason for betraying him does not need to be interrogated, it is nothing more than the word power and wealth.

The dark side of human nature, Will see too much.

So disappointed with humanity?

not at all.

Human beings are complex creatures. Most of the time, they choose to be a good person.

When temptation reaches a certain level, it is only a matter of time to fall.

Will believes that there is no real saint in this world.

Only the temptation is not big enough.

Even in himself, countless dark thoughts have appeared in the heart.

It was just suppressed.

Will doesn’t know when he will fall into darkness and indulge in power and power.

auzw.com “Rov will give it to you for disposal, I won’t ask, and don’t tell me.” Will said to the coach Terry.

Coach Taly made a decisive decision against Rove, executed late, or secretly released.

As long as Rove no longer appears in his sight.

As long as Rove’s disappearance no longer entered his ears.

Will doesn’t care.

It would be as if this had never happened.

After Commander Terry ordered Rove to drag him down, he said to Will: “Master Will, Her Royal Highness Princess Seven would like to see you.”

“What the hell? Another princess?” Will said with a headache.

“Princess Xuesha came to Cava City with the fleet today. It didn’t take long for you to know it, and it’s not surprising that you don’t know.” Chief Terry said.

“Not long ago, I left a princess, and now another one.” Will held his forehead. “Wouldn’t it be necessary to take dozens of knights again this time?”

“Hopefully not.” Commander Taili sighed.

Last time, Princess Kelini took away 20 knights, which is already a half of the number of knights in the Kawa City army.

More than half a year later, the missing people still failed to make up.

If Princess Xuesha takes another 20 people this time, the number of knights in the army will be the lowest in decades.

After all, ordinary soldiers are easy to add, and knights are rare.

Those who can educate knights are generally nobles at home.

How many of the nobles are willing to join the army?

Although Commander Terry has been working hard to cultivate talents, most of the people who joined the army are grown up and have passed the best age to practice breathing.

No matter how talented he is, he is about to become a prospective knight.

“Master Will, the three princesses are waiting for you. Are you going to see it?” Neither Will nor the princess can be afforded by General Telli.

Well, needless to say, even Lied was easily defeated.


Regardless of status, the strength is first-rate.

If it were n’t for Princess Corinne ’s strength, Terry would not allow her to take away twenty knights.

“… Lead the way.” Will also didn’t want to embarrass Coach Tally.

Moreover, this is the Empire of Armona, it is the territory of other people, and we still have to give face.

Get on the carriage and walk towards the commanding mansion.

Around the mansion, a team of soldiers patrolled.

Get off the carriage.

Will noticed that everyone in the surrounding soldiers had a very ugly face.

His legs were trembling, sweating, and he was always facing away from the gate. He didn’t dare to look back, even as if there were some scary monsters living in the mansion.

“The rally is too big.” Will frowned.

With the hall of the mansion as the center, within a few hundred meters, there is a strong spiritual force.

This spiritual power can make all creatures with insufficient mental power feel fear in their hearts and desperately want to stay away from this place.

It is a flashy spiritual skill.

“It’s good to use worms.” Leaving General Terry outside the door, Will walked in.

Although disdain for the princess’s approach.

But the princess’s hand really shocked Will.

Life dispels this spiritual skill, which is really not powerful, consumes too much, and is too flamboyant. It is easy to arouse the resentment of others, but it is also the best way to show your strength.

“Can you dispel people with mental strength below the second-class apprentice?”

As long as your mental power can’t reach the second-class apprentice, as long as you enter the range of life dispersal, no matter how powerful the battle is, no matter how strong your will is, you can’t resist.

The peak strength and spiritual strength of the coach of the Taili coach has been much stronger than that of the ordinary people.

But just standing on the verge of life dispersal, they are under tremendous pressure.

In this situation, let alone fighting, it’s good to be able to stand still and run away.

“If you can continue to release this wide range of spiritual skills, your mental strength must have reached the peak of a third-class apprentice, which is much stronger than I am now.”

Thinking, Will accelerated his pace.


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