Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 166 - Tourist guide

Princess Snowsa’s words really moved Will.

It wasn’t just the peculiar treasures left by the wizards that moved him.

More is the yearning and longing for the unknown side of the wizarding world hidden in the dark.

The monster was once the greatest enemy of mankind.

The strongest among the monsters is called the devil.

The devil has a powerful force unimaginable by ordinary people. It is estimated that the realm of the ninth-level wizard who nobody has reached has been based on the devil.

And humans can confront it and defeat it.

How powerful are human beings at their peak!

Look now, even a first-level wizard is extremely rare.

The second-level wizard is already the strongest.

Third level wizard? Even if there is, I do n’t know where the old one is hiding.

Don’t even think about the next four, five, six, seven and eight levels.

The Muling Black Castle, located on the front line against monsters, is one of the most important military fortresses. Once, there must have been an eighth-level wizard.

Not to mention anything else, as long as you can understand the power and deeds of the eighth-level wizard, you won’t do anything.

“The description of high-level wizards in the book is purely esoteric. They have no specific description of what kind of power they have, what they have done, how long they have lived, and even no name is left. . “

The knowledge I once dreamed of, now finally has the opportunity to understand.

It is impossible to say no heart.


Military fortress, there were seven or eight wizards.

How many institutions are there!

Although thousands of years have passed, the important things inside have basically been hollowed out.

But the inside is still there.

It is estimated that ordinary formal wizards are gone, and they are all dead.

A group of wizard apprentices want to explore the ruins of this level?

Isn’t it death?

Seeing Will’s face hesitating, Princess Xuesha immediately said: “Don’t worry, it may be a little dangerous, but as long as you don’t take the risk, do nothing beyond your own strength, and earn little money without risking your life No problem.”

“……how many?”

Money will never be too much.

“Several high-level magic stones, more hundreds, depending on your luck.” Xue Sha replied.

Will thought about it, and if nothing happened, it would go back and forth for about two or three months.

The earned magic stone said that there should be three.

A high-level magic stone a month?

It looks pretty good.

But if you are lucky, get hundreds of high-level magic stones?

The harvest seems good, but it is too dangerous.

And Will feels his luck has been bad.

“Sorry, I think I’m too weak to participate in your operation.” Will refused.

Although money is good, life is heavier.

Princess Snowsa didn’t give up immediately.

She changed the way, “You don’t want to explore the relics with us, how about this? How about that? We hire a magic stone and hire you to take it to the place marked on the map, there will be no danger, how ? “

Xuesha handed Will a map.

In the depths of the Musa Rainforest, about three hundred kilometers from Kawa City, there is a red dot.

That should be the site of the ruins.

“This is the ground area of ​​Murin Black Castle. Unfortunately, the buildings on the ground are destroyed.” Xuesha looked directly at Will. “The real Murin College is located in a different space. Are you afraid and don’t want to enter? You just need to take us to the area marked on the map. “

Will took a closer look at the map.

auzw.com After coming to Cava City, Will also conducted some research on the geography of the Musa Rainforest.

The location of Murin Black Fort is the deepest part of the Musa Rainforest.

It is also the most dangerous place.

Hearing that the big knight entered, there was death.

But in Will’s view, the degree of danger is just that.

Big knight?

With his current strength, killing a big knight is like killing a chicken.

For the Cavaliers, there is a life-forbidden land, for Will, it is only a little dangerous, just pay attention to it.

He is very strong.

Only the second-class apprentice, the combat strength can already be on the peak of the third-class apprentice.

But Will is really powerful, but not the fighting power, but the survival skills!

Will firmly believes and executes a sentence-“Only alive, there will be output.”

“The Rutoka Mountains, the life-forbidden area of ​​the Musa Rainforest, and the rumored lair of the undead, the big knight can’t come out alive.” Will is confident, “If you are just taking you deep into the Rutoka Mountains, no problem.”

For ordinary people, the Rutoka Mountains are indeed a forbidden place for life.

But Xuesha, Im, and Franco are all third-class apprentices. With their strength, they should enter the Rutoka Mountains without any danger.

Why did you ask him to lead the way?

What is the remuneration?

“A high-grade magic stone.” Xuesha raised her finger.

Will’s face suddenly darkened.

Both eyes stared at Xuesha, as if questioning “You are teasing me!”

“If you take us to the Musa Rainforest for more than a month, a high-level magic stone, if within one month, the time is shortened by one day, the reward will be a high-level magic stone.” Xuesha explained.

After Xuesha explained, Will was in a much better mood.

“Three hundred kilometers is not too far away, even considering the various dangers on the way, I lead the way, with our journey, the slowest will not exceed 20 days, if the condition is ideal, it can be reached in 10 days.” Will thought Already agreed.

Earn more than ten high-level magic stones in one month back and forth.

Don’t be too good!

Will stared at Princess Xuesha with golden eyes, thinking in his heart: “It is indeed a princess, really rich, a dozen senior magic stones say take it!”

After three years of hard work in the resident, the amount of magic stone obtained is just this amount.

“If you have no opinion, this matter will be settled.” Princess Snowsa smiled, she had expected Will to promise, “If you change your mind halfway and want to explore the ruins with us, feel free to contact me. Say, but the reward for leading the way is gone. “

“… When is it going?” Will asked.

The remuneration to lead the way, plus the magic stone earned in Kawa City for three years, is enough for him to be a stable third-class apprentice.

Only when the brain is sick will it enter the ruins.

Of course, you should not believe too much in Princess Xuesha, who knows what she thinks in her mind?

Maybe you will be pitted like last time?

Soros’s hateful face, he hasn’t forgotten it yet.

“We just came to Cava City, we have to take a break, find some information, and give you a little time to prepare.” Princess Snowsa thought about it, “Five days, five days after departure, is it okay?”


Five days, it’s a little tight.

He is now in Cava City, but a decisive figure.

Many things are waiting for him to do it.

Only five days, I do n’t know if I can arrange things.

If he speaks out, he should be able to stay a few days longer, but it is not necessary.

For Will, the most important thing at this stage is to become a third-class apprentice and earn a magic stone.

Research on life pharmacy and the improvement of breathing methods are not completed in a short time.

As for things in the Kava City Army, is it more important than being a third-class apprentice?

Thinking about it is impossible.


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