Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 168 - Turtle stream

Soak in the bathtub.

The whole body was relaxed, and the soul ushered in a long-lost peace.

Looking up at the bathroom ceiling.

The mist floated from the bathtub and condensed on the ceiling, forming crystal drops of water.

Will’s figure was shrouded in mist and fog, and it looked so weak and lonely, and he didn’t feel a trace of strength.

“Three years, how are they doing?”

His eyes seemed to travel through time and space, and the image of the small town named Lent appeared in his pupils.

Blink, three years have passed.

He was only eighteen when he left Albert Castle.

It is now twenty-one years old.

Will picked up a puddle of water, and ran down the middle of the water. It ’s time for literacy to cultivate a worldview. “

While in Saarland, Will would send letters home every month.

There are also some children’s enlightenment books, children’s toys and story books.

After entering the School of Gerald Potion, due to the closed nature of the academy, I have not sent a letter to my home for a year.

When coming to Kava City, after being free.

In the first time, he was looking for ways to send letters to his home.

Finally, General Had was found.

Of course, the huge price cannot be avoided.

But as long as you can send a letter to home and send things home, everything is worth it.

Will’s address to General Hard is not his hometown of Lent.

It is Saar City where the Fran family is.

Fern Fran is his great benefactor.

Leia Fran is his fiancee.

He owes much to the Fran family, and the reward is indispensable.

And he also needs the Fran family to take care of his hometown.

Although the town of Lent and the city of Saarland are thousands of miles away, taking care of one or two with the power of the Fran family can still be achieved.

Most importantly, Will doesn’t know when he will die.

“The wizarding world is too dangerous!” Will sighed.

One cannot think of waiting to become a third-class apprentice before repaying the Fran family and working hard for the rise of the Albert family.

What if you die halfway?

Will the Fran family vent their grievances against the Albert family?

What will happen to the Albert family without him?

At this stage, he can give the Fran family, and the Fran family can only watch, only the secondary potion.

The Fran family is a big family, and has some connections with the wizarding world, but it is limited to this, not to mention the secondary potions, not even some precious common potions.

“Those secondary potions, they will still be satisfied if they want to come.”

It was a secondary potion for the Fran family.

For the Albert family, it is much worse and more complicated.

Will still knows the simple truth of “not guilty of a common person, guilty of guilt”.

The Albert family is too weak.

The strength is quite good among the barons.

The question is what is the baron?

The more he understands this world, the stronger his strength becomes, and the more he understands the unspoken rules of the world’s operation.

The existence of the ranks of quasi-knight, knight, and grand knight makes no sense at all.

You can only bully innocent people.

The real power of this world is the wizard.

The real ruler is the wizard.

The royal family, the duke, and the earl are all bloodline families, and the bloodline is so rich that the offspring are almost 100% awakened-nor does it rule out that the bloodline of the earl family in some remote places is weak.

Therefore, it is impossible to rashly give the family something too precious.

After all, relying on external forces is evil.

Only strength is truth.

The best way to make a family stronger is that family members also have a strong bloodline, and everyone can wake up.


But that is too far away.

It cannot be achieved overnight.

Can only retreat and start from the knight strength.

“When there are three or five knights in each generation of the family, it is relatively stable.”

The Doria province where the Albert family is located is the most remote province in the Cairo Empire.

There is only one earl family in the province of Doria.

The strongest on the surface is just a big knight.

There may be some hidden masters in the Earl of Earl family, and it should not be much higher than the Grand Knight.

“The turtle suction method I created before is also quite powerful in the Paladin breathing method, but at that time my understanding of the breathing method was not enough, which made the created turtle suction method too difficult to practice.”

Only those at the peak of the knight can practice.

The requirements are too high!

How many years will it take for a baron family like Albert to be a knight at the pinnacle of power!

Not to mention the peak of the knight.

Before his father Baron Leo became a knight, the family had not been a knight for a long time.

“I bought ten copies of the sacred breathing method in the college. After arriving in Kawa City, I found a way to take a few specials on the sacred breathing method. -Turtle source breathing method! “

Turtle flow breathing method, ordinary people can practice, Paladin can practice.

The upper limit is high and the difficulty is moderate.

“Talents like Baron Leo, after practicing turtles, have a 70% chance of becoming a knight.”

It’s not that Will looked down on Baron Leo.

In a small place like Lent, Baron Leo is a genius among geniuses and the most shining star in Lent.

After expanding the scope a bit.

It doesn’t need to be big.

You can just go to the city in the moon.

Baron Leo’s talent can only be regarded as a medium to high level.

If you zoom in the entire Doria province, the entire Cairo Empire, the entire Eastern Continent.

There are countless talents of this level in Baron Leo, such as the crucian carp crossing the river.

In Cava City, there are more than a dozen who are not under Baron Leo.

“The source of the turtle is terrible, but in order to let most people understand it, it leads to too many details and too complicated.”

The general breathing method is a thin book.

As few as one or two hundred words, as many as thousands.

The origin of his turtle is 270,000 words!

The details are terrifying!

Many of them are just like the proof process of the formula theorems in physics textbooks.

Does anyone really watch it?

But Will felt that it was absolutely necessary.

“The writing is extremely esoteric, the mysterious and the mysterious, but only to prevent people from stealing their studies, so it is just mysterious.”

In fact, he wanted to write longer.

For example, each realm is divided more finely, the description of those realms is more delicate, and the advanced methods and precautions are written a little more.

Writing millions of words is no problem.

Consider that the paper in this world is too expensive.

Moreover, it is not realistic for a martial arts person to study like a college entrance examination.

The most important thing is that it is too easy to leak.

“If I can live to become a formal wizard, the breathing method leaks will be leaked. I wish people all over the world would practice the turtle source breathing method and become all knights and knights.”

but not now.

At this stage, the source of the turtle is very important to the Albert family.

If he unfortunately fell, the source of the turtle is an important pillar to support the rise of the family.

“It’s too dangerous to write the turtle source directly, so I wrote it down after reading the turtle suction method, and also deliberately messed up the order. If you don’t look at the turtle suction method, it is just the ordinary breathing method. Insight notes, not very useful. “

“Hopefully, they can restore the real source of turtles.”

Will divided the source of the turtle into three books, and sent them back one at a time.

This is the last one.


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