Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 181 - Change decision

At the moment, Will and his team are deep in the Rutoka Mountains.

Presented in front of them is a lush forest that stretches for thousands of kilometers.

There, it is their destination-the location of Muling Black Castle.

Around the woods, the shadow of green essence can be seen.

“It seems that the whereabouts of Princess Colina and her party are not well hidden?” Will sighed.

Lvjing knew the existence of Muling Heibao, and also lined up to patrol. Fortunately, the Lvjing had not progressed, and they were all dragged down by the ancient trees of war in Mulin Heibao.

“An ancient tree of war, made of long-lost technology, has the fighting power comparable to a third-class apprentice, and has a long life and can live for thousands of years.”

The forest in front of me was shrouded in a thick fog.

That is the fog of war.

A skill of ancient warfare that can confuse a creature’s perception and disorient it.

“It can create a fog of war that covers thousands of kilometers, and there must be a lot of ancient war trees.”

The fog of war is of little use to the strong and has very little effect on the third-class apprentices.

The problem is that the impact is small and there are some.

Not to mention getting lost, as long as you are slightly disoriented, you can encounter countless accidents when you can’t clearly distinguish the direction for a while, so it is not impossible to die from injury.

Princess Snowsa invited Will to lead the way.

The real effect is to deal with the fog of war.

And Will’s performance is also worthy of the expectations of Princess Xuesha.

When Will opened the magic eye and urged the real eye, the fog of war did not hinder his vision.

The ruins of Murin Black Castle are covered with towering ancient trees.

The branches swayed in the wind and the green leaves were scattered all over the sky.

The green vines with thick arms squirmed slowly, like the life-like pythons.

“An ancient tree of war has the ability to strengthen, spawn, and control plants. For plants in the ruins, even if it is not an ancient tree of war, you must be extra careful.”

It is almost impossible to enter the domain of ancient war trees without being discovered.

Even he is difficult to do.

Will glanced at the three of Xuesha, and his eyes finally fell on Im.

“Since I have been found, it is definitely not a hard break, so is it Im?”

Among the four people, it is possible to lead everyone to the ruins of Murin Black Castle without being discovered by the ancient war trees.

“These are not things I should worry about. My task is just to bring them here, and then clarify the situation of the woods where the ruins are located.”

Will’s heart was once again in the forest in front of him.

His eyes are constantly exploring and searching in the forest.

“Strange, how do you feel like you don’t have a great Warcraft?”

Will originally thought that such a large forest, in addition to the ancient trees of war, must have inhabited countless powerful beasts of Warcraft.

Even if there were signs of monsters, he would not be surprised.

The result is the opposite.

“Slightly larger animals can’t be seen, only bugs, butterflies, mice, birds, fry, like a paradise of small bugs and small animals.”

In this regard, Will was just a little surprised, and soon became irrelevant.

The sight deepened in the forest, and I saw more and more things.

At the same time, he held a paper in his left hand and a pen in his right, and kept writing and writing.

Over time, a rough map was completed.

Will closed his eyes, a trace of bright red blood sliding down the corners of his eyes.

“It’s too much.”

His face was yellow, but his eyes were full of excitement.

“Have you succeeded?” Princess Snowsa asked anxiously.

Im and Franco watched Will nervously, waiting for Will’s answer.


They invited Will to listen to the command of a humble and weak second-class apprentice along the way, all kinds of patience, wasn’t that the moment?

Will handed the map to Princess Snowsa and said weakly: “The trees are too lush and there is no shadow of any road. The remains are completely covered under the trees.”

The remains of seven thousand years ago are too far away.

“Then …” Xuesha guessed the information.

“I found a total of seventeen ancient war trees in the ruins. I have marked their locations on the map. The ancient war trees are moving slowly. The location should not change in a short time.”

Princess Xuesha’s eyes glanced excitedly on the map, “Yes, you are doing well.”

Then give the map to Im.

After that, “Your reward …”

Before Princess Xuesha had finished speaking, Will asked: “Princess, what did you say at first?”

“What?” Princess Snowsa wondered.

“You said that if I want to, I can join you in the Murin Black Castle expedition.” Will stared at Princess Xuesha and asked.

At the beginning, Will didn’t want to enter Murin Black Castle.

As the stronghold of war against monsters, Murin Black Castle does not know how powerful props and dangerous traps exist.

The formal wizard went in and died for nine.

A second-class apprentice in another area, did he go to death?

But he has changed his mind now.

Just now, when he explored the ruins with his real eyes, he accidentally discovered something.

An intelligence.

A piece of intelligence related to his future.

“If my guess is true, this world may not be as dangerous as imagined.” Will’s heart was very excited.

“… It doesn’t matter if you want to go together.” The expression of amazement on Princess Xuesha’s face flashed by.

“Okay, when are we going?” He couldn’t wait to verify the idea in his heart.

“Wait!” A icy voice suddenly entered.

Franco wore a black body armor and a dark red cloak and walked up, staring at Will with hostility.

He had no extra thoughts on Will.

In his view, Will is just a little bug leading the way.

But for the past ten days, Will’s attitude toward them really disgusted him.

If it wasn’t for Princess Snowsa to block, and considering that Will would still be useful, he had already shot Will.

He originally thought that after arriving here, Will would leave and never appear in his eyes again.

Without revenge afterwards, he is already his most demeanor.

Now they say they want to go deep into the Murin Black Castle with them?

Absolutely intolerable!

“Xuesha, do you really want to bring him? A second-class apprentice? A cumbersome person who only drags his legs behind?” Fraunro’s eyes were filled with murderous intentions. “It doesn’t matter if he is dead, if he accidentally encounters any organs, it will cause trouble What fierce beasts have affected us, what should I do? “

They are now taking risks, not fighting on the battlefield.

If it is a fight, one more cannon fodder, it is also good if it allows the enemy to distract the gods.

Adventures are not. If you want to be a cannon fodder, it depends on whether you are qualified.

The strength is too weak, it will only be a burden.

Princess Snowsa didn’t actually want Will to join, but it was just because of what she had said before, sorry to regret it.

Now Franco jumped out, just as she wanted.

I saw Princess Xuesha’s face looking ugly, “It’s not that I don’t want to promise you, just …”

With that, Princess Xuesha glanced at Franco and Im.

Franco sneered.

Im was always on the map, not interested in what was happening.


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