Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 187 - Chain and Devil

Travel through the darkness and reach your destination.

Behind it is a vicissitudes of bronze gate.

Underneath is the marble pavement extending forward.

The sky is dark red, and the field of vision in front is like being shrouded in black mist.

“Is this Murin Black Castle?” Will looked around, and at a glance, there was only infinite darkness.

In the darkness, a black shadow stood straight.

That is an old tree that has withered and died.

“Old trees of war? All? So many?” Will exclaimed in his heart. “How prosperous and powerful was the Murin Black Castle?”

Thousands and thousands of ancient war trees, despite their deaths, still gave infinite shock.

Every ancient tree of war possesses the fighting power of a third-class apprentice.

Thousands of ancient trees of war are together, with magic skills and formations, the formal wizards break through, and there is no death.

Moreover, the dead ancient tree of war is also a huge asset.

Will’s eyes will be straight.

Princess Xuesha glanced at the silver hourglass in her hand and looked forward, “We don’t have much time.”

The architectural relics in the Toruk Mountains are nothing but the superficial buildings of Muling Heibao, which can only be regarded as living areas.

The real Murin Black Castle is here, in this different space.

The different space is different from the ordinary world, which may cause the clock to malfunction, affect perception, and create an illusion of the passage of time.

Exploring in such a place, it is necessary to be able to accurately judge the passing silver hourglass of the passage of time.

It’s a pity Will doesn’t have one.

“It can only be done.” Will immersed his mind in the spiritual space.

Heartbeat, blood flow rate, cell metabolism, spirit, reaction, habit, human body, there is a biological clock.

By comparing the flow rate of the silver hourglass and his own biological clock, Will simulated a huge fuzzy clock in the spiritual space.

The second hand on the clock twirled.

“It may be less accurate, but it is okay to calculate the approximate time.”

This is just a simple technique of applying mental energy.

He has reached the third-class apprenticeship, and created a clock in his mind, the mental power spent can be ignored.

It’s just that this mental clock is not stable, strong fluctuations in mental power, or violent physical movements can interfere with the accuracy of the clock.

“It’s better than nothing.” He thought so.

The four men walked along the marble pavement.

The road surface is wide enough for ten carriages to walk side by side.

The marble under the feet is also very deep, judging from the feeling from the bottom of the feet, the thickness is definitely more than one meter.

It is not difficult to imagine how prosperous the former Murin Black Castle was.

Along the way, Will kept looking around.

In my eyes, I could only see a gray scene.

In the dark, countless dead trees stood.

“I don’t know what is the difference between this alien space and the original world? How high is the sky? How thick is the ground? How big is the range? Is there an end?” While thinking, he walked forward.

After walking for half an hour, I didn’t encounter any danger and no creatures.

The world is extremely quiet, as if there are only four of them.

Da Da Da’s footsteps echoed.

In front, there is darkness.

Looking back, it was dark.

They came from the darkness and went to the darkness.

This is not the way to go.

Because of fear of traps, Will was cautious at first but did not use real eyes to observe the surroundings.

“I look at it with real eyes.” It’s not a problem to continue blindly.

Opening the real eye, the world in the eye suddenly changed.

The whole world is shrouded in black mist.

“An upgraded version of the fog of war?” What is the use of the black fog, Will is still unclear.

All he knew was only.

“What a huge magic!”

At this time his heart was only amazed.

Ahead, the majestic magic rose to the sky.

Powerful, hot, and endless, like a volcanic eruption.

auzw.com The strength of the third-class apprentice is so small in front of this power, it is easily crushed.

“How is it?” Princess Snowsa asked.

“It should be coming soon,” Will replied.

In fact, there are no traps. The reason they feel wrong is only because the atmosphere is too quiet and weird.

Walked for another ten minutes.

They came to the end of the marble pavement.

Presented before them is a huge bottomless abyss.

The ground seemed to have been opened, and a circular cavity appeared on the ground. At a glance, it was dark and dark, and there was no end.

I don’t know how big or deep this cave is.

I feel like hell.

“The real Murin Black Castle is right in front.” Princess Xuesha’s eyes looked forward excitedly.

“It’s finally here!” Frano sighed.

“How to get there?” Im frowned.

Will walked towards the edge of the abyss and looked down.

Use the real eye.

The majestic magic fills the whole abyss like sea water, and the magic surges like water.

The giant snake formed by the magical power tumbling on the surface of the water, stirring up the waves.

Or rising into the sky, screaming in the air, staring at the four of them.

Due to the presence of the black mist, only Will noticed the long snakes formed by magic.

At the end of the road, next to the abyss.

They found three thick thigh wires leading to the distance.

“Is this the bridge?” Franco tried to step on with one foot, and the foot stepped empty. “There is no entity, is it an illusion?”

“Do you condense the magic power under your feet and try again?” Princess Snowsa reminded.

Following Princess Xuesha’s opinion, Franco’s feet condensed magic, and he stepped on the rope.

Standing on the iron rope, a deep cold wind blowing from under the abyss, Franco’s body shivered, but quickly stabilized his body.

After Franco stood firm, Xuesha and Im condensed their magic on their feet and stepped onto the chain.

“It seems I can’t go.” Will smiled bitterly.

Tie Su did not know how long it would be on this day, and what danger would be on the road.

Will, who has not reached the level of a third-class apprentice, is even difficult to stand up, not to mention the dangers that may be encountered during the process.

So he can only give up.

For this result, Will did not feel so sad.

Just what he wanted.

The reason for showing a regretful expression is just to show the show to others,

The three of Xuesha were also polite, just nodded to Will, and then walked forward without looking back.

Stepping on the iron rope, the figure sank into the black mist.

Cold wind blew continuously under my feet, and goose bumps appeared.

The cold wind is made of magic, and ordinary clothes can’t stop it.

Seeing the trembling of Franco’s body, the magic weapon he was wearing could not block the cold wind, maybe it could block it, but it was abandoned because it was too expensive.

“The two feet condense the magic power and walk against the interference of the magic wind. It is very useful for the control of the magic power and the tempering of the state of mind.” Princess Xuesha said.

Such a generous training ground, in today’s world, I am afraid no one can make it.

Suddenly, the black mist in front violently stirred up.

“Be careful.”

The three men’s faces were dignified and they were all ready to fight.

A huge black snake formed by magical condensation and having a body of ten meters in diameter appeared in front of their eyes.

Although there was only one snake head and only a small part of the body, the hearts of the three Xuesha were still cold.

The giant snake opened its scarlet giant mouth and screamed and rushed towards them.

Xuesha held a jewel dagger and placed it on her chest, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Im waved his hands and his skin cracked, and green seedlings grew from the cracks.

Franco held the epee in his hands, and his body was bathed in black flames.


The giant snake collided with them, and his body shattered into magic fragments.

The three of Xuesha stepped back pale.

The broken magic once again condensed together, turned into a giant snake overlooking the three people on the rope,


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