Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 236 - Find someone honest to marry

Knowing that Elaine’s poison could not be repulsed, the Kafri family, who had been abolished, had a sharp attitude towards her.

From the star of all eyes and the hope of the rise of the family, she became an ordinary girl, a burden.

If she had never been brilliant, the family had never expected her.

If she was born blind, a weak person.

The family will pity her, pity her.

Will raise her up and let her marry a good husband.

but not!

She has shown amazing talent before, that is the talent that can make the family rise, take the family forward, and restore the glory that the Viscount should have.

It was destroyed.

She was ruined by her willfulness.

How can the family not be angry?

Although she was not targeted at her in the face, the ubiquitous indifference and whispering all deeply hurt her heart.

Those who once looked up at her with admiring eyes, took out her favorite gifts to please her, and shyly asked her for breathing methods disappeared.

They all stared at her with contempt, and mocked her.

Even her favorite parents’ attitudes have changed greatly.

My father became irritable and blamed her loudly.

On several occasions, my father was angry outside and picked up the wooden stick in anger. If the mother did not protect her and begged her father, she would definitely be beaten hard.

It is gratifying that the mother still loves her.

But since she was blind and her body became weak, her mother’s personality has changed a lot.

The original gentle, kind, and smiling mother, weeping secretly every day in a place where she cannot see.

If it wasn’t for others to tell her when she mocked her, she didn’t know what seemed to be strong, and taught her to face the future with a smile. She has been constantly inspiring her mother, and she shed tears for her every day.

anger! despair! Not willing!

Not because of the abandonment of the family, not because of the ridicule of the clan, just because I don’t want to see my mother cry.

She, want to be stronger!

Become more powerful, strong enough to protect the mother, and make the mother proud of herself!

Therefore, she continued to practice.

Harder practice.

The level of breathing method has been continuously improved, and he is more proficient in the control of vitality.

But excessive fatigue makes the body weaker.

The toxins that had stopped spreading again acted again.

At fourteen, she became a knight.

The body, even walking is difficult.

Lying on the sickbed, the toxin eroded the whole body from both eyes.

The pharmacist said that if she rests well next time, she should be able to get out of bed and walk after taking medicine for a year or two.

“Humph, I don’t believe it!”

Within three months, she was able to get out of bed and walk.

That night, she dragged her weak body and walked steadily towards her parents’ room.

She wants to surprise her mother-she can walk!

Standing outside the door, listening to the noise of father and mother inside, she froze.

“Ilian is not the way to go like this.”

That was the voice of my father.

“Fortunately, she still has a good look, invite a smart and sensible rural honest man to marry.”

Marrying her is a decision made jointly by her father and her family.

Although the mother begged hard and said that Elaine was still young and still weak, she should find a noble worthy of Elaine.

But it didn’t work.

She silently returned to her room.

Dragging the body on the verge of collapse, continue to practice breathing.

Ten days later, she fainted.

However, even if she was in a coma, she did not completely lose consciousness.

She could feel her father’s disgusted look, the tribes wished her dead face, and some even sneaked into the ward, trying to strangle her.

If it were not for her mother to find out in time, she was dead.

auzw.com And the person who wanted to strangle her, was just blamed a little bit, without any substantial punishment.

She is still struggling, working hard, suffering.

She wanted to die, but she didn’t want her mother to suffer.

Finally, after she had been unconscious for a whole month, she woke up.

I do n’t know what caused the toxins to disappear.

The scenery in my eyes is so clear.

The body is full of power.

Physical fitness is a great deal.

And her pupils also disappeared and became a little silver light.

The strength she showed made her the strongest in several nearby territories in one fell swoop.

She defeated the coveted Cavry family, blocked the forces of the rise of the Cavry family, and brought the family power to a higher level.

But what he got was looking like a monster.

Even her mother looked at her eyes with deep fear that could not be concealed.

At the age of fifteen, she left the family and wandered around for adventure.

Want to find the same existence as her.

Once again by chance, she learned that there might be an answer in the forest of Entus that she wanted to know.

“Did you awaken the thin bloodline between life and death?” Will sighed.

Elaine ’s encounter, Elaine ’s strength, and Elaine ’s actions all make him intoxicated and admired.

Mainly, Yilian’s experience reminded him of himself.

“She looked like me when I was young!”

If it were n’t for Elaine and her looks different, his daughter is still young, it ’s impossible to be so big, Will has to wonder if Elaine is his daughter.

“So you came to the forest of Entus, did you want to enter the Gerald Potion Academy?” Will asked.

“What is the Gerald Potion Academy?” Elaine asked puzzled.

Will was the first person to open her heart after she was poisoned.

Although it was not long before they met, Will was already her most trusted person.

“It seems that you really don’t know anything!” Will did not know what to say about Elaine’s recklessness.

If it were not for him, Elaine died in the forest of Entus.

Even if you are lucky enough to survive and have no way out, it is impossible to enter the college.

At the time, it would have been Rep who led him to the wizarding world.

Fern Fran’s strong recommendation and help made him successfully enter the Gerald Potion Academy.

Then he will venture everywhere as a pure knight.

Or die in an unknown corner.

“You really look like me.” Will decided to help Elaine.

“Do you know the forging method and meditation ideas?”

Shook his head.

“How many languages ​​do you know? At least three common languages ​​are you?”

Shook his head.

“Is there a magic stone on my body? Can I get something for the magic stone?”

Shook his head.

Will stabilized one by one, and Elaine’s response was all to shake his head.

“I really don’t know if I ask three questions, like a blank sheet of paper!” Will couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. “It turns out that people can be ignorant to this point!”

But wasn’t he the same before?

“I used to be indistinguishable from monsters and Warcraft, and I didn’t know the forging body method and meditation ideas that still exist. I don’t know what the magic of the magical species is. “

Looking at Yilian, he seemed to see himself in the past.

“Since I met you, I won’t ignore you.”

“Huh?” Elaine looked puzzled at Will, “I have hands and feet, why do you need your care?”

“So, let’s start with what a wizard is.”

“Hey, don’t talk about yourself!”

“Do you know what a wizard is?”

“… An old lady with many weird abilities in the fairy tale who can make all kinds of magic potions?”


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