Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 241 - Little application of blood vein marking

“Isn’t it possible?” Will could not help exclaiming.

Compared with second-class apprentices, third-class apprentices will have a qualitative improvement in strength.

After becoming a third-class apprentice, it is normal to double the physical fitness.

How did you get to him and improve your physical fitness by 20% to 30%?

Is your eyesight better?

Is this level of reinforcement considered a third-class apprentice?

He is also looking forward to blood talent!

“Teacher, please help me.” Will looked at Vertley eagerly.

Now that she has said the problem, there must be a solution.

“The blood can only be strengthened by external means.” No one from Vertley’s mentor disappointed Will.

“Ah? Is there another way?”

“When merging the magical species, the blood of the same origin as the magical species is imported into the body through a special method to increase the blood vessel concentration.

Vertley’s tutor said easily.

But Will knew it would never be that simple.

“What’s the special method?”

“A technique of bloodline imprinting.”


Wil took a breath.

Blood mark is a special mark carved on the body after purifying the blood line of the monster through special methods.

Through the blood mark, you can use the blood ability of the corresponding monster.

Equivalent to an extra talent of blood.

But the production method of Bloodmark has been heard that has been lost, and the mentor Vertelli will actually?

“That same bloodline?”

Will does not intend to delve into the matter of blood mark.

Don’t dare to delve into it.

As long as he can help him to promote to the third-class apprentice, he can’t bother to take care of the blood.

“Your eyes are made from the blood of the Comoros dragon,” said Vertley’s instructor.

“Isn’t there a Comoro dragon in the academy?” Will surprised.

“Seven months ago, that Comoros dragon was dead.”

“… how much blood is needed?”

“The amount needed is very large, and it must be fresh blood, so it is best to grab a Comoro dragon back to take blood at any time.”

The Comoros monitor lizard, a powerful warcraft that mainly inhabits the Bels Mountains.

It is rumored that the Comoros dragon is a descendant of the dragon. It has a very strong physique and is comparable to third-class apprentices.

Let him kill a Comoro dragon, no problem.

It is said that his current strength is also the peak of a third-class apprentice. The Comoros dragon is just a beast with low combat power and low IQ. It is not too simple to kill.

Want to catch alive?

It really can’t be done!

“To give you a suggestion, the Comorian monitor lizard capture mission released by the college has been taken, you can discuss it with him.” Vertley tutor smiled.

“Really?” Will’s eyes lit up.

The college needs the blood of the Comoros dragon to do research.

The Comoros lizard is dead, and we must definitely grab another head and come back.

It will release a huge reward task, which is a normal process.

And in the academy, those who can take this task, he also knows.

The person who takes this task must be a third-class apprentice. Without the strength of a third-class apprentice, he can’t beat the Comoros at all, let alone alive.

Must also be an adventurer with rich adventure experience.

Will have special skills in catching Warcraft.

And interested in this task.

There are only a few third-class apprentices in the college.

To meet the above conditions, there is only one in the college-at least in his cognition.

“When can the Comoros lizard come back, when can it begin to advance to third-class apprenticeship?”


“How long will it take?”

“Three months.”

“Is there a chance to awaken the talent of the bloodline?”


“The chance is not great.”

Questions and answers, after a few questions, he almost knew what he wanted to know.

It’s time to say goodbye.

“Mr. Vertelli, thank you for your help.” Will sincerely thanked.

Although he paid the price for the core of a giant tree, he felt that the price was completely acceptable.

The core of the giant tree can be exchanged for thousands of magic stones.

But can the magic stone help him increase the fusion rate and increase the blood concentration?

It is estimated that this technique is only available to formal wizards and those large families with deep heritage, which is not accessible to him at the current level.

If there is no Virtelli mentor.

After his advanced third-class apprenticeship, his strength will be astonishingly low.

Maybe it will affect the future advanced wizard.

The price to be paid is only the core of a giant tree, which in his view is already very valuable.

“Do you still have any questions?”


Could it be said that Vertley ’s mentor felt that the core of a giant tree made too much by himself?

Will doesn’t know much about Blood Vessel Marks and the Core of the Giant Tree, and can’t measure their value.

Since the mentor thinks so, it should be correct.

But what does the tutor really mean?

Instead of asking casually?

Will carefully observed the tutor’s expression, hoping to see a clue.

Unfortunately, no.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and summoned the courage to say, “Teacher, I am very interested in the legendary French seal.”

“I will give you a one-month French-Indian learning authority. There are five kinds of French-indian, you can choose to learn at will.”

“Thank you, tutor!”

Thanks again and again, until the tutor showed an impatient look, Will did not withdraw.

After leaving the room, take a long breath.

“The harvest is bigger than expected.”

He just held the idea just in case and met the tutor with the core of the giant tree. He didn’t expect to find the problem.

“Fortunately, I did not covet the thousands of high-level magic stones.”

“And, French seal?”

When I think of the French-Indian mentor, Vertley’s intrepid attitude.

“French Seal, the most powerful force in the apprenticeship, but in the eyes of formal wizards, is it nothing?”

“Also, the Fayin itself is a simplified version of witchcraft, and it would be normal for formal wizards to look down upon it.”

Witchcraft is a powerful skill that only formal wizards can learn.

The Fayin is a simplified version of witchcraft that allows apprentices to learn after special changes in witchcraft.

But even if the simplified version is weakened, it is too difficult for the apprentice to learn!

Not only difficult to learn, but also very expensive.

“One enlightenment requires twenty advanced magic stones!”

Twenty advanced magic stones, only once to enlighten!

No matter how low the talent is, no matter how many times of enlightenment and how many magic stones are paid, it is impossible to learn.

The talents are high, and the fastest learner of India in the history of Rumor Academy has also learned 17 times.

Converted into magic stone, it is 340 advanced magic stones.

This is the best talent, the fastest learning, and only learned a French seal.

What if the talent is a little bit worse?

What if the five French-Indian studies are complete?

What if the magic stone is not enough?

“A month? It seems that you can’t understand it many times.”

Enlightenment skills, especially those at the level of Fayin, are very exhausting.

“Generally speaking, it takes two or three days of rest for an enlightenment.”

“The frequency of enlightenment is too fast, but it will damage your body.”

“So in a month, you can get up to fifteen times at a time, and the value is equivalent to 300 high-level magic stones?

Under normal circumstances, fifteen times of enlightenment, one Fayin does not want to learn.

“But it doesn’t matter to me.”


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