Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 247 - New magic and spiritual skills

“It takes about 10,000 high-level magic stones to attack the official wizard, and two hundred high-level magic stones every year. It can be made up after 50 years of efforts.”

“Thirty-year-old became a third-class apprentice, 80-year-old shocked the official wizard …”

Now they are still second-class wizards, why do you want such a distant thing?

After discussing a prototype with Roger, Will left.

There is still half a year, there is still a lot of time to discuss, do not rush to a moment.

He also has a lot to do.

The first thing is to learn magic skills!

He is not a third-class apprentice yet. Every time he uses magic power, he needs to be drawn from the magic species, which takes a long time.

Not very useful in combat.

“It’s better to learn auxiliary magic skills, as well as spiritual skills. It’s time to learn one or two to stabilize your mood.”

For the choice of magic skills, he already has an idea.

There is a magic skill that he must learn as a potionist.

If he wants to refine higher secondary potions, he must learn magic skills.

This is why there are so few people who can refine higher secondary potions.

Because in the refining process you need to use magic skills, and magic skills generally only third-class apprentices will learn.

The third-class apprentices are only a few in the college.

“Higher secondary potions are essentially different from ordinary secondary potions.”

“When refining advanced secondary potions, what works is not the medicinal effects of the materials, but the contained magic power. The process of refining is actually the process of magic reconciliation.

“So the reconciliation of magic skills is a must.”

He still has half a year to waste.

You must learn to refine higher secondary potions.

Came to the skill tower, used fifty intermediate magic stones to learn the magic reconciliation.

“Next, go to the training tower to practice magic.”

Magic power reconciliation can reconcile different magic powers, so that different magic powers can be fused together while maintaining their own characteristics.

The actual combat has little meaning.

It is an essential skill in refining potions.

He adjusted the magic power to level 5, and the proficiency of the magic skill reached the level of the master.

But talking on paper is not the same as actual operation.

There is too much magic in this world. Different Warcraft, different monsters, different raw materials have different magic powers.

There are dozens or even tens of millions of species.

If you want to reconcile different magic powers, you ca n’t do it without skills and experience.

In the process of refining the potion, if it fails, not only the raw materials are lost, but also the danger may be encountered.

The higher the potion, the more dangerous the refining process.

It’s a very common thing to have a big bang.

If he had no money before, he would step by step, a little, spend a lot of time using scrap materials to practice magic.

It is different now.

Now that he has money, he has plenty of shots and can enter the training tower.

After coming to the training tower and showing his intentions, he was taken to a room with a large pool.

“There are a total of 50,000 magical properties with different attributes. A maximum of 20 kinds can appear at a time, and one intermediate magic stone per minute, understand?”

“Okay.” Will couldn’t help it.

An intermediate magic stone in one minute!

Why don’t you grab it?

People who don’t have any capital are afraid to enter the training tower!

“This is a chronograph clock, please pay attention to the time.”

As soon as the leader left, Will immediately rushed to the pool.

Control the device next to it and let the magic flow into the pool.

Insert your hands into the pool and run silently to reconcile the magic skills.

In the beginning, it was three magical powers.

“Reconciling the three magical powers represents the introduction of magical reconciliation, and can also refine some simple and advanced secondary potions.”

After the three magical powers are four, five, and six …


The attributes of magic appear randomly.

Therefore, the magic power of each reconciliation is different, and new things can be learned every time.

When nine magical powers appeared, he failed to reconcile for the first time.

“The nine magic powers correspond to the third level of magic skills. At my current level, I should be able to reconcile fifteen magic powers.”

For each additional magic, the increase in the difficulty of reconciliation is linear.

Next, he continued to train, failed and continued to succeed.

Finally stabilized at thirteen magical powers.

“Shouldn’t it? With my magic skills, at least fifteen magic powers can be reconciled?”

Can reconcile the thirteen magic powers, and has been able to refine most of the advanced secondary potions.

But Will was not satisfied, he wanted to find out why he failed.

Try again and again.

At the time of thirteen magical powers, the reconciliation success rate can be stabilized at 95%.

And once it reaches fourteen magic powers, the success rate immediately drops below 30%.

“It turns out so.”

After trying countless times, the magic is about to dry up, Will finally understand.

“Because I’m not a third-class apprentice, I can’t condense magic from every part of the body. Every time I use magic, I need to draw from the magic species, so even if my control of magic is comparable to the third-class apprentice, the process of using magic There was a lot of time, which made it impossible to grasp the timing. “

The reason was found.

It turned out to be just a matter of state.

Just need him to become a third-class apprentice, then all problems are solved.

“It’s enough to reconcile the 13 magic powers.”

Proficiency is equivalent to four levels of magic harmony.

There are none of the apprentices who can blend the magic skills to level 4 in the college.

“It’s a training tower, and it’s much more effective.”

Will felt that he had spent hours training the tower, saving months.

“Wait, a few hours!”

Will was shocked and quickly looked at the timer.

More than four hours have passed.

“Practice a magic skill and use my two advanced magic stones in a few hours? Do you want to be so pitted?”

But there is no way!

People’s prices are so expensive, and they are worth the money. Do you come or not?

After paying the money with a black face, Will quickly left the training tower.

“It’s better to come to train the tower less in the future.”

The training tower is too expensive.

It is not a place where civilians like him can often take care of.

“Later, it’s mental skills.”

From the many spiritual skills, he chose two skills.

A meditation mantra, which calms emotions, eliminates weakened mental abnormalities, and resists mental attacks, is a relatively comprehensive skill.

The other is called spiritual guidance.

Strong mental power can bring hypnotic ability, and can confuse people whose mental power is much lower than their own.

But this hypnosis is fragile.

A little pain will relieve it.

A little tougher will resist.

So he chose a mental skill that can hypnotize others, although it can only work on people with weak mental strength and himself.

Spiritual guidance can change the thoughts and will of others unconsciously, and the effect is slow, but the victory lasts a long time, and the secret is not easy to find.

As long as it is used well, the effect of spiritual guidance is almost permanent.

“With spiritual guidance, it will be much more convenient to act in the future, but you should take it easy when you use it.”

“It’s a good idea whether you can do things like changing the will of others at will.”

He chose spiritual skills for spiritual guidance, just in case.

Not to control the spirit and consciousness of others.


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