Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 256 - Avalanche hit

No matter how hard he tried, Shimen didn’t change.

“Ha! Haha! …”

Del kept yelling, his voice getting louder and louder.

The light of life in the body burned more fiercely, and the consumption became greater.

Del’s cheeks were bloodshot and flushed.

Vitality is burning like a white flame.

He has tried his best.

Exhausted all his strength as a great knight.

But still can’t shake Shimen.

He stopped and glared at the door of power, panting, and said, “The door is probably broken due to disrepair, and it won’t open. Let’s detour, maybe it will take more time …”

Kaka Kaka——

The piercing sound suddenly sounded.

The ground, walls, and ceiling are shaking.

Numerous fine pieces of stone fell from the ceiling, and the dust rose all over the sky.

It seemed like an earthquake.

Del looked at the gate in horror, as if watching the devil coming out of hell.

“God, oh–” His mouth was wide open, and he could put a fist in it.

At his gaze, standing next to the gate, was a snow-white girl.

The girl’s slender arms pressed against the gate.

No matter how hard Del tried to move the stone door, the door of power that made him conclude that the door was broken was moved.

Phoebe used only one hand.

The expression looks so ordinary, it seems that it is not too hard.

Not to mention Del, even Will was taken aback.

“Pure physical strength, she may still be above me.” This is the conclusion he reached after seeing Phoebe’s power.

The blood rate exceeds 30% of the fusion rate.

It is not only the erosion of the body by the blood, but also the body is on the verge of collapse, and people are about to die.

It also comes with powerful magic and terrifying physical qualities.

Phoebe’s own combat power is only a second-level apprentice of the third-class apprentice, or a third-level beginner.

But her magic power is still higher than Roger, far beyond Will.

“Lead the way.” Phoebe glanced at Del.

“Good, good …” Del stammered in response.

The four went on.

Del told everyone to put out the torches and walk with the dim light of the magma.

“There are many beasts of warcraft inhabiting the dungeon, it is best not to disturb them.” Del explained.

Although the strength of the four of them is very strong, Del also feels that there are no creatures in the dungeon that can threaten their lives.

The voice just fell.

Poo poo …

Above, a group of black things flew by.

Will saw it clearly. It was a group of vampire bats the size of a basketball.

The vampire bat clawed the rock upside down over the cave, watching Will and his group of four, eyes flashing bloodthirsty.

“It seems they don’t welcome us very much?”

The danger does not only come from vampire bats.

There are also many beasts of warcraft lurking around.

The strength of the Warcraft is very weak, and the strongest is only comparable to the big knight, and it is not a threat to them.

It will only hinder their speed and consume their physical strength.

“We just want to come quietly and walk quietly, why should we appear?”

Fortunately, the volume of the iron cage is too large to hide.

Dale stared at the surroundings with caution, taking Will, Rogge, and Phoebe to move on.

Until a fire broke out all over the body, a fire dog as big as a calf jumped out and stood in front of them, showing them bloodthirsty fangs.

Rested in the underground city for one night.

Walking out of the underground cave, the temperature dropped abruptly.

A cold wind of minus ten degrees came head-on, and everyone suddenly froze.

Dragging a huge iron cage and looking down from above, the four people walked slowly in the snowy mountains like four black sesame seeds.

Looking forward, there are only high mountains and white snow.

I can’t see any trace of life.

auzw.com “Is the Comoros dragon living here?”

Continue walking with such doubts.

Seeing the destination approaching, Phoebe’s body was still trembling and getting worse, but his face was much better.

If you look closely, you can even find a faint smile in the corner of her mouth.


The iron cage fell into the snowdrift.

They didn’t notice a hole in the ground, just covered by snow.

There is no problem with people walking.

As soon as the heavy iron cage passed by, the ground collapsed.

They have already experienced this kind of thing many times.

Several people cooperated to pull the iron cage skillfully.

It’s just a little different this time.


A loud noise came from above.

The sound is getting louder and getting closer.

The ground was shaking and the snow was sliding down.

“What’s going on? Is there an earthquake?”

Everyone looked towards the source of the student, and everyone’s face suddenly changed.


From the top of the mountain.

The little snowball rolls down, the little snowball becomes a big snowball, and the big snowball rolls down with the little snowball.

The small snowball becomes a big snowball again.

The snow became fluffy due to the shock and fell down.

Because of a small vibration, because of a small snowball, one of the most terrible natural disasters in nature-an avalanche.

Watching the raging snow waves.

Everyone’s face is extremely ugly.

Especially Del, his face turned pale with fear, without a trace of blood.

“Because you have an iron cage? Is the avalanche caused by the sound of the collapse of the iron cage several times?”

Will there be an avalanche, should it be reasonable?

“It’s no use tangling these now, let’s go quickly.”

Pulling the iron cage, the four ran quickly.

Going upwards won’t work.

It is impossible to run down an avalanche too fast, only to run sideways, hoping to run out of the avalanche range.


The snow waves kept approaching.

At the speed of Will, there was no way to escape before the snow wave arrived.

“Throw that **** iron cage!” At the critical moment of life in crisis, Del yelled at Rogi.

Luo Ji looked for a crack in the ground and stepped hard!

The crack immediately expanded.

Put the iron cage in easily.

After looking at the surrounding peaks and the arrangement of the stars and the sun in the sky, after recognizing the location.

Run quickly.

Without the drag of the iron cage, their speed surged.

“There is a cave in front, we can hide there!” The sharp-eyed Will first discovered the cave.

They ran towards the cave.

The speed of the snow wave is getting bigger and bigger.

The ten-meter-long snow wave swooped down from above, with an unstoppable speed.

In this shocking avalanche, human power is so small.

The big knight is as weak as an ant.

Just to escape, you have to do your best.

Del breathed heavily, his legs continually burst into life.

Even in the rugged mountains, the snow under the feet is still sliding, and their running speed has reached an amazing speed of 130 hours.


At the last moment, they jumped.

The four of them rolled into the cave.

Behind them, the snow waves flooded their footprints, and the snow waves covered the mouth of the cave like a waterfall.


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