Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 260 - Elven dance

The giant hand retracted into Xuefeng and disappeared as if it had never appeared.

White hot magma spewed from the top of Xuefeng, with countless gravel and dust, covering the entire night sky.

“The volcano erupted?”

Jimoro Snow Peak is an active volcano.

It is normal to be erupted by such an impact.

It’s just that the city of Guna near Jimoro Snow Peak is about to suffer.

Fortunately, the magma just spewed, and then gradually became smaller, and the activity stopped.

Only the faint magma still gurgled from the crater.

“Is the pupil who appeared in the air just now a white robe wizard? Is that black charcoal wizard’s witchcraft? How about the other two white robe wizards?”

The sudden appearance of the scene really surprised him.

“What is that huge arm? How did it protrude from the crater? It also easily broke the witchcraft of the official wizard? Is there such a scary thing in Jimoro Snow Peak?”

The joint adventure of three formal wizards will end in failure.

And from the final scene, it is estimated that they are all dead.

“The existence of the official wizard level killed three of them all at once. This world is really dangerous!”

This is true even for formal wizards, not to mention these wizard apprentices?

There are also busy mortals?

When Will’s heart was surprised, he turned to tranquility.

“Their world is too far away from me. Let’s focus on it.”

In his sight was the riotous Tayata oasis.


The plan is delayed again.

The appearance of the three white robe wizards did not want Will to be as sudden as they thought.

They don’t know, just because the level is not enough.

The combination of three formal wizards, whether on the eastern or western continent, whether among humans, orcs, or fishmen, is a force to be reckoned with.

For their adventure, they came to Jimoro Snow Peak.

A powerful and powerful presence in the upper levels of mankind has been watching.

“Has it failed?”

“The door to the world is not so accessible.”

“Three arrogant guys.”

“Hey, three more dead.”

Faces flashed in the darkness.

Some are wearing white robes.

Some are wearing black robes.

Some people have gloomy faces and dangerous rays of light flash in their eyes.

Some people smiled happily, with a playful smile in the corners of their mouths.

Some people have nothing to do with their own expressions. After knowing the news, they turned their heads and buried them in their own research.

Among them, Will’s mentor Wiltley, Rudolf, the dean of the Gerald Potion School, and …

Everyone is a formal wizard, and all are standing on top of the world.

All affect the destiny of mankind.

At this moment, they are paying attention to the Jimo Xuefeng incident.

In addition to the formal wizards on the human side, the strong existence of other races is also concerned.

The door of the world is not only about the destiny of mankind, but also the destiny of this world.

in the dark.

One by one on the broken altar.

Simple lines are painted on the altar, which is one of the oldest lines that existed in the distant mythological era.

Prismatic crystals are suspended.

A little starlight floated out of the crystal.

In the center of the altar, there emerged a figure of nothingness-a beautiful and illusory elf child.

“he he he he he……”

The elven child, who could not distinguish between genders, chuckled with a bell-like sound.

With his toes, he danced lightly on the altar.

Above the lonely and broken altar, no one knows such a dreamy dance.


“It’s coming.”


Countless voices, male and female, old and young.

Gathered together, condensed into a will, a word.

“Our kingdom will bloom again.”

“That belongs to us, beautiful, eternal, happy …”

auzw.com “… the kingdom of elves.”

Will knows nothing about what happened in the world in the dark.

He only knew that he was in trouble.

“Cut, why not sooner or later, this time?”

No matter Jimoro Snow Peak, white robe wizard or giant hand, for him, it is not important to capture the Comoros dragon.

But they affected him.

Warcraft screamed wildly and ran.

The Comoros lizard roared loudly.

The huge figure rolled in the lake, which caused a huge wave.

“It seems that after a while, it will be quiet, and you need to find another time.”

This is half a month.

Looking at the Tayata oasis, which had returned to its normal state, Will was relieved.

He found an opportunity again.

The target is selected.

In the early morning of a dawn, when there is only one Comoros lizard in the Tayata oasis.

It’s getting foggy.

The white mist filled the Tayata oasis.

The giant Comoros lizard lay quietly on the edge of the lake.


Make a loud noise while sleeping.

A white air wave spewed out of its nostrils, and the air wave hit the water, startling a wave.


The monitor lizard opened its eyes and looked around uncomfortably.

It is just a Comoros dragon, although he has the blood of a dragon, and has a strong strength, comparable to a third-class apprentice.

But its level of wisdom is just an ordinary beast.

It may be much smarter than ordinary beasts, but it is not much higher, at least it is completely incomparable to humans.

The monitor lizard stood up restlessly.

The instinctive perception from the animal nature made it aware of the danger.


More than two meters high, a monster with long black hairs descended from the sky.

All of a sudden hit it on the back.

A sharp five-claw with a sharp blade is inserted into its body.

Its proud scales did not block the attack of the sneak attackers.


It howled angrily.

How long has no beast dared to challenge his status?

A big monkey with little magic power dared to attack it?

The magic of the body surged, the huge body bounced, and flew the attackers on the back.

Open your mouth wide, and the magic condenses.

A light ball with strong destructive power formed by a powerful magic force flew towards the sneak attacker.


Light ball blasting.

Create a hole of ten meters in diameter on the water.


The monitor lizard screamed, and a piece of meat was caught beside him.

Although there are minor injuries, it is angry!

The huge body ran and rushed towards the enemy.



Have you escaped?

“Huh, if it weren’t for this thick fog, I must crush you to death.”

When it was unable to vent its anger because of the enemy’s escape, another sting came from him.


The huge hairy monkey appeared from time to time, but disappeared.

In the dense fog, the Comoros monitor lizard can only be beaten helplessly.

The monitor lizard kept screaming, sending out destructive spheres of light, and the powerful body rammed.

But it didn’t work.

If no powerful attack can hit the enemy, what’s the use?

In the fog, the Comoros can only be beaten passively.

His injuries were getting more and more serious, and his physical strength was weakened little by little.


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