Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 268 - I am very confident

Hundreds of vehicles full of cargo disappeared.

Judging from the ruts and the remaining traces around it, it seems that there was no accident, the team should have left.

“Hurry up at night?”

This is the forest of Entus, inhabited by countless dangerous beasts, warcraft and monsters.

The night is when these dangerous creatures frequent.

So in the forest of Entus, the team generally does not rush in the evening.

“Although I walked at the end of the team because of the large monitor lizard I, I don’t know if the team has set off?

Even if he was distracted by him, within a hundred meters, the sound of the mouse running could not conceal him.

Not to mention that hundreds of vehicles started?

“Unless someone blocks my perception.”

There is only one person in the team who can do this.

With both eyes looking towards the road, the shadow of the convoy was submerged in the night and the sea of ​​forest.

The team is at least a thousand meters away from him.

However, the mist of shadow still enveloped him.

The thick black fog surrounded him and the giant lizard one, as if to isolate him from the outside world.

“Dog’s shadow mist can never stretch for thousands of kilometers, right?”

Will spoke to himself in the empty darkness.

“The fog of bloodline ability shadow, even my real eye, can’t be seen if it is not urged with all my strength.”

“So I didn’t notice the team leaving.”

“People say that each other is born from the heart. I haven’t believed it, so even if you look insidious and cunning, like a villain, I still communicate with you without prejudice.”

“Then discover your strengths and weaknesses and think you are a worthy person.”

“I don’t think I can see people’s eyes?”

Will secretly urged the real eye, and the effect of shadow fog gradually weakened.

The branches swayed in the darkness.

In the supposedly empty night, a few inhuman silhouettes were shown.

He had an unknown hunch in his heart.

This is the forest of Entus.

He had a grudge against the monster.

Add that few inhuman silhouettes.

For what is about to greet him, has already come out.

The black mist gradually dispersed.

The first to appear was Dogo.

Dogo wore a black **** and wore a tall and pointed wizard hat.

The muddy eyes flashed with fine light.

The skin underneath the clothes was covered with wrinkles like dead wood.

“Dogo, have you betrayed humans?” Will stared at Dogo with sharp eyes.

Collusion with aliens is one of the most unforgivable sins in his heart.

“Will, you offended the existence that you shouldn’t offend.” Dogo’s voice sounded like it was rubbed out of wood. It was hoarse and harsh.


“You are too arrogant, so arrogant that you have forgotten your identity, you are just a second-class apprentice.” Dogo smiled, “Your talents and actions, if you can successfully become a third-class apprentice, you must become a good story And legend, what a pity! What a pity … “

“Being a third-class apprentice or not does not affect my strength. I am stronger than you and stronger than most third-class apprentices. This fact will never change.” Will said from his channel.

“I hope you can say this sentence later!” Dogo stared at Will with a vicious look.

“Are you confident in your strength?” Said a snake man with two arms covered with scales.

The fog of shadow finally dispersed.

auzw.com The monster surrounding him finally appeared.

“One, two, three, four, five, five snakes in total?”

The five snake men in front are very strong, and each one possesses the strength of a third-class apprentice.

Monsters are not like humans.

Every monster is born with bloodline ability.

Therefore, as long as the monster advances to the level of the third-class apprentice, the weakest is also the second-level of the third-class apprentice.

And the magic power of the monster is far more than the ordinary third-class apprentice.

In the same realm, the general monster is stronger than the third-class apprentice.

“Are you all the elite of the Serpents? Was it worth it for me as a second-class apprentice?” Will leaned beside the monitor 1 and pulled out his long sword to prepare for battle.

The number of snake people is not bad, only a few hundred.

Among them, the total number of snake people of the third-class apprenticeship is estimated to be only five or six.

Five were dispatched this time.

One of them is similar in shape to the other snakes, except that the scales are blue with gold, and its magic power is much more than the other four snakes combined.

At the end of the tail, with a sheath made of white bone.

“Magic weapon?”

The monster also has a magic weapon.

It’s just that it can’t be compared with the human wizard.

Correspondingly, the magic weapon on the monster side is much stronger.

“The scales are golden, the magic is extremely powerful, and you still have magic weapons. Are you the leader of the Serpent Race?” Will warned in his heart.

In order to deal with him, the Snake Race also counted the blood.

“Will, are you ready for death?” The leader of the serpent spit scarlet letters.

“Death? I don’t think so.” Will is still confident.

Even if the other party dispatched five third-level apprentice snake people.

Even if the head of the snake wears the magic weapon in person.

He is still very confident.

He will not die!

“What about us?” Two black meatballs with arms all walked out of the darkness.

“Hundred-hand ghost family?” Will’s face changed suddenly.

“You killed Santa’s hatred, we must repay.” The eyes of the Hundred Ghost Clan were cold, with a monstrous killing intention.

“Is the hundred-handed ghost family that day called Santa?” Will thought he was innocent. “It was his first to hurt my people. I also gave him a way of life. I am willing to reconcile with him and let him go. Ren Zhiyi is exhausted. “

“But you killed him anyway.”

“He shot it first. I was just out of self-preservation. You can’t ask me to be attacked and never give it back? Stand and let him kill?” Will said silently.

“Yes,” the hundred-handed ghost clan said.


He really couldn’t understand the abnormal brain circuit of the Baisui Guizu.

“Five Snakemen, two Hundred-Handed Ghost Races, this lineup …” Will looked at the Snakeman’s leader sincerely, “I and the Snakemen have no deep hatred …”

“You destroyed our incubation room!” The Snakeman leader shouted.

“But you should know that my partners and I were scammed. The real behindhand is Soros.” It is better not to use violence as a reasonable solution to the problem, “I and my partners have paid enough Price, my partner died, and I was sent to the station for three years. “

“Not enough!” The eyes of the five snake men were as sharp as swords.

“Then you should find Soros to get revenge? You blow up the hatchery, he should pay 90% of the responsibility, and he must have stolen some of your precious treasures? Why should I be like a little person like me? Care about it? “

“… we will.” The serpent’s confidence was obviously insufficient.

“No matter what you say, the fact that you must die here is absolutely unchangeable.” Dogo smiled insidiously. “Well, you give up, now you have time to commit suicide, less sin, and don’t get tired The Comoros dragon, a Warcraft worth 300 high-level magic stones, is a waste of death. “

Dogo’s eyes landed greedily on the Comoros monitor lizard.

In his eyes, Will was already a dead man.


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