Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 292 - Arrogant white robe wizard

“Thank you for passing me a lot of time, but the people like me have arrived.” Will declined politely.

If it wasn’t for Matthew to talk to him, he stood at the door like a fool, bearing the curious eyes of others, listening to their private discussions, and being surrounded by people like a monkey.

Watching Will leave, Matthew quickly caught up.

“If you want to play in the port of Hain, there will definitely be more and more fun with me …” said Matthew, walking slowly and slowly until he stopped.

He felt the strange atmosphere around him.

It’s too quiet.

He noticed that everyone’s heads were twisted strangely in one direction, his eyes widened and his mouth wide open.

Only then did he notice that Will actually left?

But is it going in the direction of the Governor’s Palace?

Look up.

A luxurious and elegant carriage came from the depths of the mansion and approached the gate.

“This lord, Earl Dalton is meeting with the guests. Please come back tomorrow.” The guard stopped Will with a pleading expression on his face.

As a guard, I am most afraid of encountering such things.

The owner clearly stated that he refused any visits, but at this time there were VIPs visiting.

How to do?

Stop it?

If the distinguished guest remembers his enemies, he will whisper a few words later, and most of his positions will not be guaranteed.

Let it go?

The owner said that he would not see him, let it go? Inevitably angered.

“No more.” Will gently turned away from the guard and walked towards the door.

“This lord …” The guard was surprised to find that as a big knight, under Will’s soft touch, he was pushed aside without any resistance.

And the body doesn’t feel any pain.

The other party didn’t feel strong.

It was as if he had given way.

“Master Will, wait, wait …” Watching Will’s back, the guard hurried to catch up.

After only a few steps, he froze.

Like everyone on the scene, his eyes were fixed on the carriage from far to near.

“Tata Tata …”

The horse roared and stopped beside Will.

An old man in an elegant dress walked down from the carriage.

The old man looked at Will, a smile on his majestic face.

“Count Yossie, pleased to meet you.” Will gave a noble gift to the old man, and at the same time took out the cherished gift wrapped in a delicate gift box.

The old man took the gift and hugged Will backhand.

“You arrived just in time. I was having two guests who would like to introduce you.” Earl of Dalton invited Will to ride in the carriage.

“His hiss …”

The horse roared a few times in a low voice, and pulled the carriage around a big bend, running towards the building in the mansion.

It wasn’t until the carriage went away that the surrounding quiet atmosphere gradually dissipated.

“God! Earl Dalton actually came out to meet him personally!”

“Who is that person? Feeling intimate with Earl Dalton?”

“Will he really be a prince?”

“It’s impossible, even the prince won’t get this kind of treatment.”

Maas looked shocked, staring in surprise as the carriage moved away, which contained Earl Will and Dalton.

Until awakened by the noise around.

Listening to other people’s comments, Mas also agreed.

José Leighton is the great Earl and the Governor of Hain Port.

Considering the particularity of Hain Port in the Kingdom of Ledoia, although Dalton is only an earl, his status is no worse than that of the duke.

Even the king must be in awe.

auzw.com Come out personally to greet this kind of treatment, but the King’s presence is not so?

“Who the **** are you?” His heart was deeply shocked. “It’s a mysterious man.”

He decided that he must have a relationship with Willa.

At least to identify Will’s identity.

He leaned on the carriage, staring at the gate, waiting quietly.

Whether it was an hour, a night, or a day and a month, he had to wait until Will.

The carriage drove across the flower field and came to the mansion.

The beautiful maid helped them organize their clothes and put on their shoes. Earl Dalton walked upstairs with Will.


The two magical forces upstairs are as obvious as the sun.

Hot, powerful, and heavy, the closer you are, the more you feel the terror of the other party.

It turned out that with a curious expression, Will’s face became heavier as he went up.

“What a powerful magic!” Will sighed.

Although there is no real eye and the perception ability is reduced, it is still much stronger than the ordinary third-class apprentices.

Moreover, the other party has no hidden meaning.

The mental power is not easy to grasp, the magic power is at a glance.

“Is the white robe wizard so powerful? Should the cultivation methods be the same?”

Before meeting, Will was shocked by the white robe wizard.

His current magic power has improved a lot compared to when he was first promoted to more than 900.

The magic power of the third-class apprentice peak is about three thousand.

“Unsurprisingly, within four years my magic power can reach the peak of a third-class apprentice, and then to rise again, it depends on opportunities.”

For all third-class apprentices, the power of three thousand demons is a hurdle.

How to break through is still unknown.

He has no clue until now.


The magic powers of the two white robe wizards in the front have exceeded three thousand, one has reached five thousand, and the other has reached a terrible six thousand!

“Bloom is already the strongest third-class apprentice in the East Continent. It is said to be a rare event in the millennium, but it is only 7,000 units of magic.”

“And the white robe wizard, who came out at random, has five or six thousand magic powers.”

“Is it true that in the western continent, third-class apprentices like Bloom and I, like the crucian carp, are not worth a question?”

“They must have some kind of magical power!”

Standing in front of the door with a different kind of thought.



The door opened, and Earl Dalton invited Will to enter.

Upon entering the room, Will’s eyes were immediately attracted by the two white robe wizards sitting inside.

One old and one young.

The other party looked up at Will, and looked at Will carefully.

One of the white-robed wizards was a middle-aged man with severe facial burns, only a small piece of skin in his left eye, normal eyes, and fierce eyes.

Five thousand magic powers.

One person is a handsome young man with white hair, who looks in his early twenties.

Ever since Will came in, he gazed at Will with playful eyes.

Six thousand magic powers.

“Master Farn, Lord Liram, I would like to introduce to you, this is Will, the most outstanding genius of the Gerald Potion College in the past ten years.” Earl Dalton said with a respectful expression with his head down.

“Two adults, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Will learned Earl of Dalton and said with respect.

“Are you the most powerful apprentice at Gerald College? Isn’t that person called Bloom? Rumored to be the most powerful apprentice ever?” The white-haired teenager named Farn narrowed his eyes in a frivolous tone.

“This is the case with little knowledge in remote places. It’s ridiculous to see what happened in a thousand years in history.” Liram looked at Will arrogantly, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.


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