Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 302 - Admit students

It’s pretty good to be able to improve by 70%.

Unfortunately, this is the wizarding world.

Improvements in educational methods, instructor quality, and textbook improvements are all very limited.

“The most important thing is resources.”

If every student can give enough resources, the probability of a third-class apprentice can be doubled-but this is not possible.

Another point is to improve the forging method and meditation.

This is too difficult.

The forging method and the idea of ​​meditation have been developed for tens of thousands of years. It is the crystallization of countless generations of wizards and has become perfect.

It is extremely difficult to change a little bit.

At least at this stage Will is absolutely impossible.

“I can’t do it by increasing resources, and it’s not feasible to improve my skills. What should I do?” If you can study thoroughly, there will definitely be a storm in this world. “

As a tutor, he also enrolls students in addition to classes.

For students, his requirements are actually very low.

Talent is better.

It ’s better to have a better family background.

As long as the personality is ordinary.

For character, as long as you are a good person.

His requirements are so low that in his view it is equivalent to no.

Can pick and choose, still can not find a suitable candidate.

“The wizard’s per capita character is really worrying!”

In this case, it can only be selected from the children.

Gello Potion School.

There are very few students, only one or two hundred.

Most of them are transplanted with magical species, which can be called the existence of wizard apprentices.

But there are still many species that have not been transplanted.

There are many prerequisites for transplanting the magic species.

For example, the mental strength is up to standard.

If the mental power is too low, the magic species will affect the spirit and make people crumble crazily.

Forging method and black stock solution.

Without drinking the black liquid, it is impossible to resist the erosion of the magic species.

If you want to absorb the black liquid, you must practice the forging method.

Neither meditation nor bodybuilding exercises can be practiced in a short time.

In particular, the idea of ​​meditation must be practiced from an early age and when the mind is pure, and the effect is best.

Many people have the mental power of a first-class apprentice or even a second-class apprentice before transplanting the magic species.

Because mental strength is difficult to improve by external force.

You have to practice it bit by bit, and it takes a lot of time.

It’s alienation that he started practicing meditation at the age of eighteen.

It is a miracle to be a third-class apprentice.

Many apprentices have studied in the college since childhood, and transplanted the magic species in the college.

Some of them were sent to the college for transplantation after they were trained by outside families.

There are very few people who go to the academy to study after transplanting the magic species, and need to pass several exams to successfully enroll.

this day.

The teenagers in the college clamored.

Because they got a message.

“Do you know? Lord Will wants to choose students from us.”

“Is that the legendary third-class apprentice?”


Legends about Will have already spread among apprentices.

Even the wizarding family outside the college and other schools have heard Will’s rumors.

Not to mention the Gerald Potion Academy?

“At the age of fifteen, I met the demon hunter and accidentally transplanted the magic species under the guidance of the demon hunter. At the age of eighteen, I began to practice meditation. At the age of nineteen, I entered the college.

Many teenagers are remembering the legends about Will.

Today, Will has become a legend in the apprenticeship.


Idol without mathematics.

It is a hero admired by many apprentices.

Especially among the children, many children who have not transplanted the magical species regard becoming people like Will as the goal of their lifetime efforts.

Today, Will actually chooses students among them.

How can they not be excited?


“Isn’t the tutor automatically assigning students every year? Why should I choose myself?”

“Because Lord Will doesn’t want a student in the name, but in the true sense, the kind of intimacy!”

“That was chosen, didn’t you say?”

“Yes, you can get Master Will’s personal teaching and cultivation, but with all kinds of resources, you can …”

For those who have different family backgrounds and talents, the temptation to become Will’s students is very great.

It is exciting to be able to get a third-class apprentice’s personal instruction.

More important is resources.

Will obviously wants to choose apprentices as the kind heirs cultivate.

And Will is also a potionist.

Visiting Will will be equivalent to having abundant resources, at least no less than those of the bloodline family.

Many people want to worship Will as a teacher.

Almost everyone.

Aoqi is also one of them.

At the age of thirteen, this year, he has already achieved a great deal in forging body exercises.

The next step is to start drinking black stock solution.

After the black liquid in the body has accumulated to a certain extent, you can start transplanting the magic species.

With his talent and progress, he probably reached the peak of first-class apprentices at the age of seventeen and began to impact second-class apprentices.

The training speed is not bad.

But there is no talent.

It is actually very easy to become a first-class apprentice.

Reaching the pinnacle of first-class apprentices does not require much effort, as long as it takes time to wait, it will be a matter of time.

What really saw the talent was after becoming a second-class apprentice.

“Become a second-class apprentice at the age of eighteen or nineteen. There are twelve years or so to shock a third-class apprentice, but the chance is still slim.

Although he was only thirteen, he knew a lot about the wizard.

The cost of becoming a wizard is also very clear.

At first, I was ignorant and entered the Gerald Potion Academy to learn forging methods and meditation ideas.

There is no choice at all in his life.

Glancing at the noisy and excited crowd, Aoqi secretly said: “Do you really think you will be selected? To choose, you must also choose the bloodline first, and the next is talented, which round gets us?”

He thinks his talent is good.

But it’s just good, and it’s totally incomparable with real genius.

Several people are about the same age as him, even younger than him, but their meditation ideas have reached the advanced level of first-class apprentices.

“It’s better to go back and practice the forging method a few times.”

Despite his thoughts, his feet seemed to have taken root, standing with other teenagers, waiting for Will’s arrival.

In the expectation of everyone, the legendary apprentice arrived.

It doesn’t seem to be very old. Everyone at the age of fifteen believes.

Wearing a black apprentice’s black robe, meticulously short linen hair, brown eyes have a gentle light, and there is a kind of nonchalant smile in the corner of the mouth.

The whole person looks like a handsome brother next door.

It makes people feel good.

Want to get close.

“It feels that Lord Will is completely different from other mentors?” Said a teenager beside.

In response, Aoqi nodded in agreement.

The instructors in the college, especially the third-class apprentices, can feel the terrifying grief across the distance.

After being glanced at, even if you know that the other party is not malicious, you will tremble involuntarily.

Especially that Bloom.

The strongest apprentice in the rumors, a character with Will.

It’s a scary character who has to scare his pants whenever he sees a figure.

Not a rumor.

Because he had personally experienced it, the wet pants were the greatest shame in his 13-year career.


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