Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 833 - The End of the Windhawk Family

Jungle of the Jungle

Two seemingly nothing phantoms walked towards the gathering grounds of the wind eagle, the two peaks of Reclo, even the best people could only see two faint shadows.

Unlike Ande and Lepaitana, who walked towards the gathering place of monsters with big swings, Luna and Quinn completely concealed their breath, and even the first-level strongmen could hardly perceive their existence.

The reason for this is because their tasks are different.

The other two sides only need to kill the first-level monster, and they need to kill all the wind eagles.

The wind eagle is able to fly, and even if you don’t care, you will run away.

It is better to kill all the weak wind eagles and then fight against the first-level strong among the wind eagles.

The two came to the ten kilometers of the Reclos Twin Peaks, and the two pupils stared at the front, patrolling the surroundings with real eyes.

Luna and Quinn both have real eyes, and both have flying dragon physiques, which is why Will made them both deal with the wind eagle.

“Wind Eagle has two first-class strongmen?” Quinn surprised.

“A crystal level, a level of atomization level, strong to me, weak to you.” Luna said.

Even if the opponent has crystal strength, Luna still has a certain victory.

When she battled the Nanhuang Five Powers in that year, although her cultivation practice had just entered the realm of crystallization, the combat power was equivalent to the peak of crystallization because of witchcraft and 13 witchcraft.

Now decades later, her cultivation has reached the peak of crystallization, plus witchcraft and 13 witchcraft, the strength of a level of invincible hand can not be overstated.

She doesn’t think anyone can compare with her at the first level, even if it was Will’s estimate that year

“Do you still follow the original plan? It is not difficult to kill all the wind eagles before the two first-level strongmen react.” Quinn frowned.

Their original plan was for Luna to deal with the first-class strong of the Windhawk family, and Quinn slaughtered the ordinary Windhawk.

This plan was originally no problem, but if the opponent has two first-level strongmen, it is another matter.

“The plan needs to be changed.” Luna pondered for a while, and said, “I have never used one of the talents. I can use it this time.”

Among Luna’s thirteen endowments, there is a witchcraft called Body Shape Change.

The shape is cleverly changed. It is rumored that the dragon family used to change into other creatures. After the change, they can have a little ability of the changed creatures, even the real eye can’t see through.

Not only that, listening to the ingenuity of the body to the extreme, it can even break through reproductive isolation, and reproduce offspring with other animals and plants.

Luna put her left hand on Quinn’s shoulder and whispered: “Relax, don’t resist.”

A magic group was released from Luna’s hands and surrounded Quinn.

In the magic group, Quinn’s body shape changed rapidly, and feathers, wings, claws, etc. appeared one by one.

After a while, it has become a wind eagle.

What is even more surprising is that Quinn even found that he had the ability to control the wind, as if he had really become a wind eagle.

On the other side, Luna’s body quickly turned into a wind eagle.

The two looked at each other and fluttered their wings towards the sky.

“Haw …”

A wind eagle passing by in the air looked strangely at two strange strange wind eagles that suddenly appeared.

The Windhawk family lives in the two peaks of Reclo, and there are not many people in the clan. Almost everyone knows. How come there are two more people who have not seen them suddenly?

This kind of thought just rises, and then the consciousness flickers and falls into a hazy Zheng

Luna looked at the wind eagle flying towards the ground, “I have left seeds of destruction in its spirit, and after a while it will be destroyed by spirits.”

Luna is not good at mental attack, the ability of mental attack is just ordinary level one crystal wizard level.

But even so, it is far from ordinary monsters of apprentice level.

When Will, as a legendary apprentice, first met Soros after becoming a first-level wizard in Oslo, wasn’t he seriously injured by a common mental attack by Soros, who was only a vaporized state at the time?

auzw.com Fengying is definitely weaker than Will at the time.

Luna’s strength must be far above that of Soros.

Just as many people Einstein are not good at mathematics, mathematics has dragged Einstein’s hind legs, but that also depends on who compares it, certainly not as good as Euler, Gauss, etc., but compared with others …

The spiritual attack carried out with the peak strength of Luna Crystallization has no resistance at all under the formal wizard.

And in order to prevent the enemy from discovering something strange, she deliberately carried out a delayed explosion.

Luna and Quinn both turned into wind eagles and circled around the two peaks of Reclo. At the beginning, there were wind eagles questioning their appearance.

Later, when Luna fine-tuned her appearance and became exactly the same as a certain Fengying, there was no longer a question from Fengying.

Less than one time, almost all the wind eagles were seeded by Luna in the spiritual space.

At this time, Luna and the two felt a powerful force rising from the two peaks of Reclo.

Luna and the two immediately understood, “They want to support two other first-level monsters?”

The three monsters of Entus seem to be fighting openly, but they are actually one.

No matter which side is difficult, especially if there is a first-level strong attack, the other two monster races will provide support.

Luna and Quinn are much slower than the other two in order to kill the ordinary Windhawk. Ander, Repa and Itana have already fought against the enemy.

After being confused at the beginning, Fengying calmed down and discussed, and was ready to support other battles.

Luna and Quin re-formed into human form, flapping the dragon wings in front of two first-level wind eagles. “Want to support? Ask us first.”

“You are the first-level wizards of the Cairo Empire? Do you want to violate the covenant?” Feng Ying looked at Luna and angered.

“The battle has already begun, what is the point of these?”


Along with two roars of majestic dragons, Luna and Quinn turned into one or two golden dragons.

Quinn rushed towards the weak wind eagle with only the atomization level, Luna roared and swooped towards the strongest wind eagle.

“Human, don’t look at me too much!”

The crystal wind eagle Kimpros roared, and a violent wind circulated around it, and the air of several kilometers around it frantically condensed towards it.


A dazzling thunder burst into the air.


In a blink of an eye, thousands of buckets of thunder and lightning circling around the wind eagle, each thunder contains a high temperature of millions of degrees Celsius, and can easily hit a deep hole with a diameter of hundreds of meters on the ground.

“Sorcerer, let you see the power of my Kimpoulos—”

Windhawk Kimpoulos roared with his head up, wind and electricity circling around him, like a **** controlling wind and thunder.

Luna smiled contemptuously, tearing her claws together with crimson dragon inflammation.

The hundreds of meters of tornado that circled around the wind eagle was torn apart by Luna, and Luna shot at the amazed wind eagle at 16 times the speed of sound.


She bit the wind eagle’s wings in one bite and pulled them apart, biting off the entire wing and swallowing it in two or three.

It wasn’t until this time that Windhawk Kimpoulos reacted.

It looked at Luna screaming in horror, “How can you be so powerful!”

Thirty years ago, Nanhuang World War I had also paid attention to it. It believed that its strength and Luna were at the same level.

But after only thirty years, Luna is so powerful?

Luna stared at Fengying coldly, without words, just roared and rushed towards Fengying again.


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