Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 840 - Wardhouse\\\'s choice

As a three-conscious life wizard, Will can also split himself.

But the split life is far from its own strength, at most it is the first level of the second-level wizard, who has not learned the second-level witchcraft, and the upper limit is also very low.

Wardhouse is different, it is really self-splitting and copying.

However, every second-level psychic wizard has a problem when he splits himself— “Who is the real me?”

So almost all second-level spiritual wizards will set a restriction when they split.

The restriction cannot be too strong, otherwise what is the difference from ordinary doppelgangers?

The restriction should not be too weak, otherwise it would not be troublesome to be killed by your own copy?

Most of the restrictions are-“memory sharing, cultivation sharing, sensory contribution between doppelganger and ontology …”

In this way, you will not worry about betrayal.

In the early days, with this ability, you can quickly cultivate, you can reach the peak in a very short time, and cultivate to the second consciousness.

And due to the number of factors, the combat effectiveness is also extremely amazing.

No matter how strong the other second-level wizard is, he is also a person, and the spiritual second-level wizard has dozens of hundreds of people, how to fight?

When Xiuwei reached the peak of Erjue, he encountered a problem.

Practice sharing is a double-edged sword.

The consciousness of each person’s avatar is different, and the ideas are slightly different. The same exercises, the same cultivation, the same resources … there will be some differences in what you get.

When these differences are magnified several hundred times, the spirit will become impure and become the shackles for further cultivation.

One of the solutions is to kill all the avatars.

Anyway, the second consciousness is at its peak, what’s the point of avatar? It’s not too late to split after becoming a three-conscious wizard.

It is a pity that it cannot be done.

The cultivation, strength, memory, skills between the body and the avatar … all things are the same.

Solution two, the body and the avatar merge into one.

Compared with the first method, this method is much better, and the improvement in strength is much greater, maybe it becomes a three-sense wizard directly.

But the question is coming, who will do the consciousness?

A new consciousness can be born through complete integration. Isn’t the old consciousness equivalent to death?

Who wants to!

For various reasons, in the history of human wizards, there have never been three-spirit spiritual wizards.

It is really sad, obviously has the strongest and most amazing ability of the same level, the solution is also very simple, but for various reasons stuck in the state of second consciousness for life.

Facing Will’s approach, Wardhouse was silent.

Finally, Will is not willing to make things too rigid.

After all, the other party is a second-level wizard, still spiritual, and he really turns his face. He is not afraid. The Cairo Empire is likely to be destroyed.

“I meant to make the Entus Forest the eleventh province of the Cairo Empire. I wanted to make the Gerald’s Medicine School more prosperous and better able to train wizards.” Will told Wardhouse Released goodwill, “If you want, you are still the dean of the college, and the relationship between the college and you is the same as before, there is no difference.”

Wardhouse has always ignored the Gerald’s “pharmaceutical” academy, and does not appear once every few hundred years. With him or without him, he has basically no impact on the academy.

Wardhouse himself did not value the college very much, and he didn’t care about the college’s survival.

Compared to these things, he cares more about his face.

As for Rudolph?

auzw.com is just a first-level wizard who has no hope of reaching the second realm, he will die.

Will looked at Wardhouse quietly, waiting for Wardhouse’s decision.

Wardhouse closed his eyes, his thoughts kept rolling, and he communicated with other avatars.

“This new second-level wizard is a bit arrogant.”

“I was very optimistic about him before and wanted to bring him a hand, but I didn’t expect to be such a guy.”

“He seems to want Gerald College of Medicine, what should I do? Give him?”

“Cut, do you think his style is like being satisfied with only one college? What he wants is the entire East Continent!”

“The eastern continent was originally a barren place. If it wasn’t for the sake of the covenant, I wouldn’t be bothered to give it to him.”

“Every second-level wizard must have his own ambitions and territories. We can never let him stay in the Cairo Empire? At the moment he became a second-level wizard, don’t we all assume that the East Continent belongs to him?”

“It is said like this, but I always feel very unhappy.”

“Do you want to fight?”

“He is a three-sense wizard, and there are second-level wizards. One must not be beaten. All of them … I don’t want to fight anyway, any of you want to fight.”

“Did it just retreat? He has hit our heads.”

“… It’s time for us to welcome this new second-level wizard.”

“You mean? … Okay, just do it.”

Wardhouse opened his eyes again, and at this time his pupils were no longer angry, and only calm like a lake.

“Emperor Verde, I know you want to control the Eastern Continent, but you also need to know that both power and responsibility are equal. Without us, the humans in the Eastern Continent would have been exterminated by orcs or other races.” Wardhouse said in a deep voice.

“From now on, the humans of the East Continent will be protected by me.” Will said from himself.

“After that, we will gather the second-level wizards in this world to have a meeting early to discuss your control of the Eastern Continent. Do you think it is good?”

“Right on my mind.”

“Wait for notification.”

Wardhouse’s figure faded away and disappeared in an instant.

The powerful mental pressure exuded by Wardhouse also dissipated as he left.

The time and space around it seemed to be condensed again, but the ordinary apprentices did n’t even know what happened, but it was weird, “How come time suddenly passed so nine years?” It seems to be cold “…

Only “Lu” Na and other first-level strongmen still have the memories just now.

Wardhouse has been resolved.

“Is there you?”

Will felt that he had been monitoring his breath.

Blinking his eyes, the distant scene seemed to draw closer to him, closer and closer, closer and closer.

Thousands of kilometers of distance seem to be non-existent.

On a floating island in the vast ocean, he saw a middle-aged man with short black hair and thick glasses who looked very wooden.

This middle-aged man is the dean of the League of Allianz College-Bierer II.

The two men’s eyes slammed together.


Biller screamed in surprise. He probably didn’t expect Will to notice his voyeur.

“What is your choice?” Will asked.

“It’s natural to see the difference after the meeting.” Biller waved his hand, Will’s eyes dimmed, and he could no longer see the scene of the League of Allianz.

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