Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 852 - Double Wizard

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The spaceship, like the same beam of light, soared silently over the sky, unconsciously reaching its destination.

The sky city inhabited by the wing tribe is located at the balance of the gravity of the moon and the earth. It is a floating city with a diameter of 300 kilometers. It is more appropriate for the island than the city.

In the city of the sky, there are mountain rivers, and there are birds and beasts.

The mysterious and quaint buildings stand in the dense forest, as if they are integrated into the forest, and they are not abrupt at all.

The whole sky city is like a paradise, and even Will is lost for an instant because of the natural beauty in front of him.

The spaceship crossed the border and entered the sky city.

“I also have to pray for the newly born Wing tribe, and I’m out of company.” The Wing tribe girl flew towards the most majestic building in the middle of the sky city.

It was only born in 888 that a new wing tribe was born, but just as human babies need food, the growth of the wing tribe also requires food.

The food of the wing tribe is faith.

If the belief is insufficient, the self-consciousness will dissipate and revert to pure gravity and belief.

Therefore, before the new wing clan becomes an adult, the adult wing clan need to pray and inject faith.

In fact, ordinary creatures can also inject faith into the prayers of wing children, but if the faith is not pure enough, it has no effect.

Ordinary life beliefs are easy to change because of birth, old age, sickness and death. Different people have different experiences and different understandings of the same sentence and the same goal. Therefore, beliefs are also different.

Therefore, the injection of beliefs for the newborns of the Wings can only be carried out by the adult Wings.

Will flew in the direction of the second-level wizard in the sky city.

It was a magnificent hall made of marble, in which the ringing bells could be heard.

There are thirteen seats on the long table in the center of the hall. Several people have been waiting there.

The four eyes gathered towards Will at once, and Will felt the whole person was seen through.

“Four living second-level wizards?” Will also looked at the four men.

When Will was a first-level wizard in the past, when he talked with Dean Wardhouse, he learned that there are only four “alive” second-level wizards in this world.

So there are four people sitting on the seat, plus a total of five people.

Two of them, Will, are very familiar with them. They are Wardhouse, the former dean of the Gerald Potion School, and Bieler, the dean of the League of Allianz.

There are two more.

A man with gray hair and a long beard, like a kind old man from a fairy tale.

If the information collected by Will is correct, this person is Gerard, the owner of the 9th Ring Tower.

The other is a woman with dark, ink-like hair, pale skin like snow, no eyes in her eyes, and only two dark swirls, which exude an ominous breath.

This man Will also knows, the muse of the abyss corridor.

There are dozens of wizard organizations of all sizes in the western continent, but there are only two really large organizations, one is the Jiuhuan Tower and the other is the Abyss Corridor.

Will casually found a seat and sat down, laughing: “Can the meeting begin?”

The other four nodded slightly, and the remaining eight vacancies suddenly emerged as a human-shaped silhouette, which is the other second-level wizards who are inconvenient to come to the sky city.

Because they are not “alive” in a sense.

“Oh, uh,” twelve eyes fell on Will.

Will talked with a smile: “From now on, the Eastern Continent is under my control, can you have any opinions?”


“Responsibility and power coexist.”

“What you want, you have to pay.”

“The world is not yours alone. The Eastern Continent is not yours and you are not alone.”

“Why should we hand over the East Continent to you?” …

Obviously, the people present did not want to hand over the East Continent to Will.

“In the long time before I became a second-level wizard, it was you who protected the East Continent and the humans on the East Continent so that they could prosper and prosper. For this, I am very grateful and I will pay accordingly “” Will smiled.

The second-level wizards present looked at Will with anticipation.

It doesn’t matter to them whether the East China Continent is better or not, after giving the East China Continent to Will, they can spend more time doing other things.

There are two reasons for not agreeing immediately and having to hold a meeting.

First, face.

You said that you would give you the East Continent?

How old are you?

How dare a kid who has just advanced to level less than two hundred years so arrogant?

What if you are a three-sense wizard? There are still many ways to punish you, especially if there are sites with family members and influence.

Of course, Will is also a three-sense wizard, not easy to offend. They have to face, and they must also take care of Will’s face.

Second, benefits.

The western continent has protected the time of the tens of thousands of years in the eastern continent. Even if it is a burden, it cannot be given to you. Do you have to pay a price?

“You don’t know much about my strength?” Will asked.

The second-level wizards here looked at each other, don’t know what Will said, do you plan to use their strength to retreat them?

Will continued: “I have always been committed to making humans more powerful. I want to make humans truly step on the top of this world. I believe that the best way to achieve this goal is to let us wizards come Said that the second-level wizard is more powerful! “

This world is a typical superstructure determines the underlying foundation.

No matter how many knights, wizard apprentices, and first-level wizards below, if there is no second-level wizard, the strength of the second-level wizard cannot be improved, it is meaningless.

In front of the third-level and fourth-level powerhouses, the second-level wizards are too weak.

“So, we can talk about ways to get stronger,” Will said.

“communicate with?”

“Yeah, exchange.” Will nodded. “For example, I took out the method of burning two second-level witchcraft, and you took out other things, so that we can’t become more each other. Is it powerful? “

As soon as Will made this remark, he immediately caused a big wave in the heart of the twelve second-level wizards.


Suddenly, the second-level wizards present took a breath.

Both of their pupils were staring at Will fiercely. If they weren’t concerned about Will’s strength, they had already grabbed Will and read the memory.

“I didn’t expect that you really learned two second-level witchcraft.” Wardhouse said with emotion.

“Is it space and life?” Biller squinted.

“Like our Jiuhuan Tower, we have gathered the most and strongest wizards, studied for many years, and have no clue how to burn multiple second-level wizardry.” Gerald stared at Will with hot eyes.

“Our abyss corridor is nothing but your nine-ring tower.” Muse glared at Gerald.

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