Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 867 - leave me alone

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The seven dwarfs plunged into the thick fog.

When looking outside, the fog in front of the foggy forest was so dense that the fingers could not be reached. Once I broke into the fog, I found that it was not as thick as expected.

What emerged before them was a large virgin forest.

Unconsciously, they have been surrounded by strange giant trees that have never been seen before.

The unknown bird tweeted, and the squirrel stood on the branch and ate nuts watching the seven uninvited guests. A long snake like a vine creeped slowly between the branches, and a roar of a bright beast came from the deep forest.

Colorful berries grow on the stalks next to him, and the falling vines flutter with the wind like life.

The entire virgin forest seems as if no one has stepped on it for hundreds of millions of years.

“Where is this? Misty Forest?”

“It won’t be so easy to find it? But it looks like it.”

“The compass is broken and there are trees all around. How did we come in? Where is it now? How to leave? In which direction?”

After sunlight passes through dense fog and lush foliage, even the direction of the sun is unclear, and it is only known that it is still daytime.

His eyes looked around, and he couldn’t see any traces of movement. He didn’t even know how they came in.

All kinds of weird things show that-

“It should be the misty forest here. I didn’t expect to come in so easily. Maybe the owner of the mist welcomes us?” The dwarf prince said, touching his chin.

“Hey, that’s easy, and find the Lord of Mist!”

“Which direction should I go?”

“Uh, this …”

The dwarf prince looked up and looked at the sky. Under the cover of the dense leaves, he could not see the sky at all.

Looking at the sky, the dwarf prince’s eyes lit up, “I don’t know the direction because the field of vision is blocked by the trees, and I climbed to a high place soon to know?”

When the dwarf heard it, he straightened up his sleeves and said, “I’m coming!”

After finding the largest and tallest tree nearby, the dwarf Dobo shot the bark with his hands lying on his back, like a sky monkey.

“How’s it going?”

“Have you climbed to the top?”

“Did you see the location?”

The rest of the dwarves were nervously waiting for Dobo’s response below.

“Hulah …”

Suddenly, accompanied by the sound of a broken tree branch, Duobo fell directly from the sky, hitting the ground heavily, and the whole body fell into the mud.

The dwarves around hurried up.

“Are you OK?”

“Is it dangerous?”

“Wait for the two of us to go up together to have a look after.”

“No, there is no danger.” Duobo quickly waved his hand, “I can’t see anything at all, the fog gets thicker as I get up, and I can’t even see my hand after climbing to the top of the tree.”

The reason why Duobo fell is not because of the danger, but because the fog on the top of the tree is too thick to see anything. Instead of taking the time to climb down slowly, it is better to jump down directly.

Because of their strong physique, they are only tens of meters high, and they cannot fall to death at all.

The level of difficulty and danger is similar to that of ordinary people jumping from a one-meter-high mound.

After hearing Dobo’s explanation, the rest of the dwarves shook their heads with a sigh.

“It has long been known that it will not be so easy. Should I say that it is a misty forest?”

“What should I do now? Where should I go? We are here for the first time and there is no map.”

As the leader, the dwarf prince thought for a while and said, “In short, it’s right to look in one direction, mark it all the way, don’t get lost.”


There is no better way than this.

As a result, the seven dwarfs proceeded cautiously while making marks around them.

They don’t know how big the misty forest is or how dangerous it is. In short, it’s always okay to be careful.

After a few hours.



The dwarf prince walking at the forefront suddenly stopped frowning.

“What’s wrong?” The dwarves looked at the stopped prince in doubt.

“The footsteps are a bit wrong.” The dwarf prince turned around. “One, two, three, four, five? One less!”

The other dwarves also reacted at once, “It’s Kachu, and Kachu, who has been walking at the end to make marks, is gone!”

“Go back and find!”

The dwarves panicked immediately.

It’s a pity that not only are people gone, but even the marks they made are gone.

“how come!”

The dwarf prince punched a twisted face on the ancient tree beside him.

“Quack chirp–“

To everyone’s surprise, the ancient tree that was beaten by the dwarf prince actually shook violently, and also made a cry of pain, and an old twisted human appeared on the trunk of several people.

“Tree man?”

Not just one tree, but the slightly larger trees around them all have faces.

At the moment when the tree was active, dozens of hundreds of vines rushed towards the dwarves.

Although the dwarves had promptly stimulated the blood armor to evade, there were still two dwarves bound by vines.



The vines dragged the dwarves towards the tree population, and almost instantly the two dwarves were tied into the tree’s mouth.

“Do not–“

The dwarf prince roared, so he rushed to split the tree, and dug out the two swallowed partners.

“Calm down!” Dobora drew the dwarf prince. “Did you forget what His Majesty the King told us before? Can’t hurt any creature in the misty forest!”

The dwarf prince froze.

The remaining dwarves dragged the dwarf prince away from the tree man.

But they found that they could not escape at all, and there were ancient trees everywhere. After each ancient tree was alarmed by their running, they would be activated, and the trunk appeared in the face to attack the dwarves.

Unable to fight back, they can only continue to flee.

Along the way, two dwarves were **** by vines and eaten by the treemen.

Of the seven dwarfs, only the dwarf prince and dobo are left.


The two leaned against a boulder and gasped continuously.

“Finally escaped.”

“Anku, Mani, Gaya, Dhara, Kachu …” The dwarf prince’s face was ugly, “We would have had a chance to save them! Except for a little more number of these tree men, their strength is not our opponent at all ,we……”


Suddenly, a thick piebald serpent fell from a branch, and the piebald serpent bitten Dobo with a single bite and swallowed.


The dwarf prince roared, and it finally couldn’t help it!

“leave me alone……”

When the dwarf prince was about to lose his mind completely, he heard vaguely the sound of Dobo in the belly of the piebald snake.

“Why, why?”

The piebald snake’s strength is not too strong, it is no problem to break through the stomach after stimulating the blood armor with Dobo.

But in order not to hurt the piebald snake, Duobo chose not!

Would rather be digested alive in the belly of the Serpent!

When the dwarf prince froze, the piebald snake wriggled and escaped.


The dwarf prince thumped on the chest, and tears fell like rain.

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