Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 870 - Dwarf Legion, attack!

From midnight to late night.

The silent night and night of all things should be heard through the roar of gunfire.

All the dwarves gathered together, and each dwarf’s face “color” was very heavy, and even the crying toddlers closed their mouths obediently, because they all knew that it was time to decide their destiny.

The 180,000 dwarves are divided into seven legions and are divided into seven ways of attack, six of which are feint attacks, all used to cover the real purpose.

The dwarf king was dressed in gold armor, with a spear in his left hand and a sword in his right hand.

Around the dwarf king is a general who is ready to fight.

“Fashan, Blau, Gaudi … You 17 led the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd legions to attack Boer Town heading towards the hinterland of the Cairo Empire to contain the enemy as much as possible.”


“Melgo, Sija, Lier … You five led the Fourth Army to attack south, targeting the Empire of Armona.”


“Danlong, Yani, Free … You five led the Fifth Legion deep into the Beyers Mountains and across the mountains toward the Empire of Ledo.”


The dwarf king looked at Prince Tiger, and under the watch of the dwarf king, Prince Tiger straightened his chest and waited for the order.

“I am in charge of the Sixth Army …”

“Father, what are you talking about!” Prince Tiger’s face changed suddenly.

The 180,000 dwarves are divided into seven legions. The other six roads are all feints and they are all mortal. Only the seventh road leads to the misty forest of mist and is the only way to live.

The dwarf king patted Prince Tiger’s shoulder and said in a deep voice: “The Cairo Empire will never let me go. I will lead the Seventh Army only to increase the possibility of failure.”


“Tiger, my proud son, escaping from the siege of the Luo Empire is only the beginning, and then the real suffering, you must lead the tribe to rebuild their homeland and continue the glory of the dwarf.” The dwarf king took the crown off Brought to Prince Tiger’s head, “Remember, alive is the real strong.”

“Father, father–“

Prince Tiger kneeled down on his knees and burst into tears.

The dwarf king looked around, his face dignified.

After a long while, he waved his hand, “Start —“

With the order of the dwarf king, all the dwarves moved.

“Boom …”

Footsteps, wheel sounds, mechanical sounds … All the sounds were brought together, and all the dwarves moved.

Hundreds of airships were suspended above Budd Mountain, continuously venting shells to the mountain below.

Although it was late at night, the soldiers on the Cairo empire did not slacken, and the owners of the night monster eyes scanned the surroundings alternately.

At this time, dozens of airships rose from inside Bud Hill and rushed towards the airships in the sky.

The airship after the dwarf magic reform was extremely fast, and it suddenly rose to a height equivalent to the Cairo Empire airship group, and fought with the Empire airship group.

At the same time, the first, second, and third dwarves rushed out of Bud Mountain from three directions against the human artillery. The dwarves shouted slogans and “shot” them like an arrow.

Although the exits are different and the routes are different, the goals of the three legions are the same, all after breaking through the defense of the town of Boer and hitting the hinterland of the Cairo Empire.


Almost at the moment the dwarf rushed out, the soldiers of the Cairo Empire reacted.

Thousands of Cairo soldiers were rushed to the dwarf under the cover of artillery fire. The roar, screams, and air breaking were instantly mixed.

One side is for the glory of the empire.

One side is for the survival of the race.

Both sides put out all their strength for the things of faith and spare no expense.


The first three legions and Cairo soldiers fought together. Because the dwarves are night raids, and their individual strength is much stronger than humans, their weapons are more advanced, and because of the victory of the mourning soldiers, the advantages have expanded slightly.

In less than half an hour of fierce fighting, the first three legions of the dwarves had broken the blockade and attacked the town of Bull.

The Cairo Empire had to send soldiers to siege.

At this time, the 4th and 5th Legion of the Dwarves also took advantage of the situation. Since the blockade net of the Cairo Empire was broken and the airships were temporarily restrained, this time it should be much smoother.

The dwarves seem to have a great advantage. If the current situation continues, the dwarves conquer one or two provinces of the Cairo Empire, and it is possible to conduct a tug of war with the Cairo Empire for several years.

Even if the dwarf fails in the end, he will surely be able to stab him fiercely in the heart of the Cairo Empire and make the Cairo Empire pay the blood price.


First-level wizard!

The existence of the first-level wizard makes this battle that should have been started without any suspense.

This is the cruelty of this world.

In this extraordinary world where the upper-level power determines the lower-level foundation, the absence of top-notch powers means sitting on the ground.

Why did the dwarf survive?

Still moisturizing?

Do n’t humans before Will want to do anything with the dwarves?

Do not!

It is only because of the existence of races such as trolls, green spirits, monsters, murlocs, tree monsters, etc. that it is not worth the effort to deal with the dwarves, so let the dwarves be allowed.

Now those powerful aliens that can threaten humans no longer exist, and the dwarves naturally have no need to stay.

Unfortunately, the dwarves did not understand the truth of the cold lips, but they wholeheartedly helped the Cairo Empire to deal with aliens, but they never thought that they were also aliens.

The battle has started for three hours.

The first, second, and third dwarf legions attacked the town of Bull, and the soldiers marched in three directions towards the hinterland of the Cairo Empire.

The dwarf king glanced at the pocket watch in his hand, “It’s time.”

The dwarf king rode a goat and looked back at Prince Tiger, who was also riding on the goat, ready to go.

The two nodded each other and waved their hands at the same time. In the loud horn, the 6th and 7th Legion of the Dwarves set off!

The Sixth Legion led by the Dwarf King gathered all the elite, with the best weapons, and after leaving Bud Mountain, headed north with unstoppable momentum.

The route of the Sixth Army was obvious, detouring from the north to the orc empire.

All the obstacles of the Cairo Empire were like paper in front of the Sixth Army. The Sixth Army was moving forward at an average speed of 100 hours per hour, crushing all obstacles in front of the road.

Facing the Thunder’s Sixth Army, the Cairo Empire quickly responded.

Hundreds of airships followed the Sixth Legion, and shells continued to fall into the Dwarf Legion.

The shells did cause a lot of trouble for the dwarves, but that was the only reason.

The power of these shells, even hitting a big knight in the front can not be seriously injured, not to mention the fully equipped adult dwarf?

However, in twenty minutes, the Sixth Army of Dwarves ran for dozens of kilometers, leaving Bud Mountain far behind, and the Cairo Empire’s blockade behind them.

Did the breakout succeed?

Running at this speed, maybe you can break through the heavy containment of the Cairo Empire and go to the Orc Empire?

If the first-level witchcraft on the Cairo empire does not take action, it is indeed very likely.

It is a pity there is no if!

Thousands of kilometers directly in front of the Sixth Army, a tight-fitting black shaman robe with dark skin and a height of two meters, a muscular man like a bear, stood there with his arms folded.

The grandson of Will, the first-level “liquid” wizard Ander Wyle Kreb!

Ande looked at the 10,000 Army Corps, who was rushing at him at a hundred hours with arms and eyes, and the smile slightly raised in the corner of his mouth seemed to be facing 10,000 ants.

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