Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 913 - 10 times the computing power (voting at the end of the month)


Will sighed.

The second-level spiritual witchcraft is indeed very powerful, especially the “Von Neumann Robot”, whether it is used for fighting and killing or for assisting cultivation, it is far from being comparable to elements, life, time, and space.

The strongest and most mysterious name of second-level spiritual witchcraft is well deserved.

“What’s the point of not using it?”

“Von Neumann Robot” is great, the question is he dare to use it?

As for other aspects-

“Second mental witchcraft has not directly improved the combat effectiveness, but after the mental power has been optimized and purified, the calculation speed of the U.S. net has actually accelerated?”

“In the past, it could only speed up to a power of twenty-nine times, but now it has soared to power of twenty-nine times.”

“Full 1024 times faster?”

After reaching the level of Will, computing power = combat power.

The improvement of computing power is equal to the improvement of combat power, but the computing power does not have the power, speed, and defense to increase the combat power.

If the physiques of strength, speed, and defense are turned 1024 times in three dimensions, his battle will be more than 100 million times.

The computing power is 1024 faster, but the combat power is …

Awesome is a lot better.

In short, it is an effort to convert computing power into combat power.

“Now I have 270 million consciousnesses in my body, and each consciousness can double the computing power.”

“The twenty-ninth power of two equals about 500 million.”

“So my total computing power is equal to 500 million times 200 million? Multiply by my own basic computing power?”

“… quite powerful.”

This calculation power is far more than the spiritual cellization he used when fighting the devil!

“I don’t know what happens when I run computing power at full capacity?”

Just do it.

After nearly 10 times the computing power of the full operation, Will felt the whole world stopped.

Under such huge computing power, one second is equal to 10 Beijing seconds for him.

If it is an ordinary person, under the scrubbing of huge computing power, his will will collapse at once, and his personality will definitely change.

After all, the personality of ordinary people will change every few years, not to mention 10 seconds?

If it were not Will who had become a third-level wizard and successfully condensed the soul of faith, then his will, life, spirit, and soul would be washed away by this infinite computing power and become blank.

His own computing power is already extremely powerful, and it has to be multiplied by 10 times. What is it?

“If the dimensional network algorithm is optimized to the extreme, with my current consciousness of 270,000 times, the theoretical computing power can be increased by 2 to 270 million times.”

Will immediately found a goal, that is to use the dimensional network to optimize the calculation.

At the beginning, it was only twenty-nine times the power of twenty-nine.

Gradually, the 32nd power of two, the 36th power of two, the 42nd power of two …


Will was frightened and hurried away from the full calculation.

auzw.com “Finally became a third-level wizard, and got such a powerful force, and actually almost killed himself, really you.” Phoenix quipped aside.

“How do I know that maintaining computing power actually consumes so much energy?” Will depressed.

In the past, when he ran the maintenance network, his consumption was negligible.

He originally thought that the increase in computing power did not consume much energy. He did not expect that when the computing power exceeded a critical point, the energy consumption actually increased rapidly.

Thinking that he was almost not enough to absorb the energy of the star, and then a little slower time to release the dimension net, he even had to be evacuated by the computing power of his soul.

“Everything requires energy consumption, especially the initial seemingly depletion of computing power. After a certain level … you have to know that computing power is rare. It also runs on magic, spiritual power and belief power. Things, once the computing power is used beyond the limit, even the third-level strongmen will die. “Phoenix explained.

“Am I not thinking about it?” Will spread his hand.

The highest magnification that he can maintain on the dimensional network is two times the 42nd power, which is not the limitation of physique, magic power and spiritual power, but the limit of the soul of faith!

That is to say, unless he has something that transcends the soul of faith, the calculation magnification of Weiwang can never exceed the forty-second power of two.

The problem is that even the strongest level 4 are still using the soul of faith, want to surpass the soul of faith to the year of the monkey?

The forty-second power of two is the limit of computing power, but the cost is too great to use in battle.

Even if there is elemental witchcraft that converts the absorbed matter into energy, and is in the stars, Will can’t last long.

“Which does not affect the battle, is it twenty-two times thirty-two times? Enough is enough.”

“I didn’t expect a spiritual witchcraft to be so useful for optimizing algorithms, and at once made my power so many times.”

“At my level, the essence of battle is the battle of computing power.”

“I learned spiritual witchcraft, which has increased my computing power by hundreds of millions of times. The combat power can easily crush me who has not learned spiritual witchcraft.”

“and also……”

After deducing through dimension calculation, Will also discovered a function of spiritual witchcraft.

Will closed his eyes and an invisible mental wave emanated from the spiritual space, covering his whole body.

Under the envelope of mental fluctuations, his body changed slightly.

Increased muscles, increased bones, changes in blood flow composition, changes in the size of skin pores …

Every change looks so subtle, and there is not much change in appearance, which is completely different from the previous drastic transformation of the body.

But somehow Will felt very comfortable and felt that his physical strengthening was much stronger than before.

After the transformation is completed.

Will opened his eyes and was pleasantly surprised by the changes in his body.

“This is the change brought about by the” spiritual harmony “?”

“Obviously only a slight change has been made. Compared with the previous direct increase in muscles, the number of bones has broken through thousands … These are so small compared to the previous ones, but they have improved physical fitness …”

Will thought about it, “The power is about three times as great as before.”

After Will became a third-level wizard, due to the soul of faith, his physique degraded. Over the years, all his physical transformations have been in vain, and his strength has returned to the first-level crystallization level.

Originally, he thought that due to the limitation of the obsession of “human beings”, his physique would never be stronger in his life.

Didn’t expect it?

Can the “human” physique be so powerful?

Phoenix looked at the excited Will and said, “Now do you feel the horror of the perfect creature a little?”

“Well, I didn’t believe it before.” Will nodded.

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