Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 923 - Wuxing, set off! (Seeking recommendation tickets at the beginning of the month)

With the belief engine, it can span a distance of 100,000 light-years per second, approximately equal to 300 million times the speed of light!

One hundred billion light years away?

What about flying at the speed of 300 million? It only takes three hundred years.

It’s still a long time, but it’s much shorter than before.

In fact, as long as there is a belief engine, the flight speed of 600,000 times the speed of light brought by the previous gravitational engine and space-time engine is almost negligible.

However, just in case.

In case there is no star in 100,000 light years?

It is conditional to produce the power of faith. It is impossible to see a star, and then just believe it.

The most basic requirements must be understood.

For example, where is it located.

Do not understand how to believe in anything? How to produce the power of faith?

In fact, stars are not necessarily needed, but planets and the like are also acceptable, but it is more difficult to detect because the planets do not emit light, or it is more convenient to use stars.

“After the three driving engines of gravitational engine, space-time engine and belief engine are ready, there is no problem with the speed any more. Is there any need to change the spacecraft?”

For Will ’s purpose, only speed is enough, and no other aspects are needed.

However, it is also a spaceship, and Will still has a little obsession with the name spaceship.

“As a Level 4 wizard, it doesn’t matter what the interior of the spacecraft is, but ordinary people? So I changed it to a level where ordinary people can live and use it. Anyway, it doesn’t take much time.”

“First of all, get a system that can adjust the gravity multiple, which can be arbitrarily adjusted between 10,000 times and 10,000 times the gravity, so that most creatures can adapt to gravity.”

“Second, do you need food, clothing and housing?”

“A substance converter can be added, as long as the substance is collected, stones, air, water flow can be. The substance converter can convert the substance into anything such as food, clothes, tools, etc.”

“You can also divide several spaces, such as the cab, toilet, sports field, library … and so on.”

“Should we have a little attack and defense capabilities?”

“Don’t worry about defense, this spaceship can travel in the center of the star without damage, and can ignore the high temperatures of billions of degrees Celsius.”

“If you are attacking, get some anti-matter weapons. Beam weapons are also a little bit.”

“Simply add a second-level element witchcraft. The spaceship can use elements such as wind, fire, thunder, ice, etc. to attack. Because it stores a lot of energy, it has great power and a wide range. A planet burns glass. “

“… Finally add an artificial intelligence.”

So, Will created a spaceship artificial intelligence called “Xiaowei”.

Since then, a perfect spaceship has been successfully created!

This spaceship is an ordinary spaceship. As long as you know the method and understand the manipulation skills, even an ordinary person can control it.

As long as there is this spaceship, ordinary people with no power can easily conquer a planet with a second-level powerhouse.

Even in the face of the third-level strongman, as long as he hides in this spaceship, the other party can’t take you.

After all, this spaceship was created by Will, the strongest fourth-level wizard in the world!

This is the crush of power!

It is the crush of technology!

It is the crush of the realm!

Just as ordinary people can drive a tractor in the feudal era and can open Musou on the battlefield, driving this universe can easily open Musou in the territories of the third-level strongmen.

In the empty cab.

Will was sitting in the driver’s seat. He wore a black wizard robe and a wizard hat, like a little wizard in the movie.

On his shoulder, a fiery red, ten-centimeter-tall little cute elf Phoenix sits.


Next to Will, a tall girl with slightly curly black waist-length hair, a sleeveless white shirt, a black skirt, and black stockings and high heels stood forward.

This girl is Xiaowei, the artificial intelligence system of this spaceship.

“Master, your Coca-Cola, Lord Phoenix, this is the strawberry juice you ordered.” Xiaowei, the artificial intelligence, handed Coca-Cola and strawberry juice to one person and one elf.

“Slap.” Will snapped his fingers. “Open the 360 ​​degree projection.”

In a flash, the surrounding scene changed.

Originally cold, the cab that revealed mechanical beauty everywhere, turned into a universe space in an instant, and the stool on which Will sat seemed to be suspended in the universe space.

The scene outside is a hot flame that keeps rolling and burning, because they are still inside the star.

“Show the sky chart.” Will gave another order.

Immediately afterwards, several screens appeared in front of Will. What appeared on the screen were the astronomical map of the entire Crab Galaxy and the astronomical map of the galaxy where the Wizard Planet is located.

“Compare and find out the direction of sailing.”

“Search for gravitational strength and avoid black holes.”

“Search for life fluctuations and avoid all possible Level 4 and Level 5 civilizations.”

“search for……”

Will issued instructions one after another, and Xiao Wei, the artificial intelligence, also completed them one by one.

When all preparations are done.

Will sat in the driver’s seat, raised his right hand to point away, “Go …”

and many more.

At this moment he discovered that he had forgotten a very important thing!

That is-the name of this spaceship!

He grunted his chin and said, “What’s your name?”

“How about calling the Phoenix?” Phoenix said aside.


“What about the Undead Bird?”

“not good.”

“Simply call the Elf.”

“turn down.”

Will thought about it again.

“This spaceship is what I used to return to the wizard planet. Is it the journey of the crab system to the wizard planet? Yes!” Will clapped his hands. “In this case, this spaceship is called the” Witch “.”

The name Wuxing corresponds to this spaceship, and it couldn’t be more suitable.

The spaceship is ready, the preparation work is also done, and even the name is up, it is time to start.

Finally, Will glanced around, the star system he had lived for hundreds of years.

In this galaxy, there is a life planet named by him as a black star, on which life similar to humans lives.

Those sub-humans who were almost destroyed by the consciousness of the planet have now overcome the difficulties with the help of Will.

Although planetary consciousness still exists, they will face many dangers in the future, but the way forward Will has told them, how far they can go depends on their own ability.

Feeling the power of faith wrapped around him, watching the people on the black star worship his statue, singing his name in his mouth …

“There will be no more time.”

After saying goodbye to those lives softly, Will raised his right hand and pointed to the front, shouting loudly: “Witchcraft, start!”

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