Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 93 - Nugue

early morning.

Warm sunlight was scattered from the leaves.

Walking in the dense forest, my clothes were soaked in dew.


Cut off the branches in front of you.

A boy with linen hair, brown pupils, and a blindfold in his left eye came out of the bush.

In the distance, a street sign was diagonally inserted in the grass half-height.

Street signs are decaying and decayed. I do n’t know how many years they have existed. It seems that as long as they are touched lightly, they will turn into pieces.

“Nuge Town?”

As he approached the street sign, Will spoke out the three words written in divine empire on the street sign.

Looking up in the direction of the signpost, a stone path winds forward.

In the tropical rainforest such as Entus Forest, the road that has just been opened will be covered by weeds and thorns without leaving a trace.

I am afraid that the stone path has existed longer than the street signs, but it has not been covered by weeds.

“A wizard’s method?”

Will meanders along the stone path.

Walked for ten minutes.

At the end of the stone path is a dilapidated thatched house.

Green branches stretched out of the thatched house, making the thatched hut one step closer to the collapse.

“This is the town of Nuger?” Will was speechless.

Before coming, Will thought that Nuger was a mysterious town where wizards gathered.

The mysterious wizard tower, the cabin filled with strange drugs, and the dark alley with a strange cry …

Will’s illusions about Nuger town shattered in an instant.

Enter the hut.

The door was found half open.


Will pushed the half-open door completely open.

In the room, a golden beam of light entered through the hole in the hut, and a grain of dust was clearly seen floating in the beam of light.

Looking around, Will was surprised to find that three people had already arrived in the room.

The three who wanted to come were like Will, who wanted to pass the test and enter the Gerald Potion Academy.

One of them was a man with fiery red hair, holding an equally fiery long gun, with a rebellious smile, leaning against the innermost corner of the house.

The other person, wearing a black hooded robe and a silver mask on his face, was short and indistinguishable from gender.

The last person, who should look like a woman, has unkempt hair, one by one like branches, rooted irregularly on his head, his skin is yellow and cracked, like old bark.

Will entered the room, and all three of them just glanced at Will, and continued to close their eyes.

Will didn’t care.

In the middle of the room, there is a simple square table nailed with wooden strips.

But there is no stool.

Will found that three of the four corners of the room were occupied, leaving only one vacant seat, so Will did not hesitate to sit down in the last corner and close his eyes.

This sitting is a day.

The evening is approaching.

A man in a black robe appeared at the door.

Looking at the dark golden lines engraved on the robe and feeling the invisible oppression from the man, Will knew that the man was the messenger of the Gerald Potion Academy.

Will got up and greeted the man.

The same goes for the other three people in the room.

No words.

No polite words.

Go directly to the topic.

Five people were sitting in front of the table. A black robe man’s hand swiped on the table. A blurred map constructed with mental force appeared on the table.


There are two points on the map that are particularly obvious.

One is the town of Nuger where they are at the moment.

The other is their destination, Gerald Potion Academy.

“After three days, the time limit for freshmen admission ends.”

The man in black robe withdrew his hand and the map disappeared.

Until the man in black robe left the hut and disappeared into the jungle, the four people including Will did not say a word, nor did they try to stop the man in black robe.

The information given by the black-robed man is sufficient.

There are maps and time limits, only the methods are left.

“Did you reach Gerald Potion College from here in three days?” Will was relieved.

Originally, Will thought that the Gerald Potion Academy would let several of them kill each other, and the winner was eligible to enter the academy.

Although Will is very confident in his own strength, but less than a last resort, Will really does not want to kill.

“It seems that this task requires us to work together to complete it.” The red-haired man said.

“I think so too.”

“I have no opinion.”

“This has the highest success rate.”

“Since we want to cooperate, we need to know everyone’s strength and ability, is that all right?” The red-haired man glanced around.

All three were silent.

“It’s a matter of life, and we need trust.” The red-haired man patted his chest. “I’ll introduce myself first. My name is Garcia. The devil is the arm of the scales.”

Garcia raised his bandaged arm. “This arm has great strength, fire resistance, and healing power. With my ability to cultivate at the knight level, I can fight two or three at the peak of a general knight.”

Garcia looks less than 20 years old, has such a strong strength, and indeed has proud capital.

“My name is Will. My magical species is the eyeball on the left. It gives me the eagle-like vision and can see the flow of vitality and magic.” The bow on Will’s back was taken down. “Cooperate with my Bows and arrows can easily shoot the big knight. “

Next, the remaining two people also introduced themselves briefly.

The hooded mask freak, named Sur, has the ability to interfere with a creature’s perception within a certain range.

A woman with hair like roots, named Puli, is capable of communicating with plants, controlling plants to a certain extent, and using plants to explore the surroundings.

Garcia nodded with satisfaction, “Very good, it seems that we are lucky this time.”

The team of four present was indeed quite perfect.

Garcia melee warrior, Will attacks from a distance, Thor interferes with the enemy, Puli controls the plant to restrain the enemy, if there is another milk, then the perfect lineup.

And it’s not just fighting.

In terms of perceptual exploration, there are Will and Puli, who can also explore the path and avoid danger.

“Our goal is to enter the Gerald Potion Academy. Each of us bears a curse of thirty years old. I believe that none of you here want to die.”

Garcia glanced at the three of Will, “No matter whether we are enemies or friends in the future, I hope that in these three days, we can work together to overcome the difficulties.

I hope that everyone present here can be entrusted to the back. “

“No matter how much I hate each other, it’s just three days of sincere cooperation. I think it can be easily done.” Will nodded. “Besides, we don’t know and have no grudges. There should be no deliberate delay. Right? “

There was no objection to seeing anyone present.

Garcia self-recommends: “If there is no opinion, how about I temporarily serve as the captain of this temporary team?”

On the bright side, Garcia is the strongest of the four.

And he is proud of his personality, decent behavior, decisive decision-making, and commanding charm. It is indeed the best candidate as a team leader.


“I have no opinion.”

“it is good.”

“There are definitely a lot of dangers around the School of Gerald Potion, but I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to get through the difficulties.” Said, Garcia deep palms.

Will, Sur, and Puli folded their hands one by one.




“It will definitely lead us to victory!”


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