Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 939 - Are you an elf?

But not wanting to be an enemy with Will does not mean that they are afraid of Will.

Why did this meeting with Will gather so many second-tier strongmen?

Why do you clearly want to reconcile with Will, but do not take the initiative to find Will, and invite Will to come to Jiuhuan Tower?

Why did even the wing clan who usually lived in seclusion in the empty city come?

the reason is simple.

Because they have to plan well with Will!

The third-level wizard is very strong, but not as strong as invincible.

How did they deal with the third-level demon in those years, now how to deal with Will.

And their current strength is much stronger than that time, Will will not necessarily be comparable to the previous Demon King.

But it is not so easy to be an enemy with a third-level strong.

What if the siege fails?

Once a third-level strongman escapes, or a third-level strongman with huge power escapes, it is estimated that they will not be at peace for a lifetime.

Of course, it’s best to be able to fight against the enemy.

“Dear Black Witch King, thank you for accepting our invitation to visit the Jiuhuan Tower.” Gerrard of the tower respectfully said.

There was no disagreement about the presence of Will for three years.

It may be in my heart, but it will never be shown.

Will glanced at the presence, and said loudly: “I have become an unprecedented third-level wizard, standing at the very top of the wizarding world. Can you express it?”

“What do you want?”

“The name of King of Witches and Black Witches, I don’t want it to just stay on the name.” Will proudly said.

“Do you want to be the King of All Witches? Want us to submit to you?”

Gerald and others squinted at Will, but did not show disgust, and seemed to have the opportunity to discuss.

“My dream is to make the race of humanity more powerful, and make humanity truly climb to the top of the world. What I am after is not the one who is powerful, but the entire race of humanity!”

“Really?” The people present were not so easy to be fanned.

Will smiled and said: “I used to burn two second-level witchcraft methods. At that time, I only succeeded by chance. I was in a state of a half-knowledge about the specific methods, but it is different now. The burning method, I just promised that as long as the second-level wizard can learn. “

“Also welcome …”

Will glanced around. “Don’t you really want to know how to become a third-level wizard? I can also give you.”


The people present at this time are not calm, especially the second-level wizards.

They widened their eyes and wished to immediately pry Will’s head off to get a way to become a third-level wizard.

Can learn two second-level witchcraft?

Very powerful is very powerful, but also very exciting, but not enough to make them irrational.

However, the method of advanced third-level wizard is different!

That’s a secret skill that only the once devil can master!

The advanced method is definitely difficult. Even if you know the method, the chance is very slim, but who does n’t want to try it?

The phrase “Chao Wen Dao Xi Xi can die” is not enough.

One of the wings of the tribe stared tightly at Phoenix on the wizard’s hat, and suddenly asked, “Is that an elf?”

There are quite a lot of creatures called elves in this world, such as the night elves living on the ground in the western continent, one of the wizard’s major enemies.

For example, goblins also have an alias called elves.

Phoenix’s ten centimeter tall fiery red elf looks very cute and very similar to the goblin.

auzw.com But what the wing clan wants to express is definitely not this!

What it wants to ask is whether Phoenix is ​​passed on, the elf who once ruled the planet in the age of mythology!

Phoenix raised his head, looked at the surprised eyes of the people around him, and said with a smile: “I can actually see that I’m an elf? Other people think I’m an ordinary demon.”

Phoenix stood up and patted his chest to admit, “Yes, I am a member of the elves who ruled the planet hundreds of millions of years ago in the mythological era.”

Phoenix’s understatement was like a thunderbolt and sounded in all the brains.


Actually an elf?

Elves in the mythological era and the dragon competition?

They have done everything they can to achieve, even if they think that they will turn over with Will, and really fight, even in the face of becoming a third-level wizard, there is a probability of more than seven layers to seal it forever.

I didn’t expect an extra variable!

There is this mysterious and powerful elf companion beside Will!

How strong is Phoenix?

They don’t know, but they can guess based on known information.

In just five hundred years, Will can reach the third-level state that all wizards dream of, and there must be Phoenix support behind it.

At the same time, they also understand why Will can be so strong and able to practice so fast.

The reason why the monster once was able to rule the world, and the reason why it has the third-level strongman, is because the monster is rumored to inherit a little heritage of the elves.

And Will is not as simple as inheriting the legacy, but is accompanied by a living elf!

In fact, they have always been skeptical about the reason why Will practiced so fast, and have always wanted to find out, but there was no chance.

Before becoming a formal wizard, all of Will’s performances were quite satisfactory, just an ordinary one, rare for hundreds of years.

After becoming a first-level wizard, he also performed very well, with a great possibility of becoming a second-level wizard.

As a result, the Western Continent immediately tried to find a way to contact Will, so that Wardhouse, the dean of the Gerald Potion School, would look into Will.

They are not worried that Will is beyond their control.

As long as Will is still alive in this world, and wants to become a second-level wizard, he must contact the Western Continent, he must contact them, and he must compromise and trade with them.

Who would have thought that Will entered the land of seals that should never come out, not only came out, but also became a second-level wizard at the age of less than two hundred years old?

Now think about it, the place of the seal is the place where the elves are imprisoned in the mythological era, and Will is accompanied by elves, and it is reasonable to be able to come out.

Originally Will only became a second-level wizard, and they were not afraid.

With a little pressure, Will will compromise.

It’s just that they didn’t expect Will’s strength to reach the level of three consciousness, and also learned two second-level witchcraft!

What should I do at this time?

Are you disobedient?

Are you against me?

You are too strong, I can’t beat you?

It doesn’t matter, using World Stone to banish you to galaxies millions of light years away.

Surprisingly, at the time of the exile, Will actually pulled Wardhouse into the water, causing the Western Continent to lose a second-level wizard.

What’s even more surprising is that Will actually came back!

The realm of unprecedented third-level wizards is back!

You know, at this time, Will is only more than 500 years old!


They lived for thousands and thousands of years before they became second-level and third-level realms. Why did you become a third-level wizard for more than 500 years?

At the moment when Phoenix’s true identity was revealed, all doubts were solved.


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