Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 103

103 School city

Makarov had explained to Layton that School city like its name suggested was a large area for teaching a very large school that encompassed a wide area and was situated right in the theoretical middle of the void where it was easier for new practitioner’s to study, apart from the overflowing energy that could be transformed to any specific type the location also allowed for laws to be easily enlightened and the diverse knowledge, techniques and spells there allowed every ambitious practitioner to perfect their own unique practice away from the subtle influence of higher practitioners whose huge presence if not careful would unconsciously infect all beings, making their practice unconsciously take the form and resemblance of those stronger practitioners especially for those with high inspiration, only after becoming a deity stage practitioner or spending most of the time in a plane without access to the void could one ignore this unintentional influence.

Once a practitioner reached the myth stage their subtle influence would spread along with the flow and currents of the void, an unconscious phenomenon a form of erosion and this phenomenon would only get stronger when a breakthrough to the paragon stage was achieved which was why paragon practitioners mostly walked in clones and did not descend in this dimension of reality of the void with their full bodies, even Makarov was currently a clone and yet Layton was not fully spared from this phenomena the reason he took the form of a sun when he had his other self-had battled in the nascent world was because of Makarov’s unconscious erosion.

Although Makarov had done his best to curb this influence and since Layton took a drastically different path from Makarov Layton was not negatively affected.

There were numerous ways to be admitted into school city one of which was by joining the wizard seed program, the Wu civilization’s Heaven chosen and the science federation elites.

As to the reason the 3 big civilizations sent their precious core talents to the school city was because one was that school city was undisputed the strongest force when it came to educating young elites the other was that it served as a confluence for the young generation to meet and make their own connections after all the void was a very large place and a place like school city where almost all young talents all over the world could gather with minimum risk involved was highly appreciated, the last and most important reason was that the school city originated from the 3 forces, the head and principals of the establishments were individuals from the 3 big civilization’s and the core location of the 3 civilization were located deep in the void in an area where without some outside help or extraordinary means no one less than a stage 3 practitioner could survive for long without being eroded by higher practitioners.

Layton was a wizard seed so he could naturally be admitted as soon as he wanted, in fact, the only reason he was just hearing about it now was because he had been in Makarov’s plane and was not connected online to the wide magic net thus unable to receive the prompt and admission letter for school city.

The other was by joining an event or competition known and endorsed by the school city and achieving a good enough performance, the event was mostly on a specially treated plane owned by school city which would easily allow any mortal to gain access to extraordinary power, and like the holy grail war token’s for entry were usually spread all over the void awaiting their lucky or destined owners, this path was mostly for mortals who lived on planes that were lucky enough to have access to the void or new wild practitioners, that is practitioners with no influence who were lucky enough to practice without a complete inheritance.

No normal practitioner with a complete inheritance would be granted access to the venue, only mortals who had not practised in the slightest despite having a complete inheritance could enter, and even then they could only enter after their memories had been sealed and their bodies beat back to the basic whiteboard stage, most second generation individuals from practising families followed this path, the families who were confident enough in their offspring wanting them to take a new path than their inheritance or the families who were just greedy for the special power system in the school city and the opportunity for the younger generation to find themselves suitable masters would prevent their children from practising and wait until an event like that occurred.

It was widely known that the power system in school city planes were almost extinct in the void today and was specially treated in order to reduce the requirements for entry and any possible bad effects the power system possessed making it almost the best way power system for entry into any type of practice, whether it be turning into a rune for the wizard rune system or the turning it into a special fitting physique suitable for Martial arts or turning it into a power seed suitable for analysis and use by various science federation forces, these special rare almost extinct power systems which would cost a fortune to find and to transform to a form of one’s choice could be easily obtained in these special events.


According to Makarov, Solace was also a student of school city, he had entered school city through participation in a plane exploration, the exploration where he had gotten the light fruit in a plane which had a similar power system to the one-piece world as devil fruits and domineering existed, because of his somewhat unrestrained action’s in the plane he had offended some individuals including several second generations with a good family background who entered the plane with them.

It was actually during this event that Makarov met Solace and decided to accept him as a student.

Solace had left the school city basically dropping out after his failure to break through to the deity stage on his first try, he was certain his enemies would not miss such an opportunity to humiliate and possible maim him during some school activities, also because he didn’t want to be around the individual who had caused his almost certain breakthrough to fail in the first place, so he had taken a task from the wizard council which had a club like branch in school city and left heading to a plane to be stationed there but the families had pulled some strings moving Solace to the most secluded plane they could find, but he had a plane quota left a quota which he had yet to use, a quota which had been awarded to him, but there were some complication’s, unknown to Solace an event had occurred had occurred leading to a minor problem with the schools eroding shuttle and a few individuals he had offended with a strong enough influence using the opportunity had done some tricks making the quota almost useless, the emergence of Layton gave him a chance, as long Layton could do well and join the wizard seed Solace quota would be restored.

The plane quota of school city was a very priceless item, school city had been around for a very long time and they were quite established in the various practice systems all around the void, the plane quota was a ticket in which the school would use its vast resources to search the numerous planes in the void or create a plane from scratch in order to find one which was the perfect fit for your practice system, a plane which upon descent into would greatly help one’s practice or provide the various inspiration needed for a breakthrough.

It was this quota system that ensured that deity stage practitioners still stayed behind in school city to lecture or create clubs, take on numerous tasks just to accumulate enough credits to exchange for a plane quota.

Although Solace had just recently broken into a deity stage he knew just how long and arduous the bottleneck to detachment would be so he had used the quota and had descended into a plane which was very suitable for his breakthrough, when he returned from his trip the first place he would show up was naturally school city which was why Makarov had stated it was highly likely they would meet there.

When Layton had asked Makarov why he didn’t help Solace, Makarov had replied stating that the events that occurred were common as long as the families did not explicitly break any regulations or publicly attacked Solace with anyone way higher than his practice stage then Makarov would not intervene, Solace himself had not asked for help plus it was just an isolated act of some loser’s in the family who wanted to curry favour with Solace’s foe, so it wasn’t worth mentioning, the true head and core of the families were well aware of Makarov’s presence so they knew and would call their juniors to order if they took things too far.

Layton knew that when Makarov was speaking he was also indirectly sounding a note of warning to him also, unless it was something way beyond his ability to handle he should not be expecting any help from Makarov.

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