Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 106

106 Divinity

Layton grew curious and he couldn’t help but let go of his perception and try to stare covertly at the male figure, it was then that it happened the figure turned around and met Layton’s gaze directly.

‘The eyes are the windows to the soul’, these words were not just casual talk but a verified fact for all normal humanoid figures and so when an especially sensitive and perpetual individual like Layton gazed into the eyes of an individual who did nothing to hide himself some things could be sensed.

Layton who gazed into the dark stormy eyes of zero’s opponent was lost, it was like reality had been stripped from him, with his last coherent thought he knew that the figure in front of him was probably stronger than he thought.

With the gradual blur of reality, countless scenes flashed past Layton blurry, incoherent mind, scenes of various artistic concise killings, not assassinations but killing, numerous different weapons skillfully wielded in different scenes each killing different opponents in new and creative ways, the bloody smell emanating from these images was so pungent that Layton who had temporarily lost sense of his body and reality could feel it with his soul, the shrieks of countless souls wailing, their curses and resentment as their killer after murdering them slowly dissected their bodies as they became stepping stones for his path, Layton could see that with every battle and dissection the killer became more and more adept in the art of murder stronger and stronger as the resentment and wails of the different strengthened and tempered his soul and body while the knowledge gained from the diverse dissections strengthened his knowledge of murder.

Layton was stuck forced to accept as the fragmentary scenes which depicted a veritable killing god path to deity was displayed in front of him, no exercises no cultivation techniques just endless killing and instinctive use of weapons, a path drawn with nothing else but killing killing and more killing.

“Your awake.” Layton who had just regained consciousness heard these words, his perception spread out and he found he was still in the practice room except he was no laying down on a sofa with zero a few inches away resting on another chair.

“What happened?” Layton couldn’t help but inquire after remembering the previous events that sent him unconscious.

“You got exposed to divinity, didn’t expect you were that sensitive.”

“Divinity? I thought only those following the orthodox god path had it.” In Layton’s cognition and from the scenes that crept into his mind when he was unconscious, he could infer that the individual who zero was sparring with did not follow the orthodox god path, a path similar to those dnd deities who were largely dependent on divinity.


“Yes, but it’s probably different from the what you understand,” zero paused for a while gathering her thoughts before continuing

“According to some texts at home and some things I noticed with my brother’s situation, divinity is not only possessed by orthodox gods and possessing it does not mean you are following that path, it is a substance akin to vitality and life force except it contains fragments of the deity’s soul and the path they took to ascend to a deity, but all deities also have divinity, it’s just a matter of whether they use the divinity as energy or not. Those following the orthodox god path used divinity as their core and It was like lifespan how some practices make use of lifespan and vitality as a driving force for their techniques while others just leave it alone as it is. While other deities following another path although possess the divinity hardly use it, it can only be used by them as a sort of aura to create coercion on lower-level life, and its existence serves to slowly moisturize and promote the practitioner in an all-round fashion including the practitioner’s core energy making it become a higher type of energy, the existence of divinity is just a sign and symbol of becoming a higher level life.”

Layton comprehended her words it was sort of like his situation, he was using the power of his soul as psionic and never touched his lifespan, he was aware of its existence but never touched it, it wasn’t because he was scared of death and wanted to live a long time, it was because he already had psionic and there was no need to touch his lifespan or vitality, also rash use of it was disastrous, he had no idea how to use it properly and once used there was a high probability it would clash with his psionic.

His other self on the other hand had made extensive use of life force or vitality, it was through this vitality that it infected the island. And because it already made use of vitality it never made good use of the power in its soul except to imprint on his vitality and make it erosive.

“Why was he exuding divinity in the first place?” Layton asked curiously from zero’s previous word Layton could guess her sparring partner was her brother and so he was puzzled why her brother did not collect the coercion of his divinity since he had already suppressed himself to spar with her without using any extraordinary tricks.

“The coercion was to stabilize my mystery. I’m working on being promoted to legend with my current rune and I was there to train, the coercion of the divinity helped in stabilizing my soul making sure my dangerous attempts would not lead to some uncontrollable accidents. The coercion also helped in making me instinctively aware of a better way to wield my weapons and my body.”

“Where is this?” Feeling the ache in his head subside Layton sat upright on the couch and inquired while looking around.

“Fight Club, my brother rented out this space-related combat room. What were you doing in the fight club anyway and how did you know where I was.”

“I don’t know, I just arrived today, the senior who was showing me around got busy and sent me here, immediately I entered the building I was in the practice room.” Layton smiled wryly to show his helplessness.

“*Sigh* you must have met one of those council leaders who don’t bother checking the updates on mage net, just check the student’s forum you automatically joined everything you need to know is there. Here scan this so you can join the chat room I created for our team.” Zero sighed as she displayed a sort of holographic picture from her mage connector.

“Lilith is here too?” Layton who manipulated the connector on his wrist to scan the picture and casually queried.

“Yeah, she enrolled a few days ago, we even share an apartment, speaking off let’s get out of here I am exhausted we will head to the residential area and on the way i’ll try to show you around.” Zero yawned and stated leisurely as she stood and headed for the door.

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