Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 88

88 Fooling destiny

Igor stayed quietly looking intently at his surroundings, waiting for the inevitable attack suddenly from the corner of his eye he saw a palm emerge from thin air rapidly closing distance heading straight for his head.

The palm was in a knife hand strike gesture moving rapidly through the air, the power of the whole muscles was concentrated on the tip of the fingernails and the subtle jitter of the biomagnetic field of the palm increased its effectiveness not only that Layton had used his psionic to make the attack more effective, although he could feel the psionic work with his wishes himself could not accurately pinpoint the changes he had made, but he could feel the psionic had surged modifying the skin, bone, vein, hormone and nerve structure of his palm giving it maximum effectiveness so although his palm still looked normal in fact it was basically a biological cutting tool in the shape of a human palm.

Igor’s eyes widened in panic he could already feel a sharp tingle in his skin the moment he saw that palm, it was too fast for him to effectively dodge and react and the slash split the surrounding air making the slow whirlpool of air Igor had created earlier unable to perform effectively as a defence. Although the attack was too sudden leaving Igor and Tang qi unable to move in time but Igor was not powerless, using his gravitational powers he increased the mass of a point at his feet making it attract all things in the surroundings, this naturally included Layton, the change in gravity and the extra gravitational pull made his attack to detour leaving the shortest route to Igor’s neck and heading straight to Igor’s feet.

Seeing this Layton closed his palm mobilized his natural biomagnetic field to fluctuate chaotically relieving him from the gravitational effects for a short moment and then sending a kick at Igor which was blocked by Igor’s palm and Layton taking advantage of Igor’s body propelled himself backwards using his psionic filled kick to increase the repulsion effect of his magnetic field and then interacting with Igor’s biomagnetic field achieving the effect of like poles repelling, Layton repulsed them both sending them some distance apart from each other this action happened to help Layton dodge the blue sword that had flown over aiming to impale him.

Tang qi was finally able to react after Igor had changed the path of Layton’s first attack and then he condensed his qi to a sword shape and stabbed the dangerous unstable weapon, the weapon detached from his palm and flew forward at rapid speeds heading towards the wizard, when Tang qi saw the wizard dodge, tang qi simply clenched his fist, and with his motion the dodged sword was about to explode.

While moving backwards Layton felt the dangerous unstable aura on the sword and then instead of moving backwards further he twisted his body forward his armed stretched grasping the flying sword that was about to explode, wrapping it in his bio magnetic field Layton seized control of the weapon and stabilized its unstable structure, kicking the air Layton rapidly moved towards Tang qi at alarming speeds and swung the sword hard aiming to sever the qi practitioner in two.

Tang qi quickly created a flat mirror shaped shield of qi, the shield upon contact with the sword strike quickly gave out numerous ripples migrating and reducing the strength of the attack, before Layton could increase his strength and break the shield, Igor had already moved through space appearing at the side of Layton sending a heavy punch.

Layton released his hold on the sword making it unusable and explode like it was supposed to a moment ago, the explosion breaking the mirror shield defense and sending the qi practitioner back some distance and then using his psionic modified his palm making it inhumanly flexible he rotated his hand rapidly to the back defying normal human biological structure and then blocked the punch, the moment Layton’s palm touched Igor, Layton flooded his magnetic field with his psionic making it rotate and release paralyzing electric current, the huge difference in control and range of biological field oppressed Igor making him unable to effectively block the current that traveled at alarming speeds the current although not fatal and unable to cause him injuries made his reaction slow for just a short moment.

Taking advantage of that short momentary lapse Layton punched forward, his psionic filling his body and magnetic field, the bio magnetic field of his body rapidly spun in a peculiar way making his fist heat up and rush forward rapidly like a projectile fired from a electromagnetic gun piercing through Igor’s chest crushing all internal organ in its path breaking his spine and emerging from the back of his body.


This was Layton style of combat, it seemed like an upright attack that was good at responding to various changes but in fact, it was a premediated calculated one.

As long as one did not surprise and defeat Layton with overwhelming combat power during their first clash or encounter it would be quite hard to defeat him during their subsequent clashes, with his amazing perception, insight into the fragment of short term future and intuition he had no problem being two steps ahead of his opponent planning the next attack and inducing his opponents to make his desired response as long as he had adapted to the attacks of his foes or collected enough information on them.

Although the future he saw was not static and could abe changed he made up for it with his amazing intuition and calculations which enabled him to quickly adapt to various changes and easily link his attacks slowly pushing his enemies towards what one might say is a destined dead end.

But sometimes destiny can be deceived, Layton felt something wrong his palm was no longer had the gooey feeling of having pierced something, and his perception was telling him something had changed, his intuition rang out screaming danger, Igor who he had pierced was slowly fading away turning into a phantom and a one armed Igor was standing by his side.

Layton was very sure he had not pierced an afterimage earlier, with his perception, it would be very difficult, nearly impossible to deceive him with just an afterimage but the facts were in front of him Igor was in fact alive and virtually unscathed except for the missing arm, Layton did not have time to continue thinking as a sharp bright blue light emerged out of nowhere right in front of him without any previous signs in his perception except for the danger sign his intuition was screaming at him but even then it was too late to dodge he could only face it head-on, the last time he had felt this way was when he was attacked by that short-haired dark skin female with the sniper rifle back in star city right before he was called into this space.

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