Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 91

91 AT Force Field

“AT force field”.

AT force field or absolute terror field was somethings Layton found in his past life memories from the Evangelion franchise, according to what he remembered and understood the AT force field was a barrier that everyone had, a barrier which all souls possess which enable them to have self-knowledge and rational thought, according to the records left in Layton mind, it was the existence of such barriers that prevented humans from understanding each other allowing each individual to possess ego and a sense of self allowing one to exist as an independent individual.

Some special humans or angels who had a stronger AT force field than others were able to materialize such barrier endowing themselves with the ability to have a sort of absolute defence impenetrable without special means.

Gathering inspiration from these records of memory Layton tried to create such a field to save his life after all in this world there were a lot of planes and universes similar to those literary works and television shows in his memory.

Layton hastily strengthened his brain waves and brain making the body material that had a lot of connection to the soul stronger and then through his psionic he materialized the illusory concept of such a force field, it was more like a ritual rather than a spell, he had been browsing through Constantine notes and from the works left behind he understood that although Constantine had his fame as a demon warlock in fact he was a well versed ritualist and occultist, the notes left in his study was filled with his understanding of the essence of rituals and some knowledge of the occult, these bits of knowledge as well the special nature of the holy grail world allowed Layton’s hastily prepared means to succeed.

Layton remembered the ritual solace had acquired and had given to him before his first plane travel, a ritual he guessed was adopted from a plane similar to that of hunter x hunter a ritual based on the phenomenon of vows and restrictions although he did not manage to successfully portray the ritual before he left but the knowledge still stayed with him, coupled with Constantine books he was able to get a deeper insight into it, using his soul as the object he tried to materialize the illusory AT force field concept and he managed to succeed partially, as a price it was a requirement that before the force field could become a defense there must be a link between the attacker and defender in which their thoughts and some deep memories will be open to each other only when the attacker chooses not to try and understand and closes off his mind will the barrier be erected, on the other hand if the attacker does not close the link then whatever attack exerted would deal double damage not only to the body but also at the soul level.

Which meant in order for Layton to block Igor and Tang qi attacks they needed to reject Layton that is the wizard by strengthening his brain forcefully connected them both at the last minutes to his brain waves allowing their souls to be synced, the synchronization although fragile could not be destroyed so easily as it was not only a mere connection but a vital part of the ritual, with the synchronisation their thoughts were open to each other and Layton instead of sending his thoughts, he forced himself to be in a thoughtless state and instead sent his experience his memories of the avatar world thus granting them a front row seat to his perspective of being used as a server for the plane with massive amounts of chaotic information passing through his mind every moment, back then if not for the nature of his rune and the plane’s deliberate care he would have become an idiot as his soul would be unable to withstand such a torrent, Igor and Tang qi who were synced and had no such defence naturally could not withstand such a torrent, they naturally flinched and closed their hearts, their act naturally allowed the ritual to succeed, materializing the absolute defence AT force field at the last moment and saving Layton’s life.

Everyone present was motionless as if time had stopped, Igor’s fist was right in front of a motionless Layton with only some centimetres distance from the wizard’s flesh while the sword tip of the qi practitioner was already on the wizard’s skin about to pierce Layton’s flesh.

“pity” Igor muttered to himself as he turned to ash, the qi practitioner said nothing just glanced lightly at the stagnant wizard as he turned dissipated turning into minute fragments of qi.


By the time their attacks were blocked they already understood what that connection between the three of them meant and they could figure out the conditions for the creation of the defence, if they were not too concentrated on their attacks and glanced at the link they could have guessed that it was ritual, it could be said that they themselves saved the wizard, it was a pity that they found out too late, their suicidal attack did not bear fruit.

Layton stood alone like a statue as Igor and Tang Qi exited the game, he stood like this for some minutes until the rotating whirlpool that was the root finally had some change, it slowly changed from its illusory state to a more physical form, the change affected the space as the space and the only living thing in it which was Layton was violently sucked into the whirlpool of the root.

Of course, a hastily prepared ritual such as this was not without backlash, Layton’s brain was basically fried by the surging bioelectric currents and his soul was also affected, it was electrified making his soul stiff and stagnant, his thoughts slow and blurry as she sank into what felt like eternal darkness. Time lost all meaning in this state and Layton thought he would slowly lose his mind here until a rush of energy suddenly rushed into his mind slowly healing and strengthening everything about him taking him to his most perfect state. In his groggy uncoordinated state before slowly waking up he heard a voice that seemed to teem with power and divinity “I would like to bear the filth of the world and grant redemption.”

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