Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 95

95 Broken Fantasy

“I would like to bear the filth of the world and grant redemption.”

After hearing that voice Layton slowly started waking up he was about to open up his heavy eyelids when suddenly he was sent back into the darkness, the darkness was eerily calm and cold, Layton could not even afford to even think he just existed there blankly for what seemed like an eternity, there was no torture no pain no feeling whatsoever just an overwhelming emptiness.

After what felt like aeons suddenly the environment changed Layton found himself outside a simple strong wooden hut that seemed strangely familiar turning around to find a glimpse of surroundings he was surprised to find himself confronting 12 adult men, it was then he remembered where this was, it was surprisingly the scene in the duke of Clearwater residence before he became a wizard and when he first met her, although Layton felt something weird and absurd watching his confrontation with these knights he thought nothing of it as his mind was filled with seeing her face again, a face that was already strangely blurred in his mind, he found he could not move and so he could only impatiently wait for his younger self to finish up before seeing her once more.

A few minutes later Layton watched with anticipation as his younger self walked back into the simple hut.

Gazing around Layton quickly looked around and found his goal, there she was laying on the ground dressed in a simple dress with her silver hair draped over her face, Layton just watched stupidly entranced, but when the girl laying on the ground seemed to regain consciousness Layton felt the surroundings change it seemed that from a phantom it became reality, Layton felt he could move and somehow influence what was happening, but before he put his thoughts into action Layton felt an inexplicable force holding him down making him unable to move talk or even blink he could only watch as a cloaked figure walked out from his back and with a wave of the figures hand the girl who had already gotten up and tackled his young body suddenly dissipated like she was just a phantom that never existed.

It was not a sort of teleportation rather it was erasure from existence, the deadly aura that filled the room with the cloaked figures room made that perfectly clear.

Layton who witnessed this almost went crazy, he was struggling fiercely against the force binding him and was trying every way possible to set himself free, the cloaked figure ignored Layton and walked over to his young body that had become unconscious lifted the body up and then vanished from the room, a few seconds later the figure reappeared and Layton glared fiercely at the figure, if only eyes could kill the cloaked figure would have been long dead.

“Look again.” The cloaked figure that had stopped in front of an immobile Layton said softly but firmly, her voice was like an imperial order forcing the scenes that had just occurred to replay in front of him again and this time he was forced to notice the discrepancies he had forced himself to ignore, the impulsive action of helping out the girl when she first arrived, the battle with the Knights, the inexplicable ease with which he won the fight even though he was outnumbered and the knights had far more combat experience than him, and finally the inexplicable obsession with the girl even when he clearly did not know did not remember her face and she had only kissed him once. He was charmed, his emotions manipulated, the technique so subtle that it was engraved in his subconscious that he had even been faintly denying that possibility.

But now with the words of the cloaked figure all this was broken, Layton took a deep breath to calm his turbulent emotion and enquired in a hoarse voice, “Who are you?”


“You can call me Minerva” the cloaked figure replied with a smile as she let down the hood showing her luscious dark violet hair and regal purple eyes that seemed to radiate Majesty.

“Where are we?” Layton asked after searching his memories the name was familiar to him solace had mentioned her name on more than one occasion and from what Layton knew she was the one who delivered him to solace.

“Short answer we are in your nightmare.”

“Long answer?”

“Long answer, I used your nightmare as a platform to view your memories then traversed the timeline based on the nightmare plane using your memories as coordinates I went to the past to make sure the present stays the same.”

“What?” Layton asked in confusion, he understood the words separately but he just could not understand what they meant together as a whole sentence.

“Time paradoxes are complicated to explain, just know I came to the past to kill “HER”, and to make sure the past remains as it should be, Basically the Minerva that took you to solace’s place to become a wizard was me, I just gave the past me in this timeline the memory of me taking you to solace.” Although Minerva’s words were confusing Layton basically understood what was going on, Minerva is supposed to come to the past to kill whoever was with him and to send him to solace, if Minerva from now never went to the past then Layton would probably have not met solace and would still be in the hands of HER. And as to why she helped Layton, Layton guessed it had something to do with solace.

After understanding all that Layton finally asked the question that has been bugging him “Fine then who is HER what does she want with me.”

“I actually don’t know, but that particular timeline was important to me so whatever She did I had to stop, although you were the son of the plane at that moment and a traverser I don’t think it warranted her actions.”

Her simple words sent a jolt of fear down Layton’s spine although he had always thought he would not be bothered if he was found out and he had decided not to purposely hide it but right now Layton found he was not as calm as he thought he would be when the cat was out of the bag.

Minerva seemed to notice the fear and confusion in Layton face, she smiled amused as she slowly stated,

“No need to be scared, in fact, it’s not that big a secret as you think, when you reach a certain level you can artificially create your own traverser either by taking a soul from a foreign plane or imprinting memories on an individual it can easily create a traverser.” She paused for a while before deciding to continue, “Of course there are also natural traversers although rare its possible, a fragment of memory from the depths of void or a different time might suddenly flow into the world and latch on to individuals or certain talented individuals can naturally inspire memories hidden in their souls, in the void anything is possible, as to whether you are natural or someone chess piece it doesn’t matter anymore...”

“Why?” Layton who was still stupefied and uneasy asked.

Minerva smiled and answered with incomparable confidence and arrogance as she said softly “Because you met me.”

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