Wizard World:Struggles of dimensions

Chapter 99

99 Battle of enlightenment

Layton noticed the surging fighting intent and earnest gaze being sent his way, Layton noticed it was not born out of anger or an eagerness to survive actually it was just an intense expression of curiosity, the other-self seemed not concerned about its existence or how it was going to be short lived, it just wanted to know more about Layton’s path, and honestly, Layton was also curious after all the fastest and easiest way to fully understand someone was through a well fought battle.

Layton was not sure whether it was the sympathetic connection between them or he genuinely wanted to fight but a surging intense will for battle also surged from within him, the clash between their similar but different fighting aura’s caused the emergence of countless winds even faint depressions emerged in the earth beneath them.

As if in agreement they both disappeared and reappeared their fist colliding sending countless waves of wind and soil flying around.

The two bodies stayed motionless as their fists remained connected to each other while staying in the middle of the hurricane of wind, grass and lumps of soil, if one looked closer it would be found that the force of both punches had most of their power cancelled out by the opponent, it was only the little leak of strength that was not cancelled out that created the changes around.

After a second they both separated taking equal steps back, the other self’s arm trembled for a moment as tiny cracks appeared on his skin before almost instantaneously healing while Layton with his steps backwards cracks appeared on the earth of the island he stood on.

Their swift collision was not a simple one, the other-self had a natural advantage in terms of muscular strength and with its bizarre body structure he was able to burst out his amazing strength without worrying about the integrity of his body or any muscle restriction a normal human body may have. Layton was vaguely aware of this but did not shy away from the collision he used his psionic to link with the magnetic field of the earth beneath his feet, the fact that it was a small island with basically no life on it helped in astronomically in reducing the difficulty of synching with its magnetic field, once this was achieved Layton was able to freely use his psionic to leverage the force of the earth beneath him and also freely use his muscles to stimulate the rhythm of the earth to boost his strength without wasting psionic.

Despite all Layton’s preparations he only managed to make the result a tie, the other self’s peculiar body was able to actively reduces the impact and force of his attack actively adapting to Layton’s increase in strength and effectively send out an equal share of power.

Although it seemed that Layton had the advantage as the other self had suffered some minor bruises before quickly healing but the fact was Layton was also affected a little, the ground beneath his feet had cracked, the synching of the earth basically meant any injuries supposed to go to him would be channelled to the island, the island was effectively his body for a short period of time.

The other-self smiled and charged once more, they both collided hitting each other with fists kicks elbows drastically changing the terrain of their surroundings, sounds of the very air collapsing due to their speed and strength were heard intermittently, Layton was engrossed when he noticed something wrong, wherever they passed there was a little bit of biological activity that emerged, it was his other self work, during their collisions fluctuations from his cell had been spread out like a Cthulhu’s whisper indescribable babbles and information trying to infect and disrupt his opponent.


Layton had felt this was directed at him as he had to keep a part of his attention on his body to prevent sudden changes in battle but in reality the infection was not directed at him but instead on the surroundings, Layton knew in the video game dark souls had the ability to direct and create undead like creatures and there were no such biological remains on the island or the sea around but instead his other self actually infected the soil rocks and trees around trying to give them life and he was succeeding.

Normally such a foolish attempt was not possible but Layton was also connected to the island through his psionic a type of miraculous soul type energy, the combination of the other self’s infectious whispers and the psionic used around was basically animating the island giving it life.

The other-self knew his plan was noticed but he didn’t care, the seed was already planted and the plan need not be hidden any longer, he just kept on attacking trying to reduce not to give Layton any time to breathe and think, Layton did nothing else just increased the amount of psionic he radiated to the island as he focused on their clash, this decision brought about some incredible unexpected changes.

It was becoming more than a fight, it was enlightenment between their two different but complementary paths, Layton was presently going down the road of the soul affecting material that is the soul influencing his body while his other self was using the material, his flesh and indescribable form to influence the soul, their clashes brought about various vital insights from both of them, the other-self was able to use the vitality overflowing from the soon to be bred creatures to increase his strength and also leverage the strength of the island.

Layton on the other hand seemed to have given up increasing his brute force strength but was using the psionic and the natural magnetic field on the island that was activating to control the elements around him, with the slightest movement the wind wrapped his fist propelling his attacks, with a nothing but thought the magnetic field of the surroundings agitated creating bursts of lightning or flames.

They were not just any attacks but attacks overflowing with spirituality an expression of the soul.

Layton had not used any elemental attacks before during the fight because he knew it would be useless as the damage exerted by the attacks would not be ideal and would just be a waste of energy as he was not able to fully compress the energy or create an attack of enough quantity that would seriously affect his opponent but that had all changed now as the spirituality in the elemental attacks not only gave burns and cuts but also attacked the numerous chaotic consciousness that the other-self was made of, the clash and merge between their two paths on the island had brought about incredible changes, his psionic and the infectious nature of the other self’s vitality had started to activate all objects around them, the vitality bringing about a chaotic sense of life and his psionic bringing and endowing all things with meaning or spirituality.

The battle entered into a white-hot stage with various gorgeous natural phenomena occurring, the surrounding magnetic field rapidly changing exerting various attacks and inflicting on the other-self injuries which were getting very difficult to heal, it seemed the other-self’s natural regenerative abilities had been seriously suppressed as his body was filled with various cut, burn, bruises and wounds, the other-self was also seriously inflicting serious damage on Layton, the simple physical attacks now through the infectious vitality and whispers exerted effects on Layton body soul and essence at the same time, taking advantage of the fact that Layton’s body soul and essence were closely intertwined a simple punch exerted by the other-self was crushing Layton’s flesh inducing physical wounds and deep injuries while the chaotic whispers of the other-self active cells were also attacking the soul and the other-self’s infectious vitality was eroding Layton’s essence.

Layton felt his body was about to collapse the successive attacks on his person had brought his body and essence to the brink of collapse although the attacks affected both his soul and essence but it was really his body that took the most damage, his bones and nerves were severely damaged and displaced he was only able to move so agile by relying on his psionic to take the place of his failing vital organs and other parts and the magnetic field of the surrounding to keep the material structure of his body intact, his other half was not feeling so good either there were very deep wounds all over its body wounds which went deep and came up out from the other side, even his heart, lungs and other organs had been pierced and attacked several times but his exuberant vitality kept him going. Despite this they just kept on going attacking each other exerting their influence on the island their current state leaving them both intoxicated countless insights generated as their ideas collided, even their recent attacks were basically only those that could be exerted by legendary stage practitioner’s even though they were still just in the extraordinary stage and they both had a feeling that once the island became animated they would see further they might even have a peek at what the deity stage was going to be and to that they needed to continue their battle and give it their all or this miraculous state would be broken.

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