Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 125

Chapter 128:

I stared at the puck in Kevin’s cup.

It was originally an ice cube about the diameter of a glass. The bartender chiseled it into a sphere and put it into the glass. I had seen the whole process before sitting at the bar and talking about things.

Is this a waste of manpower? I can’t help thinking. The ice cubes added to whiskey, no matter how carefully carved, are essentially ice cubes.

I suddenly said: “The COO did not ask for a third-party document.”

Kevin smiled slightly and looked down at his cigar. As soon as I saw his reaction, I knew I had guessed it.

Just listen to him: “You are faster than I thought.”

I close my eyes.

This trick is ruthless…

Kevin smiled while smoking, looking at the suit thug like Chafu. I took a glass and lowered my head to drink. The water was ice. I didn’t notice it when I first brought it over.

What role did Miss Pande play in it? Will she harm me?

I can’t bear to believe it.

Kevin cocked his leg: “Let us clarify a few things. I don’t want to have any misunderstandings about each other in terms of sincerity: First of all, I want you to know that Ruijie does have an opinion on you, and entrusted me to make a connection. This part is true.”

“What about the group? What does the group think about this issue?”

He looked at me for a while: “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

I looked away, smiled, and restrained my anger.

The skills are not as good as others, and if you lose, you lose. I’m willing to bow down.

“Then it’s about… Oh, yes, the information you provided.” He held the cigar hand with the thumb and gently rubbed his beard. “An interesting little development. My people didn’t get all the information, and I’m pretty sure. You made some kind of interference. Why?”

I looked at him directly: “Who do you want to provide this information to?”

Kevin paused: “It seems that neither of us will know the answer. This is a bad start.”

I pressed the bag on my legs, squeezed the strap, ready to get up at any time. I asked, “Is there anything else you want to tell me?”

“Don’t worry.” He raised a hand and hurriedly put down the cigar. “Your’initiation ceremony’ has been completed. I am sorry that you did not join the club you want to join. But anyway, we are here now. In the same boat, isn’t it?”

I folded my arms.

He waved his hand: “Look, regarding the development prospects of the new company, the discussion just now made me feel that you have already considered and speculated, and this is a good thing, which shows that you have never given up independence no matter what. Thinking. This is exactly what I need-an invincible person who will always remain calm.”

I still didn’t smile: “This is ironic, I actually think you are complimenting me.”

“I’m really complimenting you. Just accept it.” Kevin raised his eyebrows a bit big, as if to emphasize his sincerity, and the lines on his forehead were layered on top of each other, like capital that is difficult to wash away. Dirt in the pores.

Kevin’s cigar on the ashtray tends to cool down, and its owner has long lost pity for it. I glanced at it, and then I got to the middle section. I heard from the customers who love this mouth that it’s just the beginning.

I don’t know that Chai Migui is not in charge. Does he really have no worries for ruining the law like this?

“Regarding my previous promise, this is the case.” He picked up the glass and took a sip of wine. “A director position may not be able to remain attractive to you for five years. I will make sure that you can make real gains. Get a definite tilt.”

I didn’t speak. He said it as if he was already the CEO of the new company, and with this calculation, Kevin got the position of COO. Why would he make me believe the pie he drew for me?

Kevin put down his glass: “Cash.”

I raised my eyebrows. This is kind of interesting.

But I still can’t be convinced by his words. I said: “Can I know more details? About what kind of club I accidentally joined? I think our COO Ruijie can promise you at most a position he currently has. Why can you be so certain Promise me?”

“Now we enter the interesting part.” Kevin sat down and looked at me. “I agree 100% to the group’s arrangements, the transfer of power, project optimization, and structural reorganization. The group can directly intervene in the business of our two departments. Ruijie can be the CEO of this subsidiary.”

I motioned him to continue.

“As for myself, I will become the CEO of Crab Shell.”

I was stunned and made no secret of my surprise: “What does that mean?”

“It means literally.”

I took a breath: “Where is the big boss?”

Kevin snapped his fingers: “That’s why I need you! I don’t need to say a word!”

I opened my hand: “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“As far as I know and what I heard from Ruijie,” Kevin said, “The group doesn’t really care about who will be the CEO of this new company — or, let’s say,’some people’ Let the group not care about this matter-as long as the candidate is faithful, reliable and qualified, then anyone can be it, me or Ruijie… I think the chairman is more inclined to Ruijie, after all, he is from mainland China, so I am me I also trust people with similar backgrounds.”

I keenly noticed that there is still a connection between Kevin and the group, but I did not inquire at this time.

Kevin continued: “But Ruijie prefers the position of Crab Shell CEO. So do I.”

He probably didn’t say a lie, or that the lie has been deduced many times in his mind, so that it is completely in line with reality, but there is no logical flaw left in the fiction.

They fancy the position of the big boss is inevitable. Suppose that the split of the company is imperative, and the development of the subsidiary will not be so smooth because of the intentional obstacles of outsiders…

Our stock price is already beautiful. Going against the trend this year, the situation is even more special and the performance is extremely dazzling.

Will Miss Pan De be the broker in such a deal?

I withdrew my thoughts.

After thinking about it, I know what Kevin wants me to do. But I still asked: “Can you please tell me clearly, what exactly do you need me to do?”

“It’s very simple, free up Lisong’s place.”

“How to do it?”

“I won’t go into details.” Kevin looked at me, “Basically, I can get any resources you want.”

I couldn’t help laughing: “What do you think can threaten the founder of a company?”

“It doesn’t have to be such a dirty thing, do you know?” He smiled, “Everyone has his weaknesses.”

I looked at him: “I don’t do dirty work.”

Kevin not to be outdone, tilted his head slightly: “Fun fact: You have already done it.”

Before the separation, Kevin asked me to open an offshore account as soon as possible, or simply give him my virtual currency wallet.

To accept bribes, I was almost crazy, but I think he was really swollen with insanity.

But in the eyes of outsiders, I think our madness may not be equal.

I went crazy temporarily. Kevin forced it.

He reminded me: What can threaten the founder of a company?

The general is afraid of mutiny, and the emperor is afraid to force the palace.

This kind of story has happened too many times in the market, and the charm of the shareholding system lies in this. Compared with partnership enterprises, joint-stock companies will only have more and more participants in the game, and finally reach a certain balance: once the situation behind it is replaced by the free market, the situation will change again.

This principle applies to our big boss… The same applies to the chairman.

After I went home and changed my clothes, I took the packed travel bag and took a taxi to Sentosa. Along the way, I carefully checked the reports we handed over to the SEC, trying to find breakthroughs in the equity changes.

The content of the report is very detailed, and I just browse the other content quickly, but focus on checking the 20-F and the beneficial person report, which will give me a very comprehensive understanding of our major shareholders.

As a soldier whose annual dividend is not enough to go to Seychelles for a half-month vacation, I have never cared about the ownership of the group’s equity.

Who the group belongs to and which of the capital behind it has the upper hand for a while? Such issues seem to have something to do with me, but in fact, they do not affect my daily work. I just know roughly that a certain southern giant is throwing money behind us, but take a closer look…

It seems that we are still quite popular with domestic capital.

The name and last name of the stockholders are ignored. Those who are not sure where they come from, I also follow the vine to find out who is behind them one by one. I found out when the taxi arrived in a residential area.

Moreover, this discovery is much more important than I initially expected.

The group of the company next door is increasing its holdings of our shares bit by bit. Although with different faces and diverse identities, sometimes a wholly-owned subsidiary, and sometimes the circle goes round and round, there is no doubt…I did a not too difficult arithmetic problem—

They hold at least 12% of our shares, which is the part that I can find out without taking any additional measures.

I leaned against the window, holding my forehead in thought.

The number of shares held by the big boss has not changed, but the shareholding ratio has been slowly decreasing, and voting rights have also been diluted. His authority is far less reliable than I expected, and Crab Shell is by no means the big boss’s word.

In the company, there are two major shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, one is the CTO, and the other, to my surprise, is Liang Heng. I rummaged the name of the COO in the entire beneficiary report, but I didn’t find it. It stands to reason that he should not be: he is a veteran, unlike the old employee who was hired at the start-up period like the boss, the COO should have invested in shares in the form of technology or capital. , Is one of the founders.

Maybe he sold most of his shares? I decided to read the reports of previous years carefully when I have time, hoping to gain something.

but now…

Right in front of me is the luxury residential area of Sentosa, which I have never set foot in. I have a backpack in one hand and my phone screen with the other hand: the contact “Old Pan” is displayed on the call interface.

The exterior walls of the villa lit up one by one, the beeping stopped abruptly, and the phone was connected.

I looked at the electronic door that opened for me, and my heart went up and down.

I am afraid that Miss Pan De and I are going to have a Bingzhu Night to talk.

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