Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 133

Chapter 136:

After two weeks of fierce battles, Lao Huang and I finally used our spare time to come up with a proposal for changes to the company’s framework. For this reason, I also sacrificed a Saturday where I could stay with Miss Pan De all day, and went to Lao Huang’s house to “communicate cordially and friendly.”

We may have more quarrels these days than at other times combined.

My sister-in-law joked that we were at the front and back tables of the third year of high school.

The two sons of their family magically kept quiet all day long, passively adding to our efficiency a lot. Due to limited manpower, this plan can only be regarded as a scribble prototype, but it is also a strategy at the beginning of the battle anyway.

As long as you get through this tough battle, some resources will be optimized: a considerable part of BCG’s “legacy” can continue to function after a facelift. I think it is not the most difficult joint to convince the relevant parties to accept this plan.

On Friday afternoon, after the routine report, for the first time I was bold enough to manage the big boss in a real sense.

That’s the way the courtier’s remonstrative mood is about.

I talked about my own thoughts and my conjectures about the group. Except for individual wording, I can say that I have no reservations about the meaning. I’ll press the unlisted for the time being about the plan. This back hand needs the big boss to accept the move before it can be released.

After listening to my report, he was silent for a long time.

Given my position and the distance from the big boss, it is bound to be difficult to guess how he will think about it. He just nodded slowly, the chair moved back a little, and his left hand was leaning on the armrest, staring at the automatically dormant monitor screen in a daze.

At first, I thought the big boss was tired. With such a large amount of information, some are facts, some are indistinguishable, and most of them are just my guesses. It is difficult to make accurate judgments from them in a short period of time.

I was ready for him to think about it for a while and then ask me to write a detailed list of the mail.

But soon, I knew I was wrong.

The big boss, who had recovered from his meditation, had a ray of light in his eyes, a burst of energy, and little-known excitement beating. He must have found the last piece of the puzzle too, and must be shaking for the chance of a Jedi counterattack.

At this moment, he turned sideways and looked at Joseline for a moment. A similar light gleamed in the other’s eyes: the two of them looked at me at the same time.

The big boss said: “What is your method?”

“It’s kind of like a game of game,” I said, “it’s just some kind of refined Bayesian equilibrium.”

The big boss nodded slowly: “I haven’t learned game theory.”

“We test, observe, test, observe, until we reach a conclusion, and then we choose the most perfect one of all strategies.” I made a concise and concise explanation, “but for the best development of the company, At every step in this process, we must not leave the ground, and we must ensure that there is no failure.”

“It sounds a bit difficult.”

“There are some challenges,” I said, “In addition, the losses that may be brought in the whole process may be irreparable.”

The big boss frowned slightly: “Are you talking about economic losses? How much?”

I nodded: “Well, probably at the level of billions of dollars. In addition, there is also the loss of voting rights.”

Our annual revenue does not necessarily have this number: it depends on whether it is “one” billion or “nine” billion.

The big boss didn’t even think about it: “Acceptable. Tell me more about your plan.”

I secretly took a breath. Even Jocelyn was a little surprised, and we touched our eyes almost impenetrably.

I immediately opened the tablet, turned to the appropriate page, and handed it over. I have made a bar chart of the company’s major shareholders’ shares. This information is definitely far less detailed than the internal statistics, but I still took a bit of work because I don’t have the authority to get that information.

I can’t get it, and outsiders can’t get it.

The incomplete situation that the big boss is watching now becomes the fundamental that everyone has mastered.

“You have 34% of the voting rights; counting the more than 24 million shares entrusted to the chairman of the group, the group holds 36.1% of the voting rights. Both Exceeded the minimum standard for exercising a veto—”I lowered my eyebrows, “I take the liberty to ask, are you not optimistic about attempts to preserve the overall framework of the company because of this?”

He responded: “This is part of the reason.”

“Okay, I understand.” I immediately answered, “Although it is impossible to obtain absolute control directly, the advantage is that the other party does not have this opportunity. I would suggest that we focus on the relative control of the company, that is, to ensure the group There is no way to get the support of more than 50% of shareholders.”

“Your statement is very interesting.” The big boss squinted his eyes.

I smiled: “Yes. We won at least 51% of the voting rights. This is also a plan, but it is accompanied by unbearable risks. However, as long as the group is still unable to come up with some decisive strategies …”

The big boss stared at the tablet and thought for a while: “What do these five percent of unnamed shares mean?”

“I saw in our beneficiary report submitted to the SEC in May 2018 that the CTO held about 5% of the shares at that time, but no relevant information was disclosed in the annual report last year. I was wondering if he just reduced his holdings. It’s below the line of major shareholders.”

“He has percent now…” The big boss turned his head away.

Jocelyn said: “His voting rights are currently about 2.7%. The sale of this part of the stocks took place within the last 36 months. The report on the proposed sale of the securities has more detailed information. if you need.”

Senior executives must strictly follow the slow-moving and disclosure procedures when selling stocks. After hearing Jocelyn’s statement about the proportion of voting rights, I have a rough estimate of the shares currently held by the CTO and nodded to her.

Now is not the time to discuss the details, I asked again: “The number of shares held by the chief scientist has not changed, right?”

“Liang Heng now has 6.4% of the voting rights.” The big boss affirmed, paused, and said, “He can be trusted.”

“Okay.” I jotted it down secretly, “Well, the COO stock is the end. I was thinking, at the beginning, he should hold a lot of Class B shares?”

The big boss shook his head.

I’m trying to understand the deeper meaning of this physical action. Qiao Serine has already answered: “He holds mostly Class A shares. Ruijie’s stock is about 15 million yuan, and it has already flown to the actual controller as the chairman. In a financial company, this part of the voting rights is 1.5%.”

“Thank you, Jocelyn, this information is very helpful.” I smiled thankfully.

If you want to talk about Kevin’s follow-up situation, now is the best time to ask for credit. I hesitated for a moment. The contents that I want to clarify to the big boss today are of great importance. As soon as the COO is the imperial prince, I am afraid that it will be overwhelming.

Thinking of this, I said: “Is anyone in the company holding more stocks?”

“It’s the ones you can find in the annual report.” It was still Jocelyn who responded to my question, “After the lock-up period ended, most people chose to cash out.”

I nodded: “Therefore, about 22% of the shares cannot be clearly vested in public channels. It is unknown to the outside world whether anyone holds more than 1% of the shares.”

“It can’t be counted.” Qiao Celine said, “The statement we disclosed to investors listed the number of stocks held by executives, and the increase in stocks caused by personal increase in holdings was also included. Detailed data together with “The holdings of other shareholders,” she met the big boss, “I will provide you with it later. Now you can know that this fundamentally non-public shareholder holds about 2% of the shares. 13. I think these differences are important to your plan?”

“Yes.” I looked at Jocelyn and explained to them further, “Under the current circumstances, my judgment is that the goal of achieving comparative advantage is that it will be very challenging. This difficulty is not only for us. It exists here, and the reason is the same for the group. Both sides have more than 34% of the right to speak. Therefore, it will be very difficult to **** the remaining microphones.”

At this time, for the first time, from a perspective other than personal income, I am grateful for the high stock price of our company. Due to the considerable cost brought by the extremely high stock price, the current stalemate is difficult to change due to the will of some individuals. Even if one party wants to increase its share through acquisition or repurchase, the use of large sums of money still requires a complete design that can be accounted to the board of directors, which will inevitably consume a lot of work and accompany a large number of meetings.

Once caught in a meeting, the implementation of the agenda will easily be indefinitely. This is the consciousness that people living in office buildings should have.

“The vast majority of the remaining stocks are scattered among general institutional and individual investors. This batch of shareholders is our last hope. If things get out of balance, then at least we still have a public opinion war to fight. Compared with striving for scattered investors or some small shareholders, we might as well change our direction to ensure that the group’s support will never exceed 49%.”

“Persuade them not to vote for the group?” The big boss frowned slightly. “It doesn’t seem to be much easier than persuading them to vote for us. Moreover, this is risky. Small shareholders will not rashly give a proxy vote; Even if they have won the proxy voting rights, they can switch sides at any time at the shareholders’ meeting as long as they are present.”

“What you said is absolutely correct. That’s why, what we have to do is to persuade a major shareholder to abstain.” I said, “As long as the southern giants are not on the side of the group, this game does not even need to start.”

The big boss looked at me thoughtfully, with admiration on his face: “What do you want to do? I think you must know that the major shareholder you selected is also the major shareholder of the group. Is there any reason for a person Your left hand to fight with your right hand?”

“There is a way.” I paused and said, “We sell some stocks to our neighbors.”

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