Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 49

Chapter 50:

The current situation is sharp, and the punitive resignation of a manager-level employee is very eye-catching. There was an uproar in the company, and of course it was Kevin.

It seems that he is going to keep a low profile for a while.

Because passer-by C’s betrayal of the company’s trade secrets is true, since I have doubts about the overall loyalty of my department, it is naturally impossible to remain indifferent. The ideas of the three of us coincided with each other. It is obvious that nothing can be found out, but it is easy to cause everyone to be in danger. The information we currently have is so little that the doubt itself can only be regarded as a guess, and it is impossible to make a private visit. Talk about it.

In this way, watching it becomes the best choice. Of course, the flow of information must become more regulated. Assuming that there is any news flowing out of the department, who revealed it under which circumstances and when, there must be a basis for resumption.

For my “this matter”, Lao Huang didn’t know it. The boss asked me directly if it was related to the resignation of passer-by C, but I did not admit it.

Because of the computer seizure, although passer-by C did the cleanup work in advance, this attempt was still too limited in front of our colleagues in the security department. The email address he used to contact BCG was quickly exposed. Huilin quietly came to confirm the email address that he used to communicate with BCG. It was indeed Miss Pan De’s. But she certainly didn’t mention this, and the company probably didn’t mean to get to the bottom.

This is not the time to eliminate evil.

In addition, as I don’t want to see, he sent “true” data that was almost unchanged.

If I hadn’t prepared for the next move at the time, I can’t imagine what the situation will be like now.

Although the amount of information I provided is quite limited, one is false and the other is true. Even if it is a little bit obscured, the true is still true. Miss Pan De’s kindness was more obvious than before. The evening meeting lasted only half an hour, and the information she revealed exceeded the previous sum.

Although the cost was heavy, I undoubtedly gained the trust of BCG.

This is a blessing in misfortune.

“The things we talked about last week brought me a lot of new perspectives, and what I said is true.” Miss Pande was very relaxed tonight, holding one hand on the back of her neck, tilting her head to look at me, “Later I have carefully considered the plan you mentioned. If it can be implemented one by one, of course it is good, but it is also ideal at the same time. I am very curious, if it is from the perspective of an insider of the company, how would you persuade you What about the parent company?”

I frowned, but quickly held back, covered my expression, and asked: “Well, can you please elaborate more? You mean, considering that the ideal plan will balance the two, at this time Will the parent company that originally occupied the dominant party hinder the passage of the plan?”

“That’s it.”

I took a quiet breath. No wonder she chose me.

These judgments that BCG wants to obtain cannot be obtained by only discussing with us at work. Unless anyone really approves of the company’s split plan, or got the group’s instruction to cooperate with BCG’s work wholeheartedly, no matter how they set up the bureau and how they work, they won’t be able to cover such sensitive content.

And such judgments cannot be made by ordinary technical experts or management. No wonder she will screen according to the CEO’s criteria…

But isn’t her question describing our current situation? However, in this hypothesis, the split of the company has become an established fact, and the focus has shifted from the means of splitting to persuading the parent company to delegate authority.

Do I want to answer? I looked at her.

I’m afraid there is no room not to answer.

“I will not regard the original dominant party-in this hypothesis, the parent company-as some kind of established obstacle that needs to be overthrown.” I added some body movements, which made me more relaxed in the narrative. It is also easier for her to understand, “Uh, you will notice that it is actually the predecessor of this aggregate. Although it may have various defects, it must have extremely rich experience before the subsidiary matures?”

“Of course. I don’t deny this.”

I nodded: “In addition, there will be a lot of business cooperation between them in the future. Assuming that there will be no major gaps in benefits, and work efficiency, through the form of reorganization, it is undoubtedly improved. Some…obstacles are being removed. On the basis of this, it is unnecessary to persuade the parent company. Make the decision-makers aware of the pros and cons, and everything will happen naturally.”

“What do you mean by ‘obstacle’?” She smiled, “Is it the old decision-makers?”

“Not necessarily.” I am polite, “Sometimes it may not be a human problem, it may be a structural problem.”

Miss Pan De listened very attentively, and then asked: “In your opinion, what is wrong with your company’s structure?”

I control my eyes. People’s eye muscles are too easy to betray their true emotions. When they are tight, I silently try to relax. I have practiced in front of the mirror before. As long as I do this, it seems that my aggressiveness will be much weaker. Of course, the reverse is also true. Now it’s not the time to infer other things. I just need to make myself seem to be indifferent to the company: “Our company’s management model is still relatively modern, and I don’t think it has any fatal flaws. From a different perspective. Look, there is no end to finding fault, and the biggest problem may indeed be the two departments where BCG is involved in optimization. Without it, the size is too big.”

“Do you think it is more of a resource allocation problem?”

“That’s it.” I frankly said, “In fact, I have mentioned this many times when we two people, or when they are new people or they come to have one-on-one discussions. You think the key to the problem is not here. ?”

Miss Pan De took a breath, but did not rush to speak, she licked her lower lip, and then said: “Look, the problems of many companies are distribution problems in the end. I am not saying that it is not the crux of the problem, but This conclusion-it is invalid. Did I express myself clearly? We know that the walking speed of people is about 5 kilometers per hour, and when we have the need to travel to a destination a hundred kilometers away in two hours At that time, we cannot say that the problem is that the speed of human beings is limited…We have to think of other solutions. Realizing the needs is our goal, not transforming the human body.”

She discussed seriously. This is the first time that I have seen Miss Pan De’s look, and she must be really defenseless to me.

“You made it very clear, I think I understand what you mean.” I also took a little seriously and didn’t do Tai Chi with her. “Let us assume that everything goes well. The new company has smooth communication channels, optimistic market prospects, and more. Strong industry leadership, as well as unremitting innovation-even if it started from the ground up, this is still a company. The company pursues profits, and profit-creating departments will connect to the blood vessel. Redundancies will appear sooner or later. By then, will we? Do you just choose to do it again? The arm with blood vessels will not be broken. If you want to get a very high conversion rate, the entire company must first be automated.”

“You are right.” Miss Pan De was silent for a moment. Just when I thought she was going to move on to the next agenda, she went on to say: “But, don’t you think this is also a rule?”

I find it interesting. She is really interested in things like Plan B. Because it is purely a divergence of thinking and has nothing to do with the current work plan, I also relaxed a lot when I said: “The four emperors co-governance system of the Roman Empire took only 31 years from the proposal to the collapse. The Western Roman Empire State Zuo However, in the eighty-one years, the Eastern Roman Empire lasted intermittently for a thousand years. These are all laws, but the gap between decades and one thousand years may be difficult to use the term’laws’ to summarize the past.”

Miss Pan De smiled, and turned her head away slightly, looking very playful. I couldn’t help but watch for a while, and saw her turning back again, looking at me with a smile, and asking: “If it were you, how would you sum up this history?”

“The four emperors co-governance is a great concept, but it is too dependent on people. In history, things that can only be achieved by heroes are always difficult to continue. After the split of the Roman Empire, the Western Roman Empire weakened too quickly, but the other side relied on a solid foundation. Internal control frequently took the upper hand in confrontations with Persians and Slavs. Hundreds of years were too long. To me, the restoration of the country in the 13th century is more like the last miracle, and the Byzantium for the next two hundred years But taking a last breath.

“But… do you know how long the two hundred years is?” I shook my head gently, “The dynasty of Guozuo over two hundred years is one of the few. It is hard to say which one is better, radical. And new companies that tend to expand, considering the giant groups backed by them, may not seem like junk stocks at the beginning. However, on the U.S. stock market, nearly 500 stocks are delisted every year on average. Someone is leaving.”

“This angle is very novel.” She looked at me, as if she was still interested, and asked, “Have you studied world history?”

I nodded: “I took several AP courses in history. However, there are no electives after entering university. People who are not native English speakers have to choose fewer courses in liberal arts, and the amount of reading is too much.”

“It seems you care about grade points.” She blinked.

I hesitate a little, aren’t we still in the middle of the meeting? But because she always controls the rhythm, I am not disappointed, so I said: “I study very seriously.”

“That’s it.” She nodded as if thinking of something, “I think your students in the liberal arts college will pay more attention to the progress in general education during the undergraduate period.”

“Of course it’s also a choice…” I didn’t speak too deeply, just superficial, and suddenly laughed, “We always seem to talk about things in our school days.”

“Maybe because those days were not as far away as we thought.”

“Really?” I raised my eyebrows, “have you changed your mind?”

She shook her head: “I still feel like a layer of fog is enveloped. It’s just that when you go to remember, maybe the fog will dissolve with a light hand. People are a continuous collection of memories, and I don’t think this kind of contradiction is counted. So rare.”

“you are right.”

“Did you kick Wen Bin out of the company?” Her voice suddenly sounded.

I suddenly raised my head, Miss Pan De’s eyes have changed.

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