Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 56

Chapter 57:

I looked at each other for a while, stalemate, and no one said anything.

In fact, it is not accurate to say that facing each other. After all, when we were in a video conference, for my understanding of her expression, besides my brain, the most important thing I depended on was the real-time resolution: and our eyes couldn’t intersect.

This is a veritable battle with air.

However, I knew she was looking at me.

If you want to say why, I can’t answer it either. Judging from the camera’s point of view, her gaze is clearly focused on the screen, and a computer screen can display a lot of things, at least not just my face. Maybe she just stared at this square luminous body in a fascinating way, maybe she was tired to hate this kind of vague confrontation.

But I just know. She is looking at me.

“It seems that there is some misunderstanding between us.” My cells are even alive because of this imaginary gaze, and the words are extremely bold. After changing the usual time, I must consider it again and again, “You know, the relationship between people and people Interaction patterns are often influenced by the other person. If you want others to be honest with you, the best way is to be honest with them from the beginning.”

“It sounds like pseudo-science.” Her mouth tickled, “I was honest at the very beginning. But you didn’t mean to approach this standard at all… Or, people who understand this rule can follow Was exempted from the rules?”

“I won’t say that you are dishonest. That is a very serious accusation, and there must be evidence.” I paused, “but there is no doubt that you have concealed something.”

“I have signed a lot of contracts. It’s not countable.” She said quietly, “Hiding itself is part of my job.”

“It’s more like a selective honesty.”

“If you insist.”

I decided to take a gamble. After a short silence, I asked: “Is Rudra one of the candidates?”

She did not evade: “What kind of candidate?”

Yes, she just woke me up. On the face of it, I’m just asking whether the boss is the preferred candidate for the CEO of a subsidiary of BCG-but it was originally a cover, and both she and I knew my true concerns. However, when the problem reached the level closest to the truth, I couldn’t speak.

How can she answer me?

My doubts grew thicker, and I wanted to spread out, but I was trapped by extremely high walls on all sides.

Miss Pan De will never help me. She liked to play around with my curiosity.

I secretly swear that one day I will make her pay for her mischief.

“My question is too inappropriate.” I said, “I am not professional at all.”

She didn’t ask, only said: “I thought you hated the skill of asking questions.”

“Skill does not always seem to mean professionalism.”

Miss Pan De’s eyes narrowed: “You are really bold tonight.”

“Don’t you like it?” I subconsciously said.

Both ends of the video suddenly became quiet, and Xia Chong was silent for me too—

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Miss Pan De’s face became vivid almost in the blink of an eye. Her cheeks became puffy, and even such low pixels couldn’t hide it: but there was no smile. It can’t be said that she didn’t laugh, because her expression had a sudden meaning, as if someone reached out and tore off her veil.

Suddenly, Miss Pan De’s eyes were unprecedentedly dark and unclear, and she couldn’t tell whether she was too vague or I still didn’t want to read it.

But I can see her irritation, this is no doubt.

“I thought you liked me being honest.” I said, “The decision-maker always takes some risks. It’s better to be brave than a coward, isn’t it?”

“Boldness and courage are not the same thing.” Her expression has returned to the same level as before. “You have to know your position. If you don’t know, think about it until you fully understand it.”

I heard her voice a bit cold, mixed with unchecked hesitation, almost immediately said: “Of course. I know my identity very well. Regarding the meeting next Monday, is there anything I need to do? ?”

She was startled and said: “Nothing special. I believe we will hear more about your understanding of the self-research system next week.”

The agenda seems to be all over.

Today the process is going very fast, and it is less than half past ten. Our meetings often enter into a kind of unconstrained talk. Ms. Pan De is a master of conversation. Her questions are usually important and do not make me vigilant. Invisible, I talked a lot about the understanding of the company structure. , There are some speculations about the future direction.

I know that these talks are helping BCG’s work in disguise. Sometimes it is very radical and it is basically impossible to achieve it, but she still expresses her approval.

It’s like someone who only appears in a dream.

It seemed like it was the first time for us to end so early. Miss Pan De did not mention hanging up, and only said a word to me in two or three minutes, it was all small talk. I guess she was dealing with some work at the same time, and originally wanted to open her mailbox to check it quietly, but she couldn’t get it in: the Latin alphabet seemed to suddenly become something incomprehensible tadpole.

But I don’t seem to be tired at all.

Miss Pan De cut back, looked at me, and apologized very quietly, saying that there was an urgent matter that needed to be dealt with immediately. I found out that she had come back before she spoke. There was obviously no evidence, but I was so sure.

Is it time to hang up?

She should have to work overtime, and I want to do a set of leg exercises before going to bed. She is about to speak, right?

We fell into that strange look at each other again. At this moment, I suddenly realized that this is really not looking at each other. The confrontation requires eye contact, which is like silent communication and eye confrontation-but if we only discuss the present moment, we are not confronting at all.

At least I have neither a knife nor a shield in my heart. I have nothing to do with my hands, I’m just looking at her.

This should be called mutual gaze. The confrontational context was eliminated due to the screen gap, and I became a feedback. She was just a kind of truly random image simulation. In such a situation, gaze is often a person’s active choice.

She certainly deserves to be stared at. Out of courtesy, offline, when we exchange eyes and when I stay with her too much uncontrollably, I always avoid immediately, for fear that she may feel uncomfortable; I am also afraid of my attempts to be exposed, so Even in the discussion, my eyes are restrained. But now she has become a complete object…

I can’t even take my attention away.

Why is Miss Pan De looking at me? Trying to see through the lies under my lie? But no matter how hard she tries, I will not show any flaws. This was not out of self-confidence—I was a total false collection in front of her. If she has a pair of insights, she will find that everything is empty after she peels it away.

I don’t own any of the things she wants.

And she is still looking at me.


“So, when is the next meeting scheduled?” I spoke first, with a hypocritical smile on my face, “I know you prefer to meet me on the night of the conference, but I have a very important meeting on Monday night… If it can be rescheduled to Tuesday, I will be very grateful.”

She withdrew freely from the stared role and became the master again. Miss Pan De nodded and said softly: “Of course, just do what you expect.”

What am I expecting?

After calming down, at night, I thought more about it.

It is no accident that Miss Pande mentioned Kevin today. Because of the clothes, she turned away from the guest and gave me a favor? I really didn’t expect Huilin to move so fast, and Kevin didn’t even find me first, but instead had some wind with Miss Pan De. Thinking about it this way, he might have guessed about my identity.

I care about it first. Kevin is highly powerful, and he is not a passive person. The mere pen issue will not make him jealous for so long. Fortunately, I didn’t have much hope at first. As long as I let him know that I am still on the court, the goal will be achieved. I don’t need to care too much.

However, Miss Pende took the initiative to throw Kevin out, again like a bait.

To save the boss?

In fact, based on my knowledge of the boss, if I really want to know about this, I can ask him directly. I have not done this for a long time because I am afraid that he has scruples: He does need to be scrupulous. Now that I help the big boss and hold several jobs, I can’t say many things to me. It’s useless for me to pack a ticket for such things. From a standpoint, I can’t be trusted.

The boss has indeed been in the position of department director for too long. A carrot and a pit, there are CEOs and COOs on it. If they don’t get promoted to the group, the boss really won’t see any room for improvement in the company. If you want to transfer to the group, I am afraid he is not happy: maybe the boss is more willing to go next door.

It is a pity that two years ago, the next door could be said to be evenly divided with us; now it seems that the past is really succumbing to the past. If a subsidiary can be established, although the prospects are dire, it is an opportunity anyway.

The boss is different from me after all. He is not a person who is greedy for authority, and he earns enough money. In my impression, as the head of the department, he is more worried about the future development of the company than fighting for fame and fortune. After all, it is a project made from scratch, and people occasionally develop feelings for things that shouldn’t have feelings.

I thought about what he said that day and what he had ordered me to do.

Just for the sake of power, did the veteran choose to dismember the crab shell?

I do not think so.

Knowing the person, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, speculation is the most difficult to come true. Don’t even say whether I really understand the boss-do I understand myself? Assuming that at a critical juncture, the company’s split is a foregone conclusion, and with the help of BCG, I can approach the position of CEO: can I really dismiss it?

Human nature cannot stand the test. Now that I was pushed to this position under the influence of various situations, I found that I couldn’t believe anyone, and couldn’t be sure of anything. Even my own heart was put into the fuzzy frosted glass, and it shook and shook in a vacuum, and finally pulled and became the victim of the wrestling of all sides, like a powdered dead body.

I should choose the side.

But the question is: do I really have a choice?

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