Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 90

Chapter 93:

It is really not easy for people to rule by law. But isn’t the rule of law no longer the rule of man?

The tribal leader, who lives and kills, is the rule of man; the modern civil servants work hard and conscientiously under the grid, which is also the rule of man.

For the tribe, the leader is undoubtedly important, sometimes even the most important. Once the group of dragons has no leader, it is a mob.

But why does the civil official group say that “a country cannot have a monarch in a day”?

“The big boss will not let Kevin serve as the director for too long,” I said. “The finalization of the official candidate may be delayed until the beginning of the new fiscal year next year, but at this stage, the department definitely needs an acting director. This person is from us The best in the department.”

“I’m very willing to recommend you to the big boss.” Old Huang thought without hesitation, “but I usually don’t have the opportunity to see him. Is this matter urgent? Maybe it can be brought up in a meeting with the big boss. I think it seems a little deliberate when I write an email. .”

“My plan is not like that.”

Old Huang looked over and saw that I hadn’t spoken for a long time. He didn’t respond at first, but gradually, his lollipop was fixed on the left side of his cheek.

Lao Huang’s expression was completely stiff, but I laughed: “I hope to recommend you. Of course, I must have asked your opinion on this matter first.”

“Why?” It took him a long time to squeeze out such a word.

I dig a hole for him unhurriedly: “On the positive side, I recommend you to be the director of the acting department, so that the strength of our department will be unified, and the chances of moving the big boss will be higher. Suppose No matter who they are, the situation in the European department will not be what we like to see.

“Now the business work I undertake has seriously exceeded the load. In this case, rushing to replace the boss is likely to discount the completion of every job. In addition, this experience can undoubtedly make Your bargaining power has been improved-in the next interview you can completely claim that your position has reached the director level.”

Lao Huang was unmoved: “You are not afraid that I will get the position of director in the crab shell and will not leave?”

“To fight foreigners, we must first settle for internal affairs. The worst is the cooperation between the KMT and the Communist Party.” I said in Mandarin. He looked as though he didn’t understand and was embarrassed to admit. The Chinese here are usually “listen but not speak”, can speak Mandarin, and generally don’t know words; it’s relatively rare to see Lao Huang who are almost incomprehensible, maybe It has something to do with the family environment.

I slowly said: “He Zong Lian Heng. Have you heard of this?”

Lao Huang shook his head unyieldingly, “No.”

I held my forehead and thought for a while: “Uh, it’s a bit like Britain and the Netherlands. They were very close when they were fighting for maritime supremacy, right? In order to fight against Spain, which was thriving at the time. But this closeness did not last long. After the promulgation of the Act, there were three battles between Britain and the Netherlands. Of course, the third time was due to France…”

“Oh.” Huang understood immediately, “Kevin is French?”

I rolled my eyes: “He is Spain at best.”

“Then who is France?”

“It’s not important.” My focus is not on who is France. It is troublesome to compare with foreigners. You have to use the history they are familiar with instead of the allusions you know and understand: Fortunately, people all over the world As cunning and greedy, you can always find similar stories in different cultures.

“It was during the French-Dutch War. The Anglo-French forces defeated the Netherlands, and Louis XIV became the Sun King. No one could imagine that Britain and the Netherlands, who had torn each other’s faces, could come together—” Lao Huang was hanged by me. Appetite, I took a drink at the right time, “Then there was a war of the Spanish throne.”

The importance of this war to Europe is equivalent to the five nations’ attack on Qin to the Warring States period.

However, there are certain differences in the historical outcome: France won a terrible victory, but the Great Qin Empire entered the stage of history after the Five Kingdoms attacked Qin.

“A country has no permanent friends, only permanent interests. I think I understand what you mean.” Old Huang was still in it, “So you are Britain?”

I took a breath: “It’s not important! My point is to focus on the current situation, and not to think about the past history or the possibilities that exist in the future. Let’s solve the external enemies first, and then calculate our account.”

Old Huang frowned slightly and looked at me: “You are really bad at making metaphors.”

“I’m good at it.” I glared at him. “I’m speaking my second language, and I’m using the background history of the second language as an analogy. What else do you want?”

“But you still didn’t say who is France!”

I’m going crazy.

Isn’t the four words “He Zong Lian Heng” not enough! Why do we have to discuss who is France!

I pressed my forehead tightly: “You give me a few seconds, okay?”

“Okay.” Huang opened a new lollipop, “but you must make it clear who is France.”

After a while, I spoke, with a slight tone of voice: “Well, Kevin is French.”

“You just said he counts as Spain at best.”

“This is called’strategic contempt of the enemy’, okay? Britain and France have been fighting for the boss for so many years, how can I say that Kevin is France?”

“You said it as if it was a famous saying.” Old Huang Yin and Yang were weird.

I rolled my eyes: “Go back and ask your wife. I’m so angry that I am out of shape.”

“You can’t use that.” Old Huang said. “Usually we use “out of shape” to describe others when they are very angry.”

He probably said that people don’t usually say they are “furious” or something.

I watched Lao Huang.

He closed his mouth silently.

But there was no silence for a few seconds, and Lao Huang said again: “Although you have said it before, you are really fierce sometimes. Why can people be beautiful and intimidating at the same time?”

“When you are a beautiful woman and you want to act as a manager at the same time, you join the world.” I feel a little tired and lack energy when speaking. “Of course this may be difficult for you to imagine, I can understand. ”

“It’s a little hard to imagine.” Old Huang touched his chin, “I’m not the kind of man who praises himself for his handsome appearance.”

I glanced at him.

Old Huang laughed strangely, and suddenly asked, “So who is Britain?”

Lao Huang finally agreed to my plan. Of course, everything has both good and bad sides, and the bad side is nothing more than a target for our department. Both of us have discussed this clearly, and Huang is the one who is going to leave, so he doesn’t care about it.

The “legacy” of the boss continues to operate. Although he is not optimistic about the company’s future, Lao Huang is still making a comeback. Today he came up with a new plan, and we discussed it verbally. His ideas coincided with the hands and feet I arranged for Ruben to work on the Vietnam project.

Unfortunately, this is still a doomed road. Now we have less and less right to speak in the company, let alone the big boss, even I have lost confidence and have made preparations for a protracted battle after the company split.

—The most frightening thing is that I feel that my strategy is not working.

Why despise the enemy strategically?

Because in this world, there is something that is invisible and intangible, but it really exists. This thing is called “morale.”

Miss Pan De designed me.

Not only that, she also played a good game and walked in front of me everywhere.

By now, I can no longer keep my head in the dark.

During this period of time, after calming down from the impact of falling into the trough, when I got used to the low tide flow rate and the scorching rhythm of the world, I couldn’t help thinking, where did she calculate for me?

If from the very beginning, Miss Pan De had never thought of relying on me, and seeing that I was arrogant, Xu Xinzhi and his like were difficult to persuade, so she went out in person… Now the situation is compelling, no matter what the consideration is, as long as you want to stay For the company, I only have to look at Kevin. What else does she spend time on me?

There has never been a time for relaxation in this war. War drums will only be dense, compact, and overwhelming. Miss Pan De must be busy day by day.

However, she met me at least once a week as a partner of BCG, and she couldn’t move.

I’m already a **** on Kevin’s chessboard, a puppet discarded by BCG, why is she still betting?

Is it just a reassurance to the lover?

But I am public and private, and I have never expressed any dissatisfaction.

As of today, I know myself who I am abandoned son.

Does she know about me, and knows it?

I carried a few mangosteens I bought at the organic supermarket on my return trip. They are all used as spares, and I plan to put them in the refrigerator when I get home later. I usually rarely eat fruit, but I don’t like it. It’s hard to remember these things when I’m busy. Vitamins are basically supplemented by supplements with meals and dinner.

That fluffy brown suit didn’t even wait for the chance to be sent back to the original place.

Miss Pande left more and more clothes with me, and she simply dragged a suitcase over the day before yesterday.

I often found out that she had the habit of eating fruit at night after spending the night together. She didn’t seem to have any idea about edema. I woke up at her house in the middle of the night and noticed that there was no one next to her. Then I found her holding a huge mango at the bar.

That is really a huge mango. I even took photos as a souvenir.

Of course, I shot Miss Pan De.

I took out the phone. In the photo, she looked panicked, like the kind of cat caught and learning to bark. Her hair is slightly curly, and the usual luster and suppleness depend on expensive and time-consuming care. Late at night, Miss Pande, with messy long hair, wears a slightly wide waffle pullover, only those moving eyes remain the same.

She can be so sharp and so gentle.

Either way, I fell into it.

A new message was received in the software. The notification that came with the vibration covered the only light source in the photo, and her words were in sharp contrast with her expression.

Miss Pande: “I will see you at that cafe at nine today. I hope this arrangement does not conflict with your schedule.”

The tone at work is obvious.

I am full of interest.

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