Woman In Irish Linen Shirt

Chapter 98

Chapter 101:

On Monday, I recommended Lao Huang to the big boss in person.

This decision obviously surprised him: During this time, because of the boss’s affairs, the big boss has also explicitly reminded me many times. He even used the position of acting department director as a carrot hanging in front of me.

I don’t bite the hook, it’s not in compliance.

Non-compliance makes it easy for people to think too much.

I was prepared for this. On the one hand, the boss reminded me to wake up, on the other hand, the first seat was hanging and people’s hearts were floating. If you are not from a hard-core direct lineage, otherwise it would be unwise to hide your ambitions at work. Ambition tends to keep colleagues vigilant, and it also allows you to enter the scope of the superior’s inspection.

I have higher expectations for my position, and the big boss should be very clear about this. It is precisely because of this that the rhetoric of ‘selecting talents and promoting talents” will inevitably appear insincere.

I said: “In fact, I am very grateful to Mr. Lin for your previous points. My concerns are mainly this. Being the department director will cause a direct conflict between me and Kevin. On the BCG side, Sonia may also be more inclined to overweight. In this case, it will be difficult to maintain my work balance-at this stage, what I need most is the stability behind the department.”

The big boss smiled: “It’s easy for Tarzan to sit on it.”

I didn’t make too much eye contact. I just nodded and said calmly: “Let Mount Tai overtake Beihai. Mencius said people can’t do it. I can do it.”

The big boss’ eyes moved.

I feel a little nervous. Recommend Lao Huang to work as an acting director. This is a bit challenging, but not that difficult; but I need to explain my considerations, my position, especially, in the process, I have to show that I have the ambition to continue to improve and have control of the situation. This is not easy.

Don’t say it’s me, the industry picks a well-known management at random, who dares to say this? A military order cannot be established. If a promise is made on the job, the price to be paid if it cannot be done must be considered at the same time. What I bet on is just this tone.

However, whether the big boss thinks I am too vocal is a two-pointer.

Jocelyn came in with some papers, put them on the desk, and didn’t go out again. The big boss looked at me, still speaking Mandarin: “Have you read Liang Qichao’s book?”

“I know a little about the famous speeches and essays.” I lied.

Every year on World Book Day, the big boss writes an email to all the staff and lists a list of recommended books for us. Jocelyn only revealed to me: he personally selected those books.

Every year on the book list there are works by Liang Qichao, all of which are in history. The times have long been different. For non-professional history lovers, the popular figures were Qian Mu in the early years, and modern players such as Tian Yuqing and Lin Ganquan were mentioned more frequently than Liang Qichao.

The big bosses have all read unpopular books from the owner of the ice-drinking room, and I don’t believe it if he doesn’t like him.

For this, I have read all the works of Liang Qichao that can be found on the market.

“Does “Youth China Talk” know?” The big boss put both hands on the armrests of the seat. “Old and decadent people are best at being frustrated and short-lived. They can only look in front of them and let it go. If you want to talk about the means of holding the fog and holding the cloud, There is no such kind of people with the spirit of surpassing the mountains and the sea. You are very young and have proven your ability. If you say you can do it, I will believe you.”

I clasped my hands very well, as if listening attentively to instructions, without showing a trace of sharpness: “Thank you, Mr. Lin.”

“But there is one thing.” He changed the subject.

I leaned forward slightly: “You say?”

“Liang Qichao failed in his reform.” He glanced at me.

I paused, and smiled and said, “Thank you for your guidance. I try to learn from the lessons of the failure of the centrist. I will follow the trend without breaking or standing.”

He laughed.

“Speaking of which,” the big boss changed his English. “It has been a while since I asked about your work progress last time. I think you should be very busy because of Rudra this time?”

I was a little bit undecided, just picking up the business situation in the department and said: “Now our team has taken over all the projects that Rudra is responsible for. The third-party contact work, I reported to you earlier today, and everything is going well. , We did not encounter obstacles worth mentioning.”

“Now that the situation is special, your pressure should not be small.”

Lower-level employees have only one month’s notice period for resignation. Now someone has completed the work handover, and the remaining members of the project team are operating at full capacity.

This is an opportunity for dignitaries. Where might I get it from? Social recruitment takes time. In this situation, I don’t want outsiders in the department. I just said: “In the recent period, the average working hours of the average employee is more than 70 hours, and some colleagues in my team even spend the night in the company.”

The big boss nodded slowly: “I will remember this credit.”

Send money, thank you, don’t just “remember this credit”. That’s useless.

“Speaking of,” but like all bosses, he didn’t take the initiative to raise money. “I’m still a little surprised. Don’t you want to follow Rudra?”

I hesitated for a moment, did not choose to give myself gold, and acted low-key: “I also heard about this situation in a very short time. Anyway, Rudra has helped me a lot, and he has also cultivated a lot in the company. Staff, I think as a department director, he really has a lot to learn from.”

I declined the invitation to Green Superman before leaving the old folks last week. Not surprisingly, he just said let me think about it again, and if I am interested later, you can contact him at any time.

The big boss is holding his arms, probably because he thinks it’s a bit funny, with a sense of gossip and homely ease on his face. But when I face him, I won’t have any slack. I know that at the big boss, I don’t have the almost cost-free trust he has in Jocelyn: every time I am trusted, I win by myself. .

Joseline may be tired from standing, and sit down freely, sitting diagonally behind the big boss.

It’s so comfortable, like me, with cold sweat behind my back.

The big boss didn’t seem to see any flaws in my face, and shook his head slightly: “He will definitely be the first to find you. If I were him, I would do it.”

“Thank you.” I just right showed that I was flattered, “I feel full of trust in Crab Shell. This free and challenging working environment makes me very satisfied. If there is such an opportunity in the future, I will also I hope that the department under my leadership can create such a stage for employees.”

Jocelyn smiled hardly, looked at me and shook her head.

How dare I have any reaction, quietly watching the big boss. What the big boss said to me was very useful. He always admires those who have both strength and courage.

The big boss said: “I feel at ease with you.”

I said, “I will not fail your wisdom.”

He nodded: “How is your ‘plus points’ game?”

Here comes the topic.

I speak slowly: “I’m trying to get close to Kevin.”

The big boss’s expression moved slightly, and he did not speak. Jocelyn knew, and said: “The details are not important.”

Doesn’t matter? I listened in silence, not eager to say anything.

Jocelyn said again: “Please forgive my abrupt…but I hope that in the general direction, you can always maintain a correct and accurate judgment.”

I heard these words, but the boss was right in front of me. Don’t talk about softening Joseline or asking her to give me some advice. I don’t even have room to go around in circles. Don’t think too much at this moment. I immediately stated: “Of course. Jocelyn, please don’t be so restrained. I hope that my work can earn results. After all, this is the most efficient way.”

“I like your attitude.” Jocelyn’s expression was not so serious. “How do you understand it yourself?”

But I am the opposite.

While considering my words, I observed their reactions: “I feel a bit like the future logistics minister. At the moment, I am on the front line. Once the situation is not good, the fringe departments that are now far away from the war will enter the war. State… and what I am in has become the big rear. I feel that I need to reserve power for some future possibilities while trying to gain space for activity.”

The big boss suddenly smiled: “You are really amazing, Yao.”

“Yes?” I don’t know why.

“Your long and difficult sentence…” He smiled and shook his head. He didn’t intend to explain to me in detail. He just said, “It’s not that complicated. In a word: I need you to be a company person. This’company’ can only be a crab shell.” And, the CEO of Crab Shell can only be me. Understand?”

I froze for a moment, and said hurriedly: “Understood.”

He raised his eyebrows: “Very good. As long as you can do this, your methods, and some of your considerations behind it are irrelevant. Our team is very small and therefore very close. I need every member to be worthy. trust.”

Such a straightforward statement was too difficult to respond, and I did not respond immediately. When I heard the words of the big boss, I didn’t feel ecstasy, but nervous, endless anxiety, constantly zooming in and zooming in, and finally became a sword hanging on my shoulders.

I can tell if it is the scabbard or the blade by turning my head—if I turn my head, I might slay myself.

In the end, I made my choice: “I fully agree with your business philosophy, Lisong. I am honored to be able to make my own contribution to the big family of crab shells.”

The big boss nodded, my attitude seemed to be what he expected. He said: “Since we are now on the same boat-frankly speaking, I want to take this opportunity to promote you to assistant director and temporarily replace the position of department director. But you mentioned Kevin and you are even willing to give up once for this. Opportunity… I can understand that you have enough evidence?”

Evidence about what? I frowned slightly: “This work is still in progress.”

Smooth progress is also called progress, and poor progress is also called progress. Facing Kevin, my cards have been exhausted. If I can’t wait for Dongfeng, there is nothing I can do no matter how hard I struggle. Of course, I can’t tell my boss about this kind of timid remarks.

The big boss paused, did not say much, and said: “Okay. You can talk to Jocelyn about the details. I have another meeting next.”

“Uh—” Today’s situation is special, and I have to get a letter of approval for the acting director. After I spoke, I bit the bullet and asked, “About the candidate for the position of temporary department director…”

“I’ll let Xiuwen act as an agent. Well, Jocelyn, you can find a suitable meeting to announce this week. Make sure Kevin is there and don’t send email notifications.” The big boss downplayed, “What else?”

He said that it was as easy as giving everyone a mask to our department. I raised my heart, and tentatively said: “The resource integration project seems to have undergone bidding. On the group side, have you heard anything beforehand? ?”

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