Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 173

The explosion was over, and the aftermath hadn't completely passed away. The walls on both sides of the alley were shattered and collapsed in the explosion, and the air was full of splashing dust. Even the supernatural beings with excellent eyesight could not see the figures inside.

More than a dozen supernatural beings died or were wounded. Zhuang Sheng looked indifferent. Although he appeared shy in front of Liang Ansheng, he was actually very independent, especially after his grandmother died. His personality became even more indifferent.

And the culprit of his grandma's death was here.

This time, Zhuang Sheng and his party were ordered to arrest Ye Chutian and go back. If what Ye Chutian committed before was enough to imprison him for a lifetime, what he did now is enough to kill him on the spot.

As a result, Zhuang Sheng no longer had any scruples, and rushed towards Ye Chutian who was in the center of the explosion.

However, because he was hit by the blast just now, his movements were a bit slower, and he didn't see Ye Chutian when he reached the center.

Damn it!He even let him escape!

Zhuang Sheng's face was ugly. He knew that Ye Chutian was a space-type supernatural being. If he missed the hit, the opponent must have a way to escape. It would be difficult to intercept him now.

However, he was not allowed to think too much at this time. At this time, there were dense sirens coming from outside the alley. He looked at the colleagues lying on the ground around him again, his brows furrowed, and then he jumped up and disappeared in the original place. land.

Let's say that when Han Yi received Liang Ansheng's signal just now, he stood in front of Ye Chutian without hesitation, immediately interrupted Ye Chutian's teleportation, and hit his chest with one hand, immediately disabling his ability.

However, he didn't expect Ye Chutian to save a hand.

Although his ability has been disabled, Ye Chutian is not the original protagonist, but a tasker. He took advantage of Han Yi's slack moment to escape, and rushed towards Liang Ansheng's position at a strangely fast speed. .

Han Yi immediately chased after him, but saw that Ye Chutian picked up Liang Ansheng with one hand. He was about to kill Liang Ansheng, but he saw Liang Ansheng secretly cast his eyes to signal his reassurance. Under the hands of the fatal attack.

Liang Ansheng let Ye Chutian teleport away from the scene with him.

Standing on the ground again, Liang Ansheng was still a little dizzy, "Little Jiujiu, this is the legendary teleportation talisman?"

099 replied: "Yes, the host. There are several teleportation talismans in the system store. This one should be worth [-] points. The teleportation distance is relatively long, but there may be some side effects."

Liang Ansheng glanced at Ye Chutian, whose face was pale and tottering, and managed to balance himself a little, but he still pretended to be shocked and frightened, and shouted, "Where is this place? What do you want to do to me?"

Ye Chutian forcibly used the teleportation when he was short of abilities and was interrupted. He used the ability again when the energy in his body was backlashed. At this moment, every organ in his body felt like being stirred in a meat grinder, causing his head to buzz with pain.

But at this moment, this woman was still talking loudly in his ear, Ye Chutian only felt that his head was getting bigger, and he wished he could kill Liang Ansheng on the spot.

However, his rationality tells him that now is not the time, his points are running out, and the fire energy stone is still on this person. With his current situation, if he cannot get the fire energy stone, he will definitely fail this mission up.

He will never allow this to happen.

Watching Ye Chutian's eyes change with great interest, Liang Ansheng has already determined where this place is.

I don't know if Ye Chutian did it on purpose, but it was a coincidence that the place he teleported to was actually in Yanxing Farm, on the back hill of the mountainside manor.

Looking at the manor not far away, Liang Ansheng thought that after finishing dealing with this guy, he could just go back to sleep.

Ye Chutian was not as interested as Liang Ansheng, he quickly calmed down and returned to a calm expression, except for a slight pale complexion, there was no trace of weakness on his face, "Miss Shu, long time no see. "

Liang Ansheng couldn't help laughing at this kind of barren opening, "Long time no see. May I ask what Mr. Ye wants from me?"

"I invited Ms. Shu here this time because I wanted to ask Ms. Shu for something that you snatched from me in this manor a few months ago." Ye Chutian stared closely at Liang Ansheng's face. eyes, said slowly.

Liang Ansheng is not such a person who is easily threatened, he just looked puzzled, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I don't know what you are talking about."

Ye Chutian frowned, "Miss Shu, I know your identity, and you should also know who I am. To tell you the truth, I came back from rebirth. That thing is really important to me. Please cut it off. You need Anything, as long as I can do it, I can promise."

When Ye Chutian said that he knew his identity, Liang Ansheng raised his eyebrows, and the playful look in the corner of his eyes flashed, and then quickly disappeared.

Apparently Ye Chutian took him as a time traveler, and then lied to him that he was the reborn protagonist. If he really came from time travel, maybe he might really think about it, but he didn't.

It is impossible for him to give up the large amount of counterattack value he has already obtained.

Seeing that Liang Ansheng lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, Ye Chutian increased his weight, "Miss Shu, I remember Lingtang passed away when you were five years old, and you grew up with your father, I think you should love you very much family."


Hearing that Ye Chutian brought up the Shu family whom he had long forgotten, Liang Ansheng couldn't help but find it interesting, but he looked nervous, "What do you want?"

Finding that the threat was effective, Ye Chutian couldn't help but twitched his lips slightly, "Miss Shu, please don't worry, as long as you hand over the fire energy stone, I will definitely not do anything to them." Although his ability is disabled now, as long as he has fire energy Shi, he can still recover, and the mission will definitely be successful.

Liang Ansheng pretended to ponder, and said cautiously: "How can I trust you?"

"If you don't believe me, you can call the Shu family and ask." Ye Chutian took a step back, leaned against a big tree, and shrugged slightly.

Liang Ansheng sneered in his heart. Obviously, this person didn't carefully investigate his life experience because he traveled too shortly. He misunderstood that Shu Xiaoyu valued Shu's family very much according to the brief description in the plot, so he took this impression for granted in his head. superior.

Yiyan dialed a call to Shu Chengshan's mobile phone, the phone rang several times, but no one answered, he pursed his lips, "I can give you the fire energy stone, but you must let them go first, and I will take it later." for you."

At this time, Ye Chutian's expression could hardly be maintained anymore, the pain in his body was intensified, and he didn't have so much energy to make a fuss with Liang Ansheng. , then you should also know how I am, I don't have that much thought to lie to you."

Although Ye Chutian in the plot was a stallion, he was right in saying what he said. Liang Ansheng hummed, and actually took out a small box from the small backpack that he carried with him in the system space.

Ye Chutian couldn't help being a little annoyed when he saw that the fire energy stone was placed in Liang Ansheng's bag. He knew that he just grabbed the bag and left just now, so why bother talking to this person for so long.

Naturally noticed Ye Chutian's expression, Liang Ansheng didn't care, opened the box, and the fire energy stone about half the size of a ping pong ball in the box immediately exuded scorching heat, and the energy contained in it made Ye Chutian squint his eyes slightly, his eyes were full of momentum. In must win.

But in the next moment, Liang Ansheng closed the box again, "No, this thing will be handed over to the research institute in a few days, I can't give it to you."

This box has the effect of isolating energy, and the scorching energy disappeared immediately. Ye Chutian's heart tightened, and he couldn't help taking a step forward. Zhuo Liang Ansheng's hand, "Hand over the things immediately."

"Mr. Ye, are you planning to rob him now? This doesn't fit your character design." Liang Ansheng didn't move, but raised his eyebrows.

Ye Chutian stared at the box in Liang Ansheng's hands, he didn't pay attention to Liang Ansheng's words at all, and of course he didn't notice that Liang Ansheng's character was different from just now, and he said sternly, "Hand it over!"

Liang Ansheng shrugged indifferently, raised the hand holding the box and gave it away, "You take it yourself."

At this moment, every nerve of Ye Chutian was tormented by the pain, and he was able to persist in staying awake until now. It was his experience gained from so many missions, and he didn't have more brains to think about Liang Ansheng's purpose.

But anyway, he was still vigilant, he took two steps forward, and slowly stretched out his hand towards the box in Liang Ansheng's hand.

Liang Ansheng didn't move, just looked at him with a smile, Ye Chutian's heart rang alarm bells, but he really needed this fire stone so much, he had to get it this time.

And the one in Liang Ansheng's hand was indeed what he wanted.

Finally, when his fingers touched this unremarkable metal box, Ye Chutian's heart suddenly felt at ease, and he grabbed it and was about to take it back. At the same time, the gun in his other hand made several bang bang bang bangs, and three bullets shot towards the Liang Ansheng attacked head-on.

Obviously, Ye Chutian really wanted Liang Ansheng's life.

However, he did not expect that the opponent would dodge such a close attack, and he hadn't seen the opponent's trajectory clearly at all.

Not only that, but the box that he took in his hand just now returned to the other party's hand again.

Ye Chutian couldn't help being dumbfounded by this development, the one-kill blow he planned was easily dodged by the opponent.

Liang Ansheng put the box back into the system space, and didn't say much to Ye Chutian. Taking advantage of the moment when the other party's mind was agitated, the mental power entered his mind along his eyes, and began to search for the memories he needed.

The mental power of the tasker is undoubtedly strong. Even if Liang Ansheng took advantage of the opponent's weakest moment, he broke free in just ten seconds. Although he saw a lot of memories of this tasker, there was none of them that he wanted s things.

Looking at the dazed expression of the man in front of him, Liang Ansheng's eyes flickered coldly, and the stronger spiritual energy was immediately involved in the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness.

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