Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 180

Liang Ansheng was almost deafened by the rough voice, but now he couldn't open his mouth at all in the wind, and he didn't speak for a while.

Chen Tian thought that Liang Ansheng didn't hear it, so he repeated it in a louder voice, making Liang Ansheng dizzy.

Seeing that Liang Ansheng still didn't answer, Chentian was a little unhappy, and was about to threaten this ignorant boy forcefully, but before he could speak, he heard a crackling sound coming from behind him, and he was shocked immediately, it was He let go of Liang Ansheng's arm.

The free-falling Liang Ansheng's face was dark. This guy threw him at a high altitude. Judging from the sound of the wind and the speed of the dust flying just now, he was at least a thousand meters above the sky. If he fell, he would not be a meat Also to die.

Just when Liang Ansheng was about to ask 099 about his current height, his waist tightened, and he was instantly held in his arms by a hand. I don't know what this person did. There is only a faint familiar fragrance in the room.

The man's cold voice rang in Liang Ansheng's ear, "Is there something wrong?"

Liang Ansheng lowered his head, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and the smile disappeared in a flash, "It's okay."

He tightened the thin young man in his arms again, and Chen Xiao looked coldly at Chen Tian who flew some distance away and came back, Chen Tian shivered immediately, "Hold me, I'm sorry, little brother, I was too excited just now, I forgot There's one more person in hand."

Chen Xiao didn't speak, just continued to look at him, Chen Tian felt guilty, but he still didn't want to give up on a talented apprentice who was about to get it, "Little guy, how are you thinking? It was my fault just now. , but if you worship me as your teacher, I will definitely make it up to you."

Chen Xiao said lightly, "I threw my disciples from a thousand feet high before I became a teacher."

Chen Tian was anxious and angry, wishing to bite Chen Xiao twice, when did this little junior break the stage so hard, "It was just an accident, if you hadn't sneaked up on me from behind, how could I have let go?"

"Heh." Chen Xiao let out a cold snort with no expression on his face.

Chentian immediately jumped up angrily, "Little brother, I haven't accepted an apprentice for 300 years, you are still young, what's wrong with letting senior brother? The master taught us before ascension, to respect the elders, look at the senior brother, I have a lot of students!" I'm old, and I'm counting on such a disciple to inherit the mantle, if you take him away, what will I do?" He wiped his tears in a false manner, and looked at the man with his head buried in it while wiping. Liang Ansheng, who was in Chenxiao's arms, saw that he didn't move, and tried harder to persuade him: "Little guy, that guy has never taken in an apprentice, and he doesn't know how to teach people. He knows how to retreat all day long, and he is a cultivator. If you worship him as your teacher, you will be delayed. How about worshiping me, several of my disciples have already ascended to the Nascent Soul stage, and following me as a teacher, isn’t it easy to ascend?”

Liang Ansheng is still nestled in Chen Xiao's arms. With his current height, his cheeks will only reach the man's chest, and the man's clear and steady heartbeat can be heard in his ears, and in Chen Tian's words, he can only hear the sneak attack there. He didn't hear the whole part of his dancing performance later, but he fell asleep lying in the man's arms.

Originally climbing the mountain for several hours, Liang Ansheng was already exhausted, and just now he was almost thrown into a meatloaf, and his spirit was inevitably tense, but now he suddenly relaxed in the familiar breath, and he couldn't control it anymore. fell asleep.

Seeing that Liang Ansheng fell asleep, Chen Xiao's eyes softened, and he stroked his long hair that was blown by the wind. Without looking at Chen Tian who was still bewitched, he hugged the person and disappeared in place.

Chen Tian stared dumbfounded at the empty midair, his lips moved, and suddenly the corner of his mouth twitched, and he sat in the midair and patted his thigh and cried loudly, "Wooah! Master, you old man wants to make decisions for your disciples!" ! Junior brother, he bullied me! He robbed me as an apprentice, he didn’t say anything, and he didn’t listen to senior brother! It’s too much!”

Seeing the picture of the old man cheating and crying, fearing that the two senior uncles would fight, the senior officials of the Qiankun Sword Sect who chased after them from a distance covered their faces one after another: "..."

Liang Ansheng woke up refreshed, rolled in the warm quilt, and took a breath of satisfaction. After coming to this world, he started to keep on his way. The conditions of the inn are also quite simple. It can be said that there is no I had a good night's sleep once, and now I'm finally full.

"Little Jiujiu, how long have I been asleep?"

099 said: "Back to the host, you have slept for eight hours, that is, sixteen hours. The time is now ten twenty in the morning."

At this time, there was a slight sound of pushing the door, and then a man's voice reached Liang Ansheng's ears, "Wake up. Are you hungry?"

While the man was talking, Liang Ansheng smelled the aroma of meat porridge, and then felt the hunger in his stomach, sat up quickly, and nodded obediently.

Seeing the drooling on the young man's face, the man gave a low laugh, "Put on clothes and wash up before eating."

Lifting the quilt, Liang Ansheng realized that only a piece of obscene clothes was left on his body. At this moment, a piece of clothing was placed on his shoulders, and Liang Ansheng naturally put his hands into the sleeves. The two of them seemed to have cooperated thousands of times. Such a tacit understanding, dressed skillfully, and then Liang Ansheng sat at the table after washing, and Chen Xiao handed the porridge to him.

Liang Ansheng took a sip of the porridge, which was as bland and tasteless as when he ate any food in the past, but his empty stomach was soothed, and he smiled in Chen Xiao's direction, "Thank you."

Chen Xiao also smiled back at Liang Ansheng, and replied naturally: "As long as the baby likes it." After the words fell, his heart was full of turmoil.


Looking at the small and exquisite facial features of the young man in front of him, he was sure that he had never seen him before, but he had a deep-rooted familiarity with his every move, every word and deed. Before he appeared, he had never felt that his own heartbeat, as if everything was waiting for him to appear.

And the most important thing is that this young man is also familiar with him, and his actions and tone are not unfamiliar at all, as if the two should have been together in the first place.

So what was he forgetting?

Looking carefully at Liang Ansheng's behavior since seeing him, a dark streak flashed across Chen Xiao's eyes.

He will remember.

Liang Ansheng naturally didn't know that in this world, men would think of problems that were subconsciously avoided in the previous worlds. Of course, if he knew, it would probably be attributed to the special relationship of energy in this world.

After all, this is a world of practice. The higher the level of human cultivation, the stronger the energy of the soul. In the beginning, Liang Ansheng chose this kind of world, and Liang Ansheng also had the purpose of wanting the man to recall it.

After so many worlds, from his own experience with men, if Liang Ansheng still can't infer the antagonistic relationship between men and the so-called main god, then he doesn't need to be called Liang Ansheng.

Moreover, Liang Ansheng believed that the missions in this world were not sent by the main god, but more like missions tailored for him.

While thinking about it, Liang Ansheng had already finished a bowl of porridge, feeling full in his stomach, and refused Chen Xiao's action to add more rice, "I'm full."

Chen Xiao put away the bowl, and said to Liang Ansheng: "I am Chen Xiao, the No. 40 eighth-generation direct disciple of Qiankun Sword Sect. It has been 290 years since I started, and I am now at the beginning of the tribulation. Would you like to worship me as your teacher?" ? I will teach you everything.”

Even though he couldn't see it, Liang Ansheng could still guess the nervous expression on the man's face. He waited deliberately until he felt that the man was starting to feel a little uneasy, and then he said slowly, "Master."

Liang Ansheng didn't salute, and Chen Xiao didn't care about it. The word "Master" was enough to make him ecstatic, "Okay, then I'll take you to Jianlin Peak tomorrow, baby, the disciples of this generation should be of the Jingzi generation , do you have a favorite dao name?"

He has no preference for the name Liang Ansheng. He is used to changing his name in every world. Hearing this, he shook his head, "It's all up to the master."

Chen Xiao nodded, "Then call me Jing Yu."

Yu has the meaning of light, and the meaning of this name is obviously to wish Liang Ansheng a smooth path. Liang Ansheng is quite satisfied, and accepts this dao name with a smile, "Thank you, Master, for giving me the name."

Jianlin Peak is the main peak of the Qiankun Sword Sect, and it is also the destination that Liang Ansheng went to after ascending the heavenly steps.

Nearly the end of the disciple acceptance ceremony, at this time there were over a hundred teenagers and girls standing crookedly on Jianlin Peak, many of them were in a state of embarrassment, they had long since disappeared from being as clean and tidy as when they first arrived at the foot of the mountain, but the difference was their vigor The spirit is very full, and he looks at the hourglass of Yamaguchi's timing with great vigor.

Zeng Chuan and Fu Chengzhou climbed to the top of the mountain in the evening on the first day, and then they kept looking down the stairs, but the figures who came up one by one were not the figures they expected.

Seeing that the time was approaching, but they still didn't see Liang Ansheng coming up, their hearts couldn't help but raised their throats, and they looked at each other, and they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

It can be said that both of them came to Qiankun Sword Sect after following Liang Ansheng. If Liang Ansheng didn't join the sect, they would be at a loss as to where to go.

Just when the two were getting more and more anxious, a beautiful girl about sixteen or seventeen years old walked up to them and asked, "Senior brothers, what are you looking at?"

Fu Chengzhou glanced at the curious little girl, didn't answer her question, and continued to look down the stairs. After all, Zeng Chuan's skin was much thinner. Although he was anxious, he still answered patiently, "Wait for someone."

Hearing this perfunctory answer, the girl curled her lips, obviously very dissatisfied with the attitude of the two of them, she looked at the hourglass that was about to end, "It's still a quarter of an hour, why don't you tell me who you are waiting for, I will help you Ask other people if they have seen it, if he passed the first three levels, someone who came up later should have seen it."

Hearing that the two of them couldn't help but move their minds, Zeng Chuan said first, "Really? Then thank you girl, please help me to ask if you have seen a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, he is wearing a light suit. Cyan clothes."

Hearing Zeng Chuan's introduction, the girl couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, her smile could hardly be maintained, "Are there any other characteristics? Thousands of people came this time, at least hundreds of thirteen or fourteen year olds. , I don’t know how to inquire if you say that.”

Zeng Chuan listened, thought for a while, and said seriously: "He looks very good-looking."

"A thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy in light blue clothes." At this moment, a boy's voice intervened in the conversation of several people, "I saw him fall off the cliff when he was hit by falling rocks while walking the cliff steps."

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