Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 50

Maybe they have the same space, and the space of the two sisters was sent by the grandmother, so when he was close to the heroine just now, Liang Ansheng noticed the energy fluctuations in her body. To be precise, there is a force in her body that is calling him .There is no doubt that that force should be the space on the heroine. He has a hunch that if he can get closer to the heroine, he should be able to control that space.

So when leaving, Liang Ansheng reached out to touch Chu Qiuxin.

As Liang Ansheng expected, the space on the heroine's body is under his control. Although he didn't get the heroine's bracelet just now, he has already severed the connection between the heroine and the space.

After briefly talking about his operation with Chu Shen, Liang Ansheng asked, "What did you do just now?"

Liang Ansheng was mainly afraid that Chu Shen would accidentally kill the heroine in a moment of anger. After all, this is not a world where the mission in the previous world happened to kill the heroine. The heroine here died prematurely by accident, so his mission No need to do it.

Chu Shen smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, baby, I just taught her a little bit, and her life is not in danger."

Since Chu Shen said so, Liang Ansheng didn't pursue it further.

Although they hadn't been in contact for a long time just now, according to Chu Shen's observation ability, he must have seen that Chu Qiuxin was unfriendly to him, and during the conversation of the few people, Chu Qiuxin looked at Chu Shen no less than ten times, Especially when he was pretending to be innocent, he didn't forget to signal to Chu Shen.

With Chu Shen's personality, he would never even glance at Chu Qiuxin, especially since this woman has always been hostile to Liang Ansheng, and even nearly killed him once. It is extremely restrained not to kill her on the spot , not to mention just a small lesson.

In fact, when Chu Shen said the words "no life is in danger", Liang Ansheng had a basic idea in his mind. Chu Shen is good at catching people's dead spots, and the heroine is most proud of her extraordinary beauty. Therefore, Chu Shen It must have been tampered with in this regard.

It has to be said that Liang Ansheng knows this man quite well. Chu Shen's ability is analysis. In simple terms, he can quickly know how the object is composed, and knowing the principle, he can quickly decompose any object. Therefore, when Liang Ansheng met him for the first time, he would directly dissolve the bones in the monkey's body.

When she first learned about this ability, Liang Ansheng felt that it was amazing. If she mastered it well, she could almost be equivalent to a living creator. I did it, but the mission world is the mission world, there is really no way to take shortcuts and cheat, and the zombie virus cannot be analyzed at all.

But he wasn't too surprised. If the zombie virus could be solved, Chu Shen wouldn't have almost turned into a zombie when they first met.

And at this time, Chu Qiuxin had already noticed that something was wrong. They finally came out of the isolation area. There was no response from Bailing's space.

She did not suspect that Liang Ansheng had done something wrong. After all, Chu Qiuyu didn't necessarily know that she had space. In the sight of the two men, Chu Qiuxin didn't dare to take out the bracelet directly to see what was wrong, so she had to force it He smiled and said, "Father, Hong An, I'm very tired, let's find a place to live first."

Chu Dinghe is relatively old, and he has not eaten for a day and night, and only drank a few sips of water. He is very hungry now. In order to enter the city smoothly and not hand in more things, their salutes and food are all in Chu Qiu's heart. In the space, Wen Yan asked: "Xinxin, there is no one here now, don't be afraid of being seen, let's eat something first and then find a place to live."

Fu Hongan nodded, "Uncle is right, Xinxin, you will have strength when you are full, so let's take a rest here first."

Chu Qiuxin originally felt very uneasy because of the matter of the space, but now hearing these two men mention the matter of asking her to take things out of the space, she was even more annoyed and confused, and started to rage, "Eat, eat, eat!" , you will know how to eat in a day! Which of your meals was not provided by me on the way here? I am not in the mood to eat now! Hurry up and find a place to live!"

These days, Fu Hongan has gotten used to Chu Qiuxin's sarcastic remarks towards him and lost his temper inexplicably. He still thinks that she is his girlfriend. As a big man, he can't care too much about her, so he bears it.

But Chu Dinghe is different, he is the father who raised Chu Qiuxin from a young age, and he has always had the majesty of a father, so it is impossible for his daughter to treat him with such an attitude, and immediately his face became long. "How do you talk to your father? How do I usually teach you? It's true that the older you get, the smaller you become. Is it possible that we haven't worked hard to fight zombies or find food? What is food? You provide it What? Take a ten thousand step back, even if I have never looked for food, is your attitude towards your father and your boyfriend who will never leave you? You..."

Just as Chu Dinghe was about to teach him a few more words, Chu Qiuxin suddenly turned around and ran without warning, and ran out of the alley after a while.

"Xinxin! Uncle, I'll go after her." Fu Hongan chased after her.

Being reprimanded by Chu Dinghe, Chu Qiuxin was actually not angry. The reason why she ran away was actually to find a place to be alone and take a good look at what was wrong with the space. All her things were hidden in the space. Absolutely Can't lose it.

There was Fu Hongan chasing after her, and Chu Qiuxin ran faster and faster in a panic. She didn't know how long she ran to where she finally got rid of Fu Hongan. She stopped and found that she was in a messy alley. .

She was about to take out the bracelet to have a look, when she suddenly heard a wretched man's voice from behind, "Beauty, why did you come to this place alone? It's dangerous, do you want to come to my house?"

Chu Qiuxin turned her head abruptly, and saw a face that made her have nightmares. It turned out to be the man who looked at her strangely in the isolation area before, and it was him who almost raped her in the previous life. She panicked immediately, and hurriedly wanted to call Fu Hongan, but at this moment, she suddenly remembered that she had left Fu Hongan far away just now.

After abducting Yuan Hengyu and teaching the heroine a little lesson, Liang Ansheng successfully obtained 20% of the counterattack value, and now the counterattack value has reached 30%, and his purpose of coming to T City has also been fulfilled. They stayed for two days, and finally, under the reluctance of their uncle, the group left.

Yuan Hengyu was not very good at talking, and he would blush every time he saw Liang Ansheng, which especially made Chu Shen more vigilant towards him. However, Liang Ansheng insisted on taking a car with him, saying that he wanted to learn virus research from him. Recommended himself, but seeing that Liang Ansheng was so interested in Yuan Hengyu, he could only stare from the sidelines.

The distance from T City to Y City is about ten hours before the end of the world. After the end of the world, the traffic is blocked, and many cities have to be detoured. In addition, you have to get out of the car from time to time to clean up the zombies. Let alone the journey time. months to arrive,

Liang Ansheng is really interested in virus research, and he left Yuan Hengyu in the same car to consult him about his knowledge at a close distance. However, Yuan Hengyu is obviously a practical school, and he is really not good at theory, so it would take him a long time to talk. Without saying a word, she watched him blush after saying a few more words. Finally, a day later, Liang Ansheng agreed to Chu Jiu's proposal and asked Yuan Hengyu to swap with a bodyguard brother, and asked him to come and change cars with Chu Jiu.

This decision made Yuan Hengyu and Chu Shen heave a sigh of relief at the same time. Yuan Hengyu was not only nervous facing Liang Ansheng, but also trembling with fright in the same space with Chu Shen.

But the one who feels the most fortunate is Chu Jiu who is responsible for driving. His hands and feet were stiff throughout the whole driving today. He just felt that he was almost overwhelmed by the jealousy of his boss. He couldn't figure it out. His boss is so handsome, mature and stable. How could a man who was once a successful example of being popular with thousands of beautiful girls be jealous of a little boy who didn't even look like he had even grown his hair?But after looking at it, the little boy is also gentle and handsome, and he is quite suitable for the little girl. As an old cow eating tender grass, it is normal to have a sense of crisis.

Not knowing how his loyal subordinates are slandering him, Chu Shen dug out a laptop from the storage box of the car as he said, "Honey, I don't know how to give lectures, but there are some relevant research materials in it." , are the achievements of the T City Research Institute these days, you can take a look first."

Liang Ansheng has not dabbled in virus research, but he has studied biology. Although the research is not in-depth, he has the basics. At least he can understand most nouns and calculations. In addition, Chu Shen Explaining on the side, he can also understand these research reports of the T city research institute.

However, Liang Ansheng didn't expect himself to become a big fat man in one breath. He could understand a little bit, and learning always has a process. He can count on the anti-zombie virus serum to save the world in the future, even if he can't join the research team in the end. At least on a theoretical level, it must be clear how the experiment is progressing.

Time passed while Liang Ansheng was studying, and the journey was peaceful except for a few zombies.

That evening, the sunset in the western sky was very bright. Chu Jiu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at it, and suddenly turned around and said, "Boss, it might rain tonight. There is a village in front, why don't we go live first?" Leave for one night?"

Liang Ansheng was also looking at the sunset glow at the same time, this sunset glow looked very strange, the orange was a little bit purple, and the big balls looked like purple cotton, but it didn't look beautiful, but it made people feel horrified at first glance , according to the plot, there will be a heavy rain after this sunset, after which the zombies will undergo their first evolution, and the plants and animals will also mutate on a large scale.

At this time, the end of the world can be regarded as really entering the topic.

There were already no living people in the village ahead, and most of the zombies were old people and children, as well as some cats and dogs. Chu Jiu was in charge of the investigation, and several bodyguards quickly cleaned up the zombies in the village. Before coming down, they chose a three-story building with a yard to live in.

Not long after the few people entered, the rain outside began to pour down.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, the door outside the yard was knocked suddenly.

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